Monday, September 30, 2019
Impact of divorce and remarriage on intergenerational relationships Essay
Any stressful event always constitutes negative effect on an individual that experienced crisis like divorce; the experience was traumatic especially with children. Memories of a painful divorce can offer ambivalence in the child which rankles into emotional problems in adulthood. â€Å"Children of divorced parents often feel cheated of the happy intact homes in which they imagine how other children with intact parents grow up. †And this kind of feelings can be prolonged. Divorce is much more complex than it appears on the surface, ending a marriage relationship does not end in four corners of the court room. It is a series of events and negative behavior on the part of their children and also on the couples. The emotional stress that takes a period of time heal, the affection of love was alter with anger, frustration, hurt resentment and hatred. Divorced parents and children suffer from their own and others, perception that their family assemblage is deviant and inferior. Divorce and remarriage reshapes relations in the child’s immediate family. But the data from different studies revealed that marital disruption restructures the boundaries of the extended family as well. Divorce, particularly when it attenuates the link between the outside parent and child, reduces the child’s access to one line of the family. Or from the perspective of grandparents, it can weaken intergenerational bonds between the families of the non-custodial parent of the child. This finding must be qualified in certain respects. In a substantial minority of cases, the grandparents continue to see the child on a fairly regular basis. If the non-custodial parent maintains regular contact with the child, then the link to the grandparents is often preserved. Even when contact slackens between the outside parents and child, the grandparents typically continue to see the child if they live close by and maintain reasonably amicable relations with the custodial parents are committed to preserving these intergenerational ties; some even continue to see the child if they live close be and maintain reasonably amicable relations with the custodial parent. Most custodial parents are committed to preserving these intergenerational ties; some even continue to regard their former in-laws as their relatives because they are the child’s kin. Despite these commitments, relation between the non-custodial grandparents and their grandchildren are rarely as active as they might have been had the divorce not occurred. Their children who personally witness all this stressful events will definitely developed problem even how supple they may be. Usually the end result of these experiences has resulted to another social problem such as juvenile delinquencies, in the research most this young offenders is product of broken family. For they have experience fears of betrayal, abandonment, loss and rejection. They also developed less capability to developed and maintain supportive relationship since they have fear of experiencing divorce in their future families. So what can we do if this matter is inevitable, if your kids are old enough to understand your situation talk to them and explain everything, resolve divorce-related anxiety and confusion. Let them express their feeling on this matters, always be there for them. Let them know they are loved and they will never be neglected even their parents are now separated. Though divorce and re-marriage are socially acceptable and commonplace in American society, but remarriage is an incomplete institution. The rights and obligations of parents and stepchildren in reconstituted families are open to negotiation and interpretation. The same holds for relationships between step-grandparents and their step-children. There are no social norms of inheritance for step-grandchildren or for grandchildren who have been estranged through divorce and custody battles. Many say the older Americans must now confront stepgrandparenting issues without clear cut norms or role-models. The result is that their estate planning is often tentative and confused not a situation which lends itself to easy communication with heirs of beneficiaries. During the separation and divorce process and continuing for at least a year after divorce, single mothers are often preoccupied with their own depression, anger or emotional needs and are unable to respond sensitively to their children. We hypothesize that such dysfunctions in maternal adjustment result in a lowered tolerance of the child’s behavior, which directly impacts maternal perceptions are a product of both the child’s behavior and the parent’s tolerance level. It appears plausible that depression influences individual differences between parents in their tolerance for a range of child behaviors. Clinical symptoms that covary with depression, such as distractibility and insomnia, may increase the probability that single mother will selectively attend to relatively low frequency inappropriate behavior, creating impressions of the children’s adjustment that are not warranted by objective counts of behavior. Alternately, parental depression and distress may increase attention to relatively high frequency non-complaint behaviors that were not interpreted as bothersome prior to the onset of personal distress. On a behavior level, changes in perceptions may result in the disproportionate use of ineffective child-management strategies and authoritarian control at a time when parents seek to limit interactions with their children. By contrast, divorce frequently intensifies the child’s bonds with the custodial parent’s family. Often, the parent turns to relatives for help at the time of divorce. Divorce is a smidgen of an emotional roller coater ride, it consist of variation of mixed emotions. One minute you are relieved that your traumatic quarrel has finally ended and the next minute you’re feeling panic-stricken about how you are going to survive financially. Yes as mention above it is something negative for it has a great impact to both parents and their children. The above mentioned effects is their children ways of fighting against the sadness of the loss, against the anxiety of helplessness, as warding off threatening aspects of the self and as defiance against the abandonment. Divorce is also a change in the development of a family. In reality there are relationships that suffer in domestic violence, for in most of these cases, the children would almost certainly have greatly affected so if they file for divorce their children will also have benefited from the parents staying together,†These are the cases for which it makes sense to talk about negative consequences of divorce. For persons whose parents had high conflict marriages, it makes sense to talk about negative consequences of failed parental marriages, but the divorces themselves may typically lessen those consequences. This type is called good divorce, the agreeable divorce that avoids pitfalls such as involving children in parental disagreement. It has been reflected to avoid or significantly lessen the unhelpful consequences on children, supporting the notion that divorce itself is less imperative than the way parents handle it. Though, this is not relatively proper in terms of the effects on children for it still have impact on their personalities, it is a better option than continuously suffer on this kind of situation. Managing a relationship is one of the hardest tasks we encounter in our lives; each person has its own characteristics, identity and views in life. Combining two unique personalities sometimes may result to clash; especially when the issues involve touches one’s values or principles. So when people involve feels abuse or being hurt the argument is whether you should incline to divorce or stick to the values on keeping one family and resolving its differences. Accepting one’s view or personality is the key sign on how you should think and behave, in the process of psychotherapy being you need to take every thing slowly. For many people who ask for opinion in such matter doesn’t want to take what is most suitable for the situation they only want to hear what they prefer to hear. Or sometimes they already knew what to do but they just want permission for them to pursue their plans. Maturity is one of the bases of a successful marriage, as an adult you should know better what will benefit y our family, why continue acts that you know bothers your partner, both of you must have communication for you to settle issues that matters in your relationship. With that conversation, you should be able to explain why you have been doing such act, you should be able to scrutinize the root of this behavior, both of you must recognize if such act can be change for the better or just accept it as it was for you both think that it has no solution. If in case that you agree that it has to be eliminated, partners must support each other in taking this task. While if there are no choice would you go for changing of one’ partner to the interest of your spouse no matter what is your decision it really depends on you since you are the only one involve her. I believe no trouble in this world that can’t be resolved in a diplomatic communication. The impact of divorce varies across the dimensions of the relationship and generally differs for sons and daughters. However parents own earlier lack of custody for their now adult children matters importantly: Compared to parents with continuous childhood custody, non-custodial parents report less closeness to their adult children. This finding suggests that a pathway should be added to the model, a direct connection between parental divorce and subsequent intergenerational ties. The norms governing remarried parents and what they owe to children from their previous marriages are even more ambiguous. The most revealing data on how little reciprocity there is between remarried parents and their children from prior marriages. The attitudes of divorced parents and those of step grandparents are ambivalent at best. This is why divorce and remarriage may well be creating vast numbers of heirs and spares. When in comes to changing one’s self, I personally think that there is nothing wrong with it as long it wont hurt your partner, if this is for the betterment of your partner then why not. It doest mean that when you do the same interest of your partner you will follow him on what he’s been doing for example in the case of this study when the wife complain of his husband attitude on reading while having dinner and the adviser told her to do the same. This is possible but such act needs proper places like I have said communicate then tell your husband to act adequately so that you two won’t have any trouble. The focal relationship is between offspring divorce and subsequent intergenerational family ties. From this perspective, having been a non-custodial parent during the childhood of one’s now adult children occupies the role of antecedent variable. Parental divorce to adult children’s divorce, they do not explicitly report effects of parental divorce on intergenerational family ties, the probable presence of this connection is revealed by bringing together results from these two studies. Divorce affects contact with parents among daughters but not among sons. Specifically, divorced daughter with custody of children visit and talk to parents on the telephone more often than married daughter; remarried daughters talk to parents on the telephone slightly less often than married daughters. Divorce and remarriage are weakening the intergenerational cement in many families, but other social and demographic changes have the opposite effect as they strengthen intergenerational linkages and make families more cohesive. Perhaps the single most important change is the increased life expectancy of the U. S. population. The impact has been especially pronounced in middle-income and upper-income families, the very families which were most likely to be evasive about inheritance. There will be more communication about inheritance in such families because the graying of America has produced new reciprocities and obligations between aging parents and their adult children. Marriage, divorce and remarriage are part of reorganization process that entails a series of major changes in the family. The cleavages created in the nuclear family during this dynamic period have ramifications that affect the kinship system and ultimately the status of the older generation. It is also likely that divorced individual receive fewer supports from family and friends than do the widowed. Intergenerational patterns are disturbed, they are likely than married their counterpart to be available to their children and grandchildren, some of whom are also likely to be divorced. It is not possible to quantify the impact of such intergenerational effects on the prospects for divorce rates. The dissolution of marriage is unlikely to be the realization of some lifetime plan, but rather a consequence of disappointed expectations. The high rates of dissolution in the first few years of marriage support this view. In a relationship one’s sovereignty in the family is respected by both partners, it was never like before that man is the only have the autonomy, yes we do have changes now but still some values are still intact and must be observed. But also we must be aware that these changes are one of the reasons why we have numerous divorces in the country, if only the people will accept and understand each other these things won’t happen. Sometimes also we can find oneself by other person, we discover some of our capabilities in dealing with other person. There is a cliche in a relationship that one person is complete when they find they partner in life, so it only means that in some ways husband and wives are connected with each other. But it is different when the marriage is arrange and if things wont go well, couple in this situation often resolve to divorce, so to prevent this from happening even if the marriage is fix, the couple must be given an due time to know each other better and let them fall in love the natural way, with this solution factors such adultery, abuse and other marital problem can be prevented. Another factor, which is idyllic to our culture, is mutuality. We don’t accept notion that compromise to the abuse of women, equality is vital so that selfish partners can be eradicate. Though some wives are defenseless and they require rescue from other person this is under special case that another issue will tackle, but it will surely end up forcing self-assertion to filing a divorce. However even we acknowledge the disgust in divorce, in reality we have a thousand of cases allover the nation, and because of this it represent our values with regards with our modern marriages. Thorough studies of one self-entrusting our principles with all the ambiguity and we are able to put up with the system. Being in love or have been or might think you will be in time is what matters most for love is continuous passion and understanding, sweeping off your feet. Value the investment of emotion, the time you spent together and those creative efforts you both have put into your relationship. Intimacy must always be intact along with your values that would help in developing your relationship for the better and controlling all the problems that you may encounter. Remember that God bonds your relationship so you must value it. Reference: Mclanahan, S. Bumpass, L. (1988). Intergenerational Consequences of Family Disruption.. The American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 94, No. 1 pp. 130-152 Amato, P. R. (1996). Explaining the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce. Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 58, No. 3. pp. 628-640 Furstenberg, F. F. Jr. , Hoffman, S. D. and Shrestha, L. (1995). Demography, Vol. 32 No. 3. Family and Household Demography. pp. 319-333 Booth, A. Brinkerhoff, D. B. and White, L. K. (1984). The Impact of Parental Divorce of Courtship. Journal of Marriage and the Family. Vol. , 46 No. 1 pp. 85-94 Lamanna, M. A. and Reidmann, A. (2005). Marriages & Families: Making Choices in a Diverse Society. Belmont, CA. Thomson Wadsworth. p. 510 Adams, B. N. and Trost, J. (2005). Handbook of World Families. Sage Publications inc. p. 190 Segrin, C. and Flora, J. (2005). Family Communication. New York, NY. Routledge. p. 181.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Final Examination Essay
1. The essential steps in performing a systems study are (in order of occurrence): a) Analysis, design, implementation and initial operation, follow‑up b) Design, planning, follow‑up, analysis, and implementation c) Planning, system specification, analysis, production, implementation d) Planning, analysis, design, implementation, and follow‑up 2. Which of the following is intended to solve the problem that financial data used in one application is not easily transferable to other applications? a) XMP b)ERP c) XBRL d) XMLP 3.Information systems auditors are: a) Auditors who are concerned with analyzing risks associated with computerized information systems b) Individuals who often work closely with financial auditors c) Auditors who have a lot of technical expertise related to information technology d) all of the above 4. Which of the following is not an ability of client/server computing? a) Alter data stored elsewhere on the network b) Process a transaction that may affect data stored on both client and server computers c) Query or manipulate the warehoused data on the server d) Increased networking capabilities between different file formats on multiple systems 5. Software that enables businesses and government agencies to transmit and manipulate financial data on an organization-wide basis best describes: a. Communication software b. CAD software c. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software d. Programming software 6. All of the following are programming languages except: a. Java b. HTML c. C++ d. COBOL e. ERP 7. Data flow diagrams: a)Accomplish the same purpose as system flowcharts b)Are different from system flowcharts since they focus on a logical view of the information system c)Are useless for planning a new system d)Are never used in analyzing an existing system 8. All of the following are controls for end-user computing except: a) Formally evaluate large projects b) Formalize documentation standards c) Limit the number of employees authorized to create end-user applications d) all of the above are important controls 9. The textbook identified seven reasons why documentation of an AIS is important. For which of the following reasons would the user guides, procedure manuals and operating instructions be most important? a) Depicting how the system works b) Training users c) Designing new systems d) Standardizing communications with others 10. Business organizations are recognizing the value of sales data and are purchasing software solutions to gather, maintain, and use these data to provide better service and promote customer loyalty. These software solutions are called: a) Customer relations data solutions b) Customer relationship management solutions c) Sales data management solutions d) none of the above 11. Which of the following statements best describes business process outsourcing? a) A company focuses on its core business processes and contracts with another firm to do the other processes b) Companies frequently outsource core business processes c) Due to networked enterprises and advanced technology, more employees may work from their homes or alternate locations d) Initially, companies engaged in business process outsourcing to offer employees more opportunities to travel and more career choices for advancement 12. Networked enterprises and globalization have enabled a new business model called â€Å"business-without-boundaries.†Which of the following statements describes this business model? a) Companies no longer have all of their employees in one location b) It is called offshoring and companies contract with firms in other countries to do such business processes as human resources, payroll, and accounting c) Companies are under a great deal of scrutiny to manage costs and generate revenue so they contract with foreign firms to do various business processes at a lower cost to the company d) all of the above statements describe this model 13. Which of the following is not a concern of the financing process? a) Effective cash management b) Optimizing an organization’s cost of capital c) Minimizing an organization’s borrowings d) Projecting cash flows 14. Business process reengineering efforts sometimes fail because: a. Management gets too involved in the process e) Management is too optimistic regarding its expectations from its implementation b. Management support can never overcome employee resistance c. Employees will never accept change 15. Which of the following technologies are now used in conjunction with automated production process systems to increase efficiencies? a) Radio frequency technology b)Bar code scanners c) RF IDs and advanced electronic tags d)all of the above e)none of the above 16. According to the chapter, which of these statements is most accurate? a)Most computer abuse is performed as retaliation against employers b) Very little computer crime is committed for personal gain c) Some computer abuse is performed simply to meet a challenge d) We catch most computer abusers with good accounting controls 17.Which of the following is probably the primary reason accountants should be concerned about computer crime and abuse? a)They might lose their job if they don’t detect computer crime or abuse in their organization b)They might lose their professional credibility and license if computer crime or abuse continues for a long time in their organization and they do not detect it c)They are responsible for designing, implementing, and monitoring the control procedures for AISs d)none of the above 18.One of the major crimes identified by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 is intent to illegally obtain information or tangible property through the use of computers. Which of the following methods might accomplish this type of crime if the perpetrator can change data before, during, or after they are entered into a computer system? a)Salami technique b)Data diddling c)Shoulder surfing d)Trojan horse program 19.Regarding a company’s audit trail, which of the following statements is true? a) Because of the complexities involved in establishing an audit trail, a good audit trail normally makes it more difficult for an individual to follow the flow of a company’s business transactions through the company’s information system b) In actuality, the audit trail established within a company’s information system is an unimportant element of the company’s internal control system When a company’s audit trail becomes more difficult to follow, this causes an increase in the risk of errors or irregularities taking place in the processing of accounting transactions and not being detected c) A company’s policies and procedures manual should not be part of its audit trail since confidential information is included within this manual 20.Which of the following statements is true regarding timely performance reports? a. In many companies, these reports are the major means of providing information to management concerning the actual operations of the companies’ internal control systems b. These reports should only include monetary data c. Since these reports fail to provide feedback to management on the operations of previously implemented internal control procedures, other techniques are needed to provide this feedback to managers d. The complexity that a computer introduces into a company’s information system will typically prevent the preparation of timely performance reports for the company’s management 21. _________________ describes the policies, plans, and procedures implemented by a firm to protect its assets. a) Internal control b) SAS No. 94 c) SOX, Section 404 d) Enterprise risk management 22. General controls within IT environments that affect personnel include: a) Use of computer accounts b) Separation of duties c) Informal knowledge of employees d) all of the above affect personnel 23. Which of the following best describes a fundamental control weakness often associated with automated data processing systems? a. Automated data processing equipment is more subject to systems error than manual processing is subject to human error b. Automated data processing equipment processes and records similar transactions in a similar manner c. Automated data processing procedures for detection of invalid and unusual transactions are less effective than manual control procedures d. Functions that would normally be separated in a manual system are combined in an automated data processing system 24. The textbook identifies a number of issues that should be considered when developing a security policy. One of the issues is â€Å"identify threats†. Which of the following is not an example of this issue? a) What assets need to be protected b) What are the sources of potential security problems c) External threats are viruses, worms, retaliations from former employees d) Internal threats are misuse of assets by employees and embezzlement 25 Which of these is not a phase in the life cycle of an information system? a) Planning b) Analysis c) Control d) Implementation 26. A poorly-planned information system can result in: a)Employee resistance and even sabotage b)Inflexible systems that are hard to maintain or modify c)Systems that solve the wrong problems d)all of these 27.Which of the following is not a general objective in the design of an information system? a)A system should provide information which is timely and relevant for decision making by management and operating personnel b)The output of a system should be highly accurate c)A system should have sufficient capacity to accommodate levels of normal activity; any additional capacity proves too costly in the long run d)A system should be as simple as permitted so that its structure and operation can be easily understood and its procedures easily accomplished e)A system should be flexible to accommodate changes of a reasonable magnitude when required 28. A computerized AIS is harder to audit than a manual system for all of the following reasons except: a) The file information is not human readable b) The volume of transaction records and master file records is usually much larger in computerized systems than in manual systems c) An audit trail does not exist in a computerized AIS d) Computerized systems often use remote real-time data processing, thus complicating the tracing of transaction records to their sources 29. Which of the following is not one of the groups of SOX compliance requirements? a) requirements to use an IT auditor to evaluate controls b) regulations governing executive reporting and conduct c) rules about financial statement reporting d) audit committee/corporate governance requirements 30. Three common techniques auditors use to test computer programs are: a) Test data, integrated test facilities, and parallel simulation b) Test data, edit checks, and integrated test facilities c) Test data, program change control, and parallel simulation d) Program change control, edit checks, and parallel simulation 31. The term data encryption refers to: a) Storing data in safe places called â€Å"crypts†b) Transforming data into secret codes c) Scrambling data in random ways that cannot be unscrambled d) none of these 32. The term key in the context of data encryption refers to: e) A physical key similar to a house key f) A logical key similar to the primary key of a data file g) A mathematical function used for encryption purposes e) A computer function key that can be found on keyboards 33. All of the following are benefits of XBRL except: a) Companies can file financial information in one format, avoiding the errors that may come from reentering data multiple times b) The SEC accepts XBRL-format for electronic filing of financial statement reports c) XBRL permits the automatic and reliable exchange of financial information across all software formats and technologies, including the Internet f) all of the above are benefits of XBRL d) none of the above are benefits of XBRL 34.All of these are reasons why databases are important to AISs except: a) AIS databases store valuable information b) Many AISs are large and therefore potentially unwieldy c) The databases of some organizations are very complex d) The hard disk space used to store AIS databases is comparatively expensive g) all of these are reasons why databases are important to AISs 35.A major advantage of relational databases is: a)All records are stored together b)No pointers are used c)An expandable index is used d)It closely resembles a flat file 36. In recent years many businesses have formed a common information source within their business organization called a database. One of the advantages of building databases is the simultaneous updating of files with common data elements. Another major advantage of the database concept is that: a) Database systems can be used in microcomputers as well as on large computers b) Database systems are simple to install and maintain c) Database systems are generally less expensive than separate file maintenance systems d) Less duplication of data occurs with a database system e) Fewer skilled people are required to run a database system than any other system 1. The process of data normalization refers to: )a Eliminating data errors and other problems from â€Å"normal data†b)Scaling data to values between zero and one c)Storing data in normal storage media such as hard disks d)none of these 38. Database management systems are important to accountants because: a) They automate file storage tasks and enable managers to generate worthwhile financial reports b They eliminate data redundancy )b) They are unique data structures which accountants have never used before )c) They are easy to develop and therefore save money )d) They are energy efficient 39. Which of these is true about finding data in multimedia databases? a) It is not possible to search them because graphics have no text keys for searching b) It is not possible to search them because audio objects have no text keys for searching )c It is possible to search for items in them because such characteristics as â€Å"speaker†or â€Å"subject†can be used as search parameters
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Elements That Influence State Government Essay
The special interest group we are going to look at is the Sierra Club. The sierra club is a body of volunteers that come together to fight for the environment. This interest group has offices in every state in the union. As we look at the Sierra Club in whole we will describe what this organization stands for and try to define its relationship two each of the political parties and lastly we will look at how the interest groups influences state government. According to Carl Pope, â€Å"We stand for the principle that ordinary people don’t believe that they’re here to use up the earth and have the bank account exhausted when they die; that most people really see the planet as an ongoing enterprise. They’re inspired by nature. They want to leave it behind and they feel responsible for it Pope (2008), (para. 1)†. That being said the sierra club is an organization with of over 750,000 members with a common goal in mind (Pope, 2008). That goal is to protect the earth we live on. What is unique about the sierra club is depending on what state you’re in, the sierra club will come at you in very different ways depending on the cause at hand. This means if you live in California, the sierra club will fight to protect water rights and conservation as well as air pollution. If one lives in Kentucky then the sierra club will fight you on coal while promoting wind industry. The unique thing the sierra club has going for it is that it has many different platform to speak from while fighting for a common goal. One of the ways the sierra club has found to gain support on different issues is to a line its self with different political party to gain the support and win favor with state voters. What this means is that the sierra club leverages power of their net work of volunteers and members in every state for the chance to help elect candidates that are environmentally friendly and in line with the thoughts and values that the sierra club represents. Another way the sierra club has grown in power is that they have endorsed like minded candidates from state, local, and municipal arenas. One of the ways that make the sierra club so effective in endorsing a candidate is the multi step process; each candidate receives before the sierra club will publicly support said candidate. The sierra club generally a lines its self with the Democratic Party because Democratic are more liberal than Republicans. For this reason this organization will give democrat contributions to help a candidate become elected to office. According the sierra club leadership the more like minded officials we have in office the more changes can be to the ongoing fight to help preserve the environment. The sierra club supports Kentucky Representative John Yarmuth Democrat (â€Å"Sierra Club Endorses John Yarmuth†, 2012). One of the reason the sierra club support Representative Yarmuth is because of his views on the environment, energy as well as the Kentucky Clean Water Protection Act. The Republican Party has not so lucky when it come to getting support from the sierra club. According to the Perspective a news letter, in this news letter the sierra club comments on how they do not believe the republicans care about the environment due to their stand on climate change. The perspective go’s o to tell about how thinks there is not enough scientific fact to support the accusation, it is for these types of reason that the sierra club has failed to support Republican candidates material (â€Å"The Republicans, The Sierra Club and the Environment†, 2012). Since the sierra club is disenchanted with the Republican Party they see very little money or contributions of any kind from this organization. So how does a special interest group influence state government? Interest groups are the ones that fund a lot of the politicians’ campaigns, so it’s usually an exchange of some kind of service. The interest groups push for certain legislation to go through the House of Representative, and then the Representative relies on their support in their next election. Organizations like the sierra club can influence government by getting candidates elected that have similar goals. Contributions of money on different issues help with advertizing to help sway voters or to inundate the public with information either for or against a cretin issue. Special interest groups like The Sierra Club has become very crafty in the different way they have found to influence government. Most people do not understand that interest groups don’t just lobby for legislation and wine and dine politicians. They actually write legislation, to give to politicians to sponsor. For example, the legislation popularly known as No Child Left Behind was actually commissioned by and basically written by an interest group called the Business Round Table. Another angle to look at is that interest groups often employ lobbyists who already have working relationships with the members of the House, and so these groups tend to have more influence over the way the legislation is worded. This way the lobbyist can protect and benefit the company or industry they are lobbying for. References Pope, C. (2008). Big Think. Retrieved from Sierra Club Endorses John Yarmuth. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.kentucky.sierraclub/newsroom The Republicans, the sierra club and the environment. (2012). Retrieved from
Friday, September 27, 2019
From a decision making point of view, why are some costs relevant and Essay
From a decision making point of view, why are some costs relevant and others irrelevant Give a detailed example of each - Essay Example Overlooking the irrelevant data in the assessment process moreover would greatly benefit the company in saving time and effort (Averkamp 2012, p.1). For relevant costs, a company could for example be deciding whether to remove a product line or not. This product line could be accounting for about 4% of this firm’s activities. If the company eliminates this product line, the corporation officers will continuously receive similar salaries as before such that the expenses for the central office will not change. Product line managers plus others staffs working directly with this product line however will receive a termination thus eliminating their salaries. According to Averkamp (2012, p.1), such eliminated salaries for individuals who worked directly with the direct line will be relevant in the decision-making process. If the salaries were $700000 when the product line was operational and $0 in its absence, the $700000 savings is therefore relevant (i.e. relevant cost). Considering this same product line scenario, salaries linked to the officers are not relevant for decision-making. This means that whether the salaries amounts to $500,000 or $5, 000,000, they will remain irrelevant. The salaries will be similar in the presence or absence of the product line. Averkamp (2012, p.1) noted that a decision-maker will need not know the expenses of the central office because they will be constant in the presence or absence of the product line. Previous year’s expenses will similarly remain
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Particle Physics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words
Particle Physics - Essay Example Search for a complete or full particle physics model is still on and experts are exploring the options of either producing a completely new innovative theory or model or constructing an efficient model merging the relative gravity and the Standard Models. This search saw the emergence of a variety of new-age models beyond the Standard Model. However, merging these theories is not so simple as it sounds and there are some difficulties that need to be tackled (Green et. al., 1987). These models are build upon different basic assumptions and concepts and this is why one finds it difficult to merge such models. QFT depends on particle fields embedded in the flat space-time of special relativity whereas, General Relativity accounts gravity as a curvature within space-time that changes as mass moves (Zee A., 2003). The simple option of merging these two theories considering gravity as another particle field seems to end up creating the so-called renormalization problem. As per the traditional understanding, gravity particles would attract each other and add up all the interactions resulting in many infinite values which cannot be easily cancelled out by methematical interventions (Linde, 1990), thereby ruling out the possibility of getting any sensible or finite results or values. This outcome is in contrast with quantum electrodynamics where, the addition of the interactions results in comparatively lesser infinite values which can be removed or cancelled out via renormalization (Banks, 1985). The long-range forces like the electromagnetic and gravity forces are believed to be meditated by massless particles with spin j 1 and as such, proper description of such massless particles in quantum field theory (QFT) is very important (Aitchison & Hey, 1989). This directionally brings in the fascinating approach of emergent gravity indicating that gravity may not be a component of fundamental physics. However, this concept of emergent gravity theory has been branded to be a misguided one by Steven Weinberg and Edward Witten (See, Jackson & Okun, 2001). Gravity was speculated to be an emergent phenemonon during the 1980s and supporting this, many theories like the 'Preon theories', Technicolor theories', etc. went on to regard that gluons might be composite. Noticing this, Weinberg & Witten came out with a 'no-go theorem' called the 'Weinberg-Witten Theorem' that excludes the hypothetical composite and emergent theories (Wienberg & Witten, HUTP-80). This theorem indicates that an i nteracting graviton cannot emerge from an ordinary Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in the same space-time. The Weinberg-Witten theorem forbids the existence of any massless particles with helicity j>1 in any theory with a Lorentz covariant energy-momentum tensor and also restricts charged massless particles of helicity>1/2 in any theory with a Lorentz covariant conserved current. This basically prohibits the existence of both graviton and the gluon but this can be avoided due to gauge symmetries. Taking on from here, this paper proceeds to decode and
First Step in Creating an Ad Campaign-Exploring Target Audience Assignment
First Step in Creating an Ad Campaign-Exploring Target Audience - Assignment Example Taking into account that they represent about 33 million people, then roughly 7.59 million teens live in the Midwest. Supposing that the teen population matches the overall demographics for gender, then 3.8 million are male. The data covered 13-19, so accounting for five parts of seven, then 2,71 million are within our target audience. The average spending power of this group is $40 per week from all sources, including jobs, equaling an annual market of 2080 per capita, for a grand total of about 4 billion dollars annually, when adjusted for low income groups in the demographic profile. They also influence about 19% of all household spending in addition to their personal buying power. Convergence is the trend. Most teens now own a cellular phone, a music player and a personal computer. The trend is moving toward smartphones which enable all of these functions or a smart phone and a tablet, such as the Ipad. However, the girls are way ahead of the boy in this age group with only 23% of the boys owning smartphones. All of the group is connected in one way or another, and they share information. Most boys (and girls) belong to at least one social networking site and one online gaming site that includes forum functions. TitleSmartphone Ownership by Teens and By Sex | Text Message Blog Volume2011Issue10/7/2011Edition TypeWeb PageRetrieved Date10/7/2011Source
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
HST 321-Modern History of China(Final Examination Take-Home Component) Essay
HST 321-Modern History of China(Final Examination Take-Home Component) - Essay Example This difference of ideologies between the reds and the experts, affected every aspect of Chinese life and more specifically it was key in the revolutions that were witnessed in the history of china. The ideologies were also seen to be affecting the literature in China. In fact, from the year 1949 when the when the communist leadership led by the Chinese Communist Party, there was a change in the education system so that it included the changing the curriculum of literature from the liberal literature to the study of systematic Chinese literature. This of course affected the literature and arts that are produced by the people who studied the two different curricula. The aim of the CCP was to make sure that the education system resembled that of the Soviet Union since both were communist states. Apart from changing the curriculum for those that were studying the government under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party also tried to control the literature produced by the established writers and actors. Literature or arts that did not seem to be revolutionary or that went against the communist ideologies which were actually redness in this case was unaccepted and could not be published. Writers and artists were urged to take a stand and pick a political standpoint in their literature, literature that seemed to be lukewarm were seen by the government as empty and could not pass the required message to the readers and was therefore not published. The only form of literature that could be published are those that praised the communist ideologies or those that called the readers to act against anti- socialistic ideas. The government was doing all this in order to try and maintain the people’s minds on the communistic ideas. The communist government did not want the scientist or other scholars who included the artist who were open minded about both the socialism and communism to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
National Healthcare Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
National Healthcare Insurance - Essay Example John Stuart Mill conception of liberty correlates liberty of discussion and thought, individuality as an element of well-being, and limits to societal authority over individuals. Mill develops harm theory by establishing a principle, which isolates an area within which individuals are free from interference in developing their individuality through experiments and free choices in their livelihoods. Mill emphasis the point that individual liberty is by right absolute with concern on matters regarded as harmless to other people and that individual enjoys absolute liberty of choice among purely self-regarding acts. Mill’s concept of liberty revolves around the idea that liberty is essential in ensuring subsequent progress of the society and the individual, especially in the case where the society is more important than the state. This scenario is only possible in circumstances where the rulers only represent the interests of the ruled, or a perfect representative democracy withou t any opposition between the ruler and the ruled (McKenna and Feingold 61). In such a surrounding, the liberty of an individual is attainable, but not guaranteed. Mill’s concept of liberty digs into moral theories, highlighting the happiness of the individual as the only important thing. Such happiness is only achievable in a civilized society where people freely engage in their own interests, with their skills and capabilities developed through a good education system. In this regard therefore, Mill advocates for the fundamental importance of individuality and personal development, both for the development of the society and the individual for progress in the future. Michael Walzer’s theory of distributive justice presents a pluralistic and particularistic approach to equality. He argues that the principles of a society should follow the historical and cultural setting of that society, that is, universal principles of justice does not exist, that distribution of diffe rent social goods should follow different principles, and that these different principles display different meanings of social goods that are products of cultural and historical particularistic approach. Walzer further argues that each social good constitutes its own distributive sphere, with every sphere being autonomous. This is to say that social goods from one sphere should not intrude another sphere. Walzer’s major concern on progression to complex equality emphasizes on dominance in a particular sphere of justice and not (principally) on the basis of the monopoly in that given sphere. Walzer’s arrangement of human affairs in establishing equality imposes the condition that the distribution of a social good in one sphere must not lead to conversion of that particular social good into another sphere. An example is the possession of power in the political sphere, which for the purpose of equality, should not enable the politician to convert the power to wealth, whic h is in a different sphere. As long as the conversion is impossible, equality is achievable despite the distribution of a social good in any one sphere (McKenna and Feingold 132). Walzer views the human society as a distributive community where the multiplicity of goods meets the multiplicity of distributive processes and procedures. Therefore, to create a just distributive procedure or principle requires complex equality rather than simple equality. This forms what he calls a complex egalitarian society. The reduction of dominance has preference over the breakdown of monopoly in his concept. His critique on
Monday, September 23, 2019
DEP Discussion 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DEP Discussion 1 - Assignment Example They were the ones who helped me in learning about sexual matters and my attraction towards the opposite gender and why these feelings were taking place. At this point in life I started idealizing and listening to rock music and from that time onwards I developed a taste for rock music and to date rock music has not only become the main music choice, it has even defined the way I dress and act. My interest in rock music even defined my personality which is quite aggressive in nature. Another part of development in this age was my relationship with my parents. At this age I used to believe that my parents are quite old fashioned and things are not as they perceive and due to this we used to have a conflict. My parents did not reject me and rather accepted my state of mind and confusion that I was facing and they helped me through that time period and became my close friends instead of being authoritarian. The major difference between development in young adulthood and adolescent is th at during adolescent individuals are more focused on their physical development, but during young adulthood individuals start being concerned about their future career and what kind of a future they want to experience. Furthermore, during young adulthood social bonds become stronger and those individuals who become friends during this age lasts for a longer period of time and may even last throughout the life of an
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Communication Methods Essay Example for Free
Communication Methods Essay Drugs are constantly under scrutiny from various organizations. The removal of medication is costly in product and reputation. However, it is important that withdrawal of a drug, which may affect the safety of patient’s withdrawal from the market, is imperative. Usually this prompts unexpected adverse effects that were not detected during clinical trials and apparent from surveillance of the data from the patient community. The scenario outlined involves the removal of medication from the shelves of hospitals, drugstores, and individuals home. It is imperative that communication reaches the masses in a concise and timely manner. The different types of communication are verbal, non-verbal, written and visual. Verbal communication simply involves face-to-face communication with another or group of people or communication over the telephone. For verbal communication, success requires the sender and receiver obtain what is required to make communication effective. When communicating verbally tone, dialect, and language are important factors (Cheesboro, O’Connor, Rios, 2010). Non-Verbal communication involves communicating without words. Non-Verbal communication ultimately ties in with verbal communication, without even speaking your body language, eye contact, posture, and facial expressions are all communicating. Cultures also exist with non-verbal communication. Cultural difference exist in the way people greet each other, what gestures mean, how far or how close to stand when interacting with someone and so forth (Cheesboro, O’Connor, Rios 2010). Written communication involves writing letters and emails. Written communication skills are just as important as verbal communication skills. Last, there is visual communication and the portrayal is through some form of visual aid such as; signs, drawings, power points, graphs and many others. When using visual communication verbal and written communication may be involved (Chessbor, O’Connor, Rios, 2010). Communication has advantages and disadvantages and traditional communication is still the number one form of communication to use if clarity is a primary factor. Traditional communication usually includes face to face or over the phone. When communicating face to face you always receives the opportunity to interact in a back and forth discussion. The use of non -verbal’s, facials and gestures maybe an advantage to some and a disadvantage to others. Disadvantages of traditional communication can be that conflict can be more intense and difficult to diffuse. Electronic communication is more prevalent but it still has its pros and cons. Many companies depend on electronic communication because information delivery occurs within different locations. There are also people that travel on their job and have no choice but to communicate through electronics. Not only is electronic communication fast and convenient it is the source of communication which allows for the responses and flexibility in replying. Despite the many advantages of electronic technology in the workplace, there are potential disadvantages including, the possibility of decreases patient safety, and breach of confidentiality (Broussard 2013). Many caregivers or physicians have mobile devices usually supplied by their organization. The concern with phones at one’s use at all time is the employee focus on sending a text or responding to an email versus delivery the appropriate care to the patient. Confidentiality concerns can come about form a simple phone conversation where names may not be spoken, but enough patient history and information is more than enough details. There is also the use of language. Being precise and complete is necessary when sending any form of electronic message (Cheesboro, O’Connor, Rios, 2010). Remembering basic grammar and formatting can go completely wrong. A professional email can become very unprofessional fast especially if the sender fails to review it prior to pressing send. With this concern comes the major issue of decrease in patient safety, possible violation of the HIPPA, patient safety, and breach of confidentiality.. Social media plays a major part in daily life for most people. Many advantages and disadvantages come along with using social media especially in a health care setting. First, the use of social media depends on the organization. Not every health organization is equipped or in need of the use of social media. However, when an organization does choose to use social media advantages can be the use of improved communication. Employees and others can discuss post and view new ideas and plans for the company (Society for Human Resources, 2012). There is an opportunity to gain more clients and reach a wider range of people especially if the organization is worldwide. Marketing opportunities are everywhere on social networks. Disadvantages can be employees misusing the social network. Potentially results in negative comments from employees about the company or potential legal consequences if employees use these sites to view objectionable, illicit or offensive material (Society for Human Resources 2012). Technology is not perfect and is still prone to malfunctions. There is also the possibility of virus’ or hackers to come about when organizations are using social media. When a health organization uses social media it is important to have basic rules and regulation set in place to help ensure efficiency versus misuse. In the health care world, patient confidentiality is a primary concern. HIPPA is what help to protect patient’s personal medical information. Electronic and social media communication use in health care communication enforces patient security and adherence to Joint Commission guidelines and rules. Maintaining confidentiality, however, is becoming more difficult. It was easy to ensure the protection of individual privacy when files are in paper folders. It was not a perfect method, but it worked because information is powerful and it must be available for all to review. Information systems and other technology now allow instant retrieval of medical information, along with widening access for a greater number of people (McCall, 2000). The use of electronic and social media communication will ultimately affect HIPPA, because these forms of technology evolve in the health care world the HIPPA law must also transform and change continuously protect patients (McCall, 2000). The HIPPA law is in place to protect patients and although communicating through social media or any other form of electronics. The use of these forms of communication does put the exposure of private information risks. However, it is important for every health care organization to have their own set of rules and regulations to help prevent exposures. Each entity engaged in electronic transmission of health information must assess potential risks and vulnerabilities to the individual electronic health data. Organizations must develop, implement, maintain, and document appropriate security measures based on the risk assessment (Peterson 2001). In conclusion, health care and communication go hand in hand. Traditional communication is still at the forefront in health care when it comes to efficient communication. Electronic communication is very convenient and necessary when it comes to many different job types. Lastly, social media helps to market and bring in new ideas to the health care field. Overall, Traditional, Electronic, and social media will continue to play a part in health care communication. As health care evolves communication, as well privacy and security methods must evolve as well. References Broussard, B. S., Broussard, A. B. (2013). Using Electronic Communication Safely in Health Care Settings. Nursing For Womens Health, 17(1), 59-62. doi:10.1111/1751-486X.12007. Retrieved from Cheesboro, O’Connor, Rios. (2010) Communicating in the workplace. New York, New York: Pearson Education. McCall, M. (2000). HIPPA regulations:Challenges for perspective leaders. Surgical Services Management, 6(10), 18. Retrieved from Petersen, C. (2001). How private is private? HIPPA. SSM, 7(6), 49. Retrieved from Society For Human Resources, 2012. Social Media:What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites? What should we include in a policy? Retrieved from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
An Anlysis Of The Islamic Group Hezbollah Politics Essay
An Anlysis Of The Islamic Group Hezbollah Politics Essay Hezbollah literally means the Party of God. The Lebanese Hezbollah has multiple translations including Hizbullah, Hezbullah, Hizballah, Hizbollah and Hizb Allah (as used by Al-Jazeera). It is also referred to as Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War) or Islamic Jihad Organization. Some call Hezbollah as Ansar al-Allah (followers of God) Al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah. There are references made as the Organization of the oppressed on earth, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of Right against wrong, and also as the followers of the Prophet Muhammed. Hezbollahs members often introduce themselves as the sons of the Umma (muslim community). Identity: Essentially we can call Hezbollah as a political and military organization. It was founded in 1982 to fight Israel in southern Lebanon. The group is headed by Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. The Arab Muslim world, (along with by some European Union countries) look at Hezbollah as a legitimate, militant, political party in Lebanon; while the Israeli government and many Western governments view it as an Islamic fundamentalist, or Islamist terrorist organization. As it evolved, Hezbollah outgrew its originally objectives of expelling Israel and the Americans and French from Lebonan. It diversified into various wings to establish itself as an identity of note, not only in its area of operation, but across the world. Its military men and material supply is primarily credited to Iran who is often seen as the soul behind the face of Hezbollah. In addition, it has a dominant civilian arm, wherein they run hospitals, schools, orphanages and even a television station. Finance largely comes by Iran and Syria, but it also raises funds itself by charities some commercial activities. Hezbollah has a notable representation in the Lebanese parliament. It currently holds 80 seats out of 128 in Lebanese Parliament. Prime area of operation for them is the Bekaa Valley, suburbs of Beirut, and southern Lebanon. Lebanon has a population of app. 3 million people, out of which about 40% belong to Shia community. Hezbollahs social services programme is very popular amongst Shias. Some of its propagandas have been regarded as anti-Israeli or even anti-Semitic, but it doesnt necessarily qualify it as a terrorist organisation. Prime areas of operation: In Lebonan, Hezbollah operates mainly in the Al Biqa (Bekaa Valley), along with southern suburbs of Beirut southern Lebanon. Over a period of time, it has established centres in Europe, Africa, and South North Americ etc. The training bases are mostly in Biqa Valley, while its headquarters and offices are in southern Beirut and in Baalbek. Culture: Members of Hezbollah say that their culture it is based on the Holy Koran, the Sunna and the legal rulings of the faqi (whom they call their source of imitation). Organisations strength: It is estimated that the organization has over ten thousand fighters and this can strength can be easily increased if and when needed from their reserves from its stronghold areas in Lebanon. To add to it, they have numerable activists and moral supporters. Their militia is equipped with small arms including automatic rifles, mortars, rocket grenades, and Katyusha rockets. Hezbollah member have been seen on television conducting military parades in Beirut which often include tanks and armoured personnel carriers (that might have been taken over from Lebanese army) Funding: Hezballahs primary sources of aid are from Iran and Syria. They provide sourcing in terms of finances, weapons training, explosives, and even political, diplomatic, and organizational aid. It is estimated that Iran probably provides annual assistance worth app. 50 million dollars. However, Hezbollah has the capability and willingness to act independently. Families of suicide bombers are believed to be facilitated by The Martyrs Charity (Bonyad-e Shahid). In 2001, Paraguayan police raided the home of Hezballah operative Sobhi Mahmoud Fayad and found receipts from the Martyrs Organization totalling more than three million dollars for donations Fayad sent, though the authorities believed he had sent over fifty million dollars to Hezballah since 1995. Hezbollah operates a worldwide network of fundraisers. In addition, funds are also raised by charity funds. These funds are donated by some extremist Islamic institutions while are not directly connected to Hizballah. While these funds pay for its military and terrorist operations, other funds enable them to provide its members with day jobs. History: Hezbollah had a long gestation period from its incorporation in 1982 to 1985. It was marked by 3 key events: (1) Israels occupation of southern Lebanon from and its Invasion in 1982 (2) Iranian revolutions effects on the Arabs political scenario. (3) Affirmation of the Shiite communities in 1960s 70s. Israel repeatedly invaded Lebanon since 1973. In 1982, it occupied southern Lebanon up to the capital Beirut, killings thousands. It was against the background of this brutal invasion, coupled with the arrival of foreign forces, namely, America, France Italy that Hezbollah came into picture. Its goal was simply to remove the foreigners and popularise the Islamic movement in Lebanon. If the group was not necessarily conceived by Iran, it was surely was aided in its inception by arrival of over 1000 revolutionary guards from Iran. Hezbollah cells establishing its base in Lebanon in 1982 and expanded strengthened ever since. It developed a count of about four thousand members, equipped with over eleven thousand rockets, anti-tank weapons and heavy mortars. They also established a network of social assistance, mosques and schools in southern Lebanon. During mid eighties, they launched a flurry of suicide bombings including an attack on the Americas embassy and marine base in Beirut. Members of the organisation were often responsible for kidnapping and detention of hostages in Lebanon. It gained a name for its hit run tactics. It also was particular in kidnapping of Israeli military personnel. Although, there have been accusations of carrying out attacks on civilian targets abroad, no evidence has confirmed the claims. Amongst the muslim community, Hezbollah soon received acclaim and creditability. So much so that it replaced the other prominent organization in Lebanon, namely Amal, as the dominant force. Over the years, their military operations grew to include attacking outposts, ambushing, laying explosive devices, and launching long range mortar shells and rockets at outposts. Israel eventually withdrew from Lebanon in the month of May 2000. Hezbollah made claims that a portion of land comprising of shebaa farms, golan heights and other places which lie on the Israeli side of the border were belonged to Lebanese. Though UN dismissed their claims, Hezbollah continued terror attacks on Israeli towns in order to liberate these lands and to free prisoners held by Israel. Later, they exchanged the bodies of 3 Israels kidnapped soldiers in return their prisoners. Since Israels withdrawal, the organisations focus shifted to increase and expand its activities within Israel with the objective of conducting attacks in Israels own territory, hence spoiling any attempt at talks or opportunity to return. Hezbollah has eventually stabilised the border, excluding the areas around the Shebaa Farms, which are still occupied by Israel. OBJECTIVES Hezbollah says that freedom, justice, peace and peoples rights are the values on which a society develops rises. Freedom, they say, is the key element for the rise; while rights lead to justice and it ultimately results in peace. Adoption practice of these values demand commitment and focus on all as they are all universal: freedom is not what is available to one group and denied to another, rights should be prevalent everywhere; limited justice is injustice; peace by nature has to be for all. The organisation believes divine religions are responsible for establishment of these values. They specifically credit Islam, declaring it clearest and most comprehensive be it in theory or practical concepts. It is an organisation based on striving current that has been based its struggle to achieve these values in Lebanon region while eliminating all those barriers that may obstruct their goal. Keeping in view its values of peace, Hezbollah says it rejects all forms of aggression and terrorism. They condemn worlds outlook to certain instances as accepted violence and terrorism while rejecting the counter-violence, which, they say, is a natural human reaction to violence and terrorism. Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin, the leader of Hezbollah issued their manifesto on 16th Feb 1985; it was titled An Open Letter: The Hezbollah Program. The manifesto indentified the following three primary objectives of Hezbollah: To put an end to colonialist entities in Lebanon by expelling Americans, French and their allies from their land. To submit the Phalanges to a just power and bring them all to justice for the crimes they have perpetrated against Muslims and Christians. To allow all their people to choose their own future and have a government of choice. The organisation encouraged people to incorporate Islam which guarantees justice liberty for all. They said that only an Islamic regime could stop attempts of infiltration on the country. They call all oppressed people across the world as their friends. Ones who fight their enemies defend them from their evil are its friends. They called out for their friends to overlook their different viewpoints on the methods of struggle, and on the levels on which it must be carried out, and asked them to consolidate cooperation in view of the grand purpose. Hezbollah has always had an underlying objective of spreading the message of Islam. They want all the oppressed to study the divine message in order to bring justice peace into the world. However, they claim that they dont want to impose Islam upon anybody. We dont want Islam to reign in Lebanon by force is the message. Their opposition to the then existing system is worked on two major grounds (a) They believed that no reform or modification could remedy the present regime and it demanded radical change, and (2) Hostility of the world imperialism to Islam needed correction. Another objective that Hezbollah had in their agenda was to make an impression on the minds of high percentage Christian population in the country. They advocated that the politics followed by the political chiefs through the Lebanese front and the Lebanese forces didnt guarantee peace and tranquillity to the Christians of Lebanon and it also proved that outside help was of no use to the Christians of Lebanon when they need it most. They insisted that the Christians should answer the appeal from heaven and have recourse to reason instead of arms, to persuasion instead of confessionalism. Hezbollah asked the Christians to tolerate that Muslims shared with them certain domains of government saying that if you search for justice, who is more just than Allah?. They said that it is Allah who sent the message of Islam through his successive prophets in order to judge the people and give everyone his rights. The organisation made it clear that it doesnt we anticipate vengeance against Chris tians and that their fears were unjustified. They called upon the Christians to embrace Islam so that they shall be happy in this world and the next; and asked them to open themselves up to Islam where they will find salvation and happiness upon earth and in the hereafter. Hezbollah has had rejection for both the USSR and the US, calling them both capitalist and communist, and rendering them incapable of laying the foundations for a just society. Similar were the rejections against UNIFIL calling them as messengers of world arrogance to occupy areas evacuated by Israel and serve as a buffer zone. Hezbollah repeatedly stressed on the necessity for the destruction of Israel. They saw in Israel the vanguard of the US in their Islamic world. They called them the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones got what they deserved. They saw it as the greatest danger to their future generations and to the destiny of their lands. The organisations primary assumption in their fight against Israel states was that the Zionist entity has been aggressive since its inception, and built on lands wrested from owners at the expense of the rights of the Muslim people. Hence, they said that their struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. Hezbollah made it clear that they intend no treaty or cease fire or peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated. They vigorously condemned all plans for negotiation with Israel, and regarded all negotiators as enemies. Therefore they rejected all programs that included the recognition, direct or implied, of the Zionist entity. Hezbollah functioned against Israel in four main ways: (a) They brought terrorists and collaborators across the border with use of foreign documents (b) They set up a terrorist organization inside Israel and in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip (c) Promoted cross border operations like smuggling of weapons and terrorists (d) Worked on financial support for Palestinian organizations and groups. In conclusion of their objectives and conceptions Hezbollah says that these objectives serve as basis and inspire their march and ones who accept them should know that all rights belong to Allah and those who reject them, Hezbollah will be patient with them, till Allah decides between its followers and the people of injustice. HEZBOLLAH AN ISLAMIST ORGANISATION Critics across the world claim that the real reason why Hezbollah was set up was to spread the Iranian Islamic revolution into Lebanon and throughout the Arab world. Since Israeli withdrawal, organisation has continued to fight the Israeli defense forces (through its active fighting force known as the Islamic Resistance) around the disputed, Shebaa farms area. UN has regarded Shebaa farms as Syrian territory. Hezbollah still considers the area a part of Lebanon and contoues to fight for it. The Shebaa farms were overtaken by Israel from Syria during the 1967 war. Syria was asked to notify the United Nations that it considered the area to be part of Lebanon but no official statement was ever sent. As a result, most of the specialists believe that Hezbollahs attempt to recapture the area was a pretext (backed by Syria) of keeping military pressure on Israel. Hezbollahs dedication has been on liberation of Jerusalem, along with the elimination of Israel. It has openly advocated the establishment of Islamic rule in Lebanon. They are dedicated to creation of Iranian style Islamic republic in Lebanon and removal of all non-Islamic influences from area. Its approach has been strongly anti-Western and anti-Israeli. Hezbollah considers the Iranian model as best form of governance. It finds an Islamic republic as the ideal and eventual form of state and enjoys co-operation of other militant Islamic organizations in persuit this goal. Islamic Revolution in Iran, that promoted the inception of Hezbollah, consolidated new Islamic thoughts. It generalized Islamic expressions against the West, labelling them as arrogant, hypocrites and the oppressed. Hence, it was obvious for these ideologies in Iran to find place in Lebanon. It was very quickly translated into direct support from the Islamic Republic of Iran through its revolutionary guards and then to Hezbollah that was fighting the Israeli occupation. This religious and ideological tie had a great effect on generating vital material and moral support to Hezbollah. The group ideological virtues saw no legitimacy in existence of Israel; the conflict of legitimacy which was actually based on religious ideals. The seed of resistance is embedded in the ideologies of the group The US Policy makers see the party of God as the manifestation of the Islamist phenomenon. Understandably too, as Hezbollah has positioned itself as an opponent of U.S. policy in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon. It has been involved in various notorious incidents like attack on the marine barracks in killing over two hundred marines, the kidnapping of US citizens, and bombing of the embassy. It had a declared goal of removing the Americans (diplomats and otherwise) from Lebanon. Some observers think that Hezbollah has had little real support in the general population (even among the Lebanese Shii Muslims). Variations on these views can be often heard and read, especially by those whose conclusions are based on conjecture rather than field work. Reality, though, seems very different, especially when you consider the level of popular support that the organisation enjoys. There is always a temptation to dismiss Hezbollah as an extremist or terrorist group. But one cant deny the fact that the organisation has managed to build an extremely impressive social base in Lebanon. It is probably the most effective and efficient political party in the country. Across the areas of its significant presence, especially the suburbs of Beirut, the northern Beqaa valley, Baalbek, and in parts of southern Lebanon, Hezbollah provides a gamut of services. The medical facilities offered are much superior to the ones provided by government hospitals, which the poor would otherwise have to rely upon. Doctors working in their hospitals say that medical facilities are available to and are used by both Muslims and Christians. In addition, the group offers a network of schools, community centres; companies and facilities like food distribution centers for the needy. Hezbollah runs its own engineering and construction company, and has been lending material support and expertise to ones whose homes have been destroyed by Israeli attacks or during clashes within Lebanon. Regular pensions and other assistance are provided to families of martyred members of the party. What these examples reflect is that the party works on two complementary aspects. It has focus on the militant pursuit of its objectives, while simultaneously working extremely hard to build and sustain a political constituency. Last few years has seen a trend of increasing cooperation between Hezbollah and operational entities on other Palestinian terrorist organizations. This is particularly evident between Hezbollah and the Tanzim. In fact, in recent months Hezbollah has served as an external command for the Tanzim organizations in the territories. They have been enough instances for Hezbollah supporters to draw references from; for example the French resistance against the Nazis, resistance of the Americans against the colonialists etc. We know how the free world countries and the people across the world have respect for these resistances. Therefore, when Hezbollah resisted in Lebanon, it should be seen as its legitimate and sacred right, similar to that was once exercised by the French and American peoples. Considering their resistance as terrorism maybe is a kind of injustice, discrimination, besides being a renunciation of the Bill of Human rights and the Charter of the United Nations. Therefore, the organisation calls on the peoples of the world to differentiate between aggression of terrorism, and the honest resistance that they believe was the only way to deter the aggression and confront the terrorism resulting from that aggression. They claimed that Israel was an aggressive entity which practiced terrorism as occupatio n is a form of terrorism. The group advocates that it is legitimate in war to attack soldiers and shouldnt be labelled as terrorism. They say resistance of occupation is not terrorism because the occupiers are normally armed combatants. Hence, it defies the definitions of terrorism which only applies to non-combatants or to those not taking an active role part in hostilities. It is therefore not illegal to use force in resisting an occupier, provided that civilians are not made the specific object of attack. The group adheres to the creed of the Muhammadan Islam and human values emanating from it. They say that this observance is derived from ideological conviction based on proofs and evidences and not from emotional liking or sectarian, denominational or racial group spirit. Therefore, they are always ready to exchange dialogues with others about their convictions, creeds, methods and positions. They do not impose their convictions on anyone, as they do not like anyone to do so, proposing a mutual understanding with others. Hezbollah claims that it is its religious duty to considers, as its religious task, serve human beings, protect their rights, maintain their interest, make all needed efforts to provide them with a dignified life and develop their society. Keeping in view their desire to focus on fulfilling their duties toward that human being, the organisation has efficiently contributed in providing humanitarian services to the citizens in various areas of the country without discriminating one citizen from another, or one sect from another. They have made contributions in many domains; some of them being restoration of damaged buildings, providing farming guidance, selling utilities for the least cost prices (sometimes even for free), providing primary and intermediate schooling, offering the needy students with scholarships to continue their college schooling plus giving them scientific orientation, securing fresh water to the areas where the public water network fail to reach etc. Probably, the most important contribution was that Hezbollah sacrificed its own blood and lives, in order to maintain is the right of the Lebanese human beings in their land and in determining the political system they desire. Hezbollahs inception resulted in immediate formation of the Islamic resistance units for the liberation of the occupied territories and for the expulsion of the aggressive Israelis. Besides its core objective of freedom, the group has always been equally concerned about the presentation of Islam which addresses the mind, and reasons. They have been focused on presenting Islam that is confident of its fundamentals its very civilized understanding of men, life and the universe. They have made efforts to show Islam as being self-assured about its capability to achieve the basis of right and justice. They were anxious to present Islam as the religion that is open hearted towards all the nations and their varied political and cultural trends along their numerous experiences. It wants Islam to be seen as the guardian for human rights the one who defines choices, adopts convictions and expresses them socially. They decided to form political pressure in social benefits announced in the Bill of Human Rights such as education, pedagogy, medical case etc. There has been evident anxiousness to prioritize their cultural projects which utilize persuasiveness polarization by the civilized and the human methods confirmed by the Bill of the Human Rights. The group has been keen to offer a model of systematically targeting the enemy which represents a challenge / threat to the existence of the entire nation along with its regimes and people. Hezbollah members say that they condemn the conflict that doesnt serve the main aim, of fighting the enemy, or one which could create discord at the front, that has to be unified around the common interests. They have tried time and again to make it clear that the kind of Islam they want is a civilized endeavour that rejects injustice, humiliation, slavery, subjugation, colonism and blackmail, while stretching out its arms for communication among nations on the basis of mutual respect; Islam as the religion which never accepts controls or delegations by others, simply for the sake of manipulating the rights and the interests of the nation. They say they promote the religion that recommends communication among civilizations and rejects collision amongst those civilizations. An Islam that believes in cultural communication among nations, and refuses setting up barriers and also sees it as its right to remove those barriers by the diplomatic means is what Hezbollah advocates. But they say, when others launch wars against it, they believe it is their natural right to defend its representing supporters and their achievements. Hezbollah wants people to see Islam a a message that aims at establishing justice, security, peace and rights for all people irrespective of the nation, race or religion they belong. They say that they dont have any complex toward anybody, but they feel its their responsibility toward others to make others understand the essence of their religion away from obligation and fanaticism. It doesnt seek application of Islam by force or violence but by peaceful political action. They insist that Islam rejects violence as a mean to gain Power, and this formula should be adopted by the non-islamists as well. They say if Islam becomes the choice of the majority then they will apply it; else, they will continue to coexist and discuss till correct beliefs are reached
Friday, September 20, 2019
Measuring Regional Economic Performance
Measuring Regional Economic Performance Introduction: Indicators on the economic performance of regional and territories inside districts are vital for compelling provincial policymaking. The drivers of the Economic performance of a region are measured over various other factor like industrial restructuring, global competitiveness etc. which has now become the global concerns as well. In this article, we are going to discuss the different measures of the regional economic performance and review how they are relevant and useful to understand our economic spaces. Economic measures: The need to utilize better furthermore even more boundless markers has been identified and future territorial approach is liable to concentrate on empowering all districts to understand the maximum capacity of their advantages, and in addition helping the poorest performing regions to close the hole with the better performing area (Skousen 2013). GVA and GDP are two well-known examples of the measures of the regional economic performance. However, the different measures of regional economic indicators include the other factors like Labor market, Productivity, skills, innovation, enterprise, investment, and competition. Regional Output or GVA (Gross Value Added): GVA is the worth produced by any unit occupied with a generation other words, it is value added to the materials and other inputs in the production of goods and services by the organizations of that region before any capital consumption or calculation of depreciation (Economic Performance and Developent n.d.). It is measured at current essential costs, barring expenses (fewer appropriations) on items. GVA in addition to expenses (fewer endowments) on items is proportionate to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Avellaneda 2006). The information utilized here is delivered utilizing the pay methodology or GVA (I). GVA is the common factor used by most of the countries for measuring the economic development of the nations (Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress n.d.). As we know that the main source of GVA are productivity and income, which do vary. GVA calculations equation is the simple ratio of the economic activity carried in a region divided by the total number of population, i.e. people living in that region. However, in real sense to measure the productivity the equation should be rationalized by the total economic activity of that country by the total number of labor inputs (total job hours worked) utilized to create it. GV has numerator as the work place and the denominator is residence based which reflects the fact the GVA does not consider (Dunnell n.d.): the work force like youngsters or pensioners who are not direct contributors of the GVA, in other words we can say percentage gap in the regional differences of the residents. commuters who work in an out for the work variation in the labor market structure (for e.g. Full time or part time) across the regions. Because of the aforementioned factors, the GVA is made unsuitable per head and gives inconsistent results. This can be explained with an example that the place where high commuters are there will have higher GVA as compared to those where the commuters are in low quantity (International journal of Urban and Regional Research n.d.). GDP or Gross Domestic Product: Gross Domestic Product of an economic region provides the measure of the total economic activity of a country or the region. This means the Economic consists of total number of products and services produced in a country per annum (HALL TEWDWR-JONES 2011). Governments and specialists need to know whether the provincial approach help really prompts a get up to speed procedure, and the media frequently utilize the marker to analyze the monetary execution of locales and make rankings (Regional Studies 2015). Productivity: Productivity is a measure of the proficiency of production. It is the proportion of yield delivered to the inputs needed in the generation process. Because of work gainfulness, it gives a measure of yield every work data, where the work info can be either filled employments or hours lived up to expectations. It is A vast piece of the distinctions in productivity between the regions are because of diverse laborer characteristics. Other parts of a nearby economy, for example, the levels of development and business new companies can likewise affect benefit levels. These profits to financial productivity emerge from working in a thick city environment. The Labor Market: Labor Market consists of the different segments, they are – employment, unemployment, under employment and Economic inactivity (Davis Haltiwanger 2014). For most locales/nations, the information recommends work rates have been climbing even more as of late, despite the fact that the increment is not generally measurably critical. Monetary dormancy alludes to individuals who are not in occupation or unemployed, for instance individuals who are taking care of a home or family, or have resigned or are long haul sick. Net livelihood development is the quantity of employments made by growing and opening foundations short the quantity of occupations devastated by contracting and shutting foundations. Income and Earnings: Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) every head is prescribed as a measure of the territorial welfare of people. GDHI speaks to the measure of cash accessible inside the family unit part for spending or sparing after pay conveyance measures (for instance charges, social commitments, and profits) have taken effect. A key part of family unit pay is profit from business. This is income left after consumption connected with salary, e.g. assessments and social commitments, property possession and procurement for future annuity wage. It is figured horrible of any reasoning for capital utilization. GVA not every head is prescribed as a measure of welfare for various reasons. Case in point, because of driving, inhabitants may get their earnings from monetary movement in an alternate area, which is not caught by GVA every leader of their district. They might likewise have wellsprings of wage, which are irrelevant to current work, for example, annuities, and ventures. These are incorporated in the GDHI measure (ECONOMIC GROWTH AND TRADE 2015). Innovation: Development is an important, albeit not sufficient, condition for monetary achievement and is along these lines perceived as an imperative driver of gainfulness. Development involves, amongst different things, the improvement of new advancements that build productivity and the presentation of new, products that are more significant and administrations. It additionally incorporates intangibles, for example, new systems for working and enhancements to administrations. International Competitiveness: Competition from organizations based abroad upgrades the benefit of UK firms by making motivations to advance and guaranteeing that assets are distributed to the most proficient firms. Despite the fact that organizations may be focused without sending out abroad, fares give an evidence of how worldwide areas and nations are in their viewpoint and their capacity to face worldwide rivalry. Fares as a rate of GVA do not show that fares straightforwardly contribute this offer to GVA. Rather, GVA is utilized just as a valuable denominator to think about the relative commitment of fares. Conclusion: No single pointer can give a sufficient premise to evaluating a locales financial execution. The gainfulness of those working in a locale can be high, while family salary of occupants may be low because of moderately vast quantities of individuals. Utilizing a catch-all marker cant represent the fluctuating territorial exhibitions on gainfulness, wage and work market issues. The above has demonstrated that there can be contrasts in provincial monetary execution. Variety is significantly stronger inside districts – between little authoritative ranges, between the distinctive sorts of country and urban territories, or between city locales. Certain sorts of organizations benefit from being in close closeness to direct contenders. They can make utilization of a more prominent pool of suppliers, a bigger client base, and access to neighborhood systems, which can encourage learning and innovation spillovers. Bibliography Allen, K 2014, UK on track to be fastest growing G7 economy despite slowdown, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Avellaneda, SD 2006, Good Governance,Institutions and Economic Development:Beyond the Conventional Wisdom, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Berger, PDT 2010, An Overview and Analysis on Indices of Regional Competitiveness, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Davis, SJ Haltiwanger, J 2014, Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Dunnell, K, National Statistician’s article: measuring regional economic performance, viewed 22 Feb 2015. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND TRADE 2015, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Economic Performance and Developent, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Economic performance and sustainable growth, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Galor, O 2013, Journal of Economic Growth, Springer, no. 10887,>. International journal of Urban and Regional Research, viewed 21 Feb 2015,>. Joseph Stiglitz, ASAJ-PF, The Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress Revisited, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Lequiller, F, Is GDP a satisfactory measure of growth?, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Measuring economic performance in your region (covering the indicator Regional Gross Domestic Product), viewed 21 Feb 2015,>. Moore, S Griffith, J 2015, The Freedom Path to Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Country Performance, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. North, DC, Economic performance through time, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Performance indicators, viewed 21 Feb 2015,>. Pettinger, T 2014, Key measures of economic performance, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Regional Economic Indicators 2014, viewed 21 Feb 2015,>. Regional Studies 2015, vol 49, no. 3. Skousen, M 2013, Beyond GDP: Get Ready For A New Way To Measure The Economy, viewed 22 Feb 2015,>. Slaper, T, Measuring the Economic Performance of Regions: Creative Destruction and Economic Dynamism, viewed 21 Feb 2015,>.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Flawless Use of Parallelism in Shakespeares King Lear :: King Lear essays
Flawless Use of Parallelism in King Lear    Many twists and turns characterize the television soap operas of today. Subplots are a distinctive trait of these daylight dramas, for they keep audience on the edge of their seats. Subplots keep the material fresh and the audience wanting more. Shakespeare uses secondary plots as a literary device to greatly dramatize the action of the play and to spark a contrast to his underlying themes in King Lear. The secondary plots can incalculably improve the effect of dramatic irony and suspense. The effective usage of subplots in King Lear, as a form of parallelism, exhibits analogous traits of prominent characters. Using such literary device permits the audience to understand the emotions of the essential characters in the play. The magnificent similarity of different plots and characters can illustrate Shakespeare's perfect use of parallelism in King Lear.  Parallelism is greatly enhanced by the use of subplots, for it creates emphasis and suspense. The parallel between Lear and Gloucester displayed in the play cannot possibly be accidental. The subplot of Gloucester corresponds the major plot of Lear. The two fathers have their own loyal legitimate child, and their own evil and disloyal kin. Gloucester and Lear are both honorable men, who have children that return to them in their time of need, and are sightless to the truth. Like Lear, Gloucester is tormented, and his favored child recovers his life; he is tended and healed by the child whom he has wronged. Their sufferings are traceable to their extreme folly and injustice, and to a selfish pursuit of their pleasure. In the early beginning of King Lear, Cordelia says that her love for her father is the love between father and daughter, no more, no less.  "Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth: I love your majesty According to my bond; nor more nor less." (Shakespeare.I.i.93-95)  In response, Lear flies into a rage, disowns Cordelia, and divides her share of the kingdom between her two unworthy sisters. Such folly and injustice is encountered by Gloucester in the secondary plot.  "O villain, villain! His very opinion in the letter. Abhorred villain, unnatural, detested, brut- ish villain; worse than brutish! Go, sirrah, seek him. I'll apprehend him. Abominable villain! Where is he?" (I.ii.80-84)
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Harriet Tubman Essay -- biographies bio biography
Harriet Tubman (1820-1913) Harriet Tubman is probably the most famous â€Å"conductor†of all the Underground Railroads. Throughout a 10-year span, Tubman made more than 20 trips down to the South and lead over 300 slaves from bondage to freedom. Perhaps the most shocking fact about Tubman’s journeys back and forth from the South was that she â€Å"never lost a single passenger.†Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland around 1820. By the time Tubman had reached the age of 5 or 6, she started working as a servant in her master’s household. Approximately seven years after she began working as a servant, Tubman was sent to work out in the fields. While Tubman was still a teenager, she sustained an injury that would affect her for the rest of her life. One day, Tubman stood up for another slave and blocked a doorway in order to protect them from an upset overseer. The overseer threw a weight at one of the field hands, missing them and instead hitting Tubman on the head. Tubman was never able to fully heal from the wound she sustained from the overseer. This injury caused a chroni...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Diversity in Law Enforcement: the Report
The Everly Police Department is facing a problem in which there is not an policy or procedure in which complaints from the newly formed Diversity Complaint Bureau can follow to resolve the complaints that are being submitted. Analysis Recently a report was made public by the Minority Police Officers Organization regarding the lack of diversity within the Everly Police Department. Results detailed the fact the Everly Police Department is a male dominated and paramilitary force and it has not taken any steps in order to promote or celebrate it. Numbers show that the majority of all force members are white males, with the minority being women, Hispanics, African-Americans and Asians. Since this report was made public the newly appointed assistant superintendant of public for administration, Linda Michaelson, has been given the role of damage controller in order to reverse the results of the report and show the public that the Everly Police Department is diverse and that they have the right procedures in place for employees to submit their complaints regarding diversity in the department. Linda started by formulating a plan for a new bureau within the Internal Affairs Bureau called Diversity Complaints. This plan was approved by both the superintendant and the city council and was put into action. The plan brought forward some hesitation from both mid-level field-commanders and union representative as they felt as if someone was always going to be looking over their work and it was not approved into agreements by union officials. The plan was put into action anyway and proved to be successful with 7 complaints submitted within the first month. Complaints are submitted by forms which can be accessed through a variety of sources, including electronically (on-line) and hardcopy (a copy mailed to each employee, and located visibly in all departments). Once a form is complete, it is submitted via email or regular post. From a complete formal complaint, an internal affairs detective would investigate it and form a reasonable resolution. Linda suggested that the ending resolution of a complaint could come in the form of sensitivity training to employees or possible position dismissal of employees involved. Once a resolution has been reached the complaining employee would be contacted. With seven complaints in one month, reviewed and investigated, Linda and her fellow diversity bureau employees had one more step to take and that was to resolve the complaints in fashion in which all parties involved would be disciplined, should the complaint be legitimate after the complaint was investigated. This is where Linda was stumped. Linda needs to formulate a guideline for the Diversity Bureau to follow once a complaints investigation is complete. The guidelines must be fair to the parties involved. Another problem is that each complaint is going to be different so it is going to hard to set a resolution for each and every complaint that may be submitted. Individual(s) Linda Michaelson has been with the Everly Police Department for 22 years and was the key player in the making of the ‘Hostile Work Environment’ report and implementation process of a new bureau within the Internal Affairs Bureau called ‘Diversity Complaint’ within the department. She like most started off as a patrol officer and moved her way up into higher positions within the department. According to the case however, these moves up did not come easily without critism and judgement from other officers, as she was a female in a male dominated field of work. Her positions have included being a patrol officer, a public school safety officer, a contact for the detective bureau and most recently an assistant superintendent of police for administration. Linda’s father was a retired sergeant with the Everly Police Department and always gave Linda advice on how to overcome the biases of her gender in the department. He also was her greatest supporter of following her dreams to keep moving up. He gave advice saying ‘to be the best at what she did’. As now the assistant superintendant of police for administration, one of Linda’s roles was to manage the results of the recently released report, paid for by the Minority Police Officers Organization, on the diversity within the Everly Police Department which came back as quite damaging to the force. Linda was told that her job was to do the damage control for the results. Linda was able to relate and react to some of the complaints being issued and brought forward by fellow department employees as she too has been the subject to gender and sexual harassment in the workforce and has seen others be subject to the same. Linda was influenced by her father to succeed and move higher in the force if she wished to do so. As woman in the male dominated career field she knew it would not be easy and her father was the one who gave her advice on how to proceed, especially if someone got in her way and told her she could not do it, or gave her difficultly doing what she has wanted. Linda knew that even though she was a woman, there was no job within the department that a man could do better than her. With these thoughts she proceeded to move up and not letting anyone get in her way. I believe that the Everly Police Department could have indeed avoided the situation in which they have now found themselves in. Should the Everly Police Department had done something, whether it be their own research, changes with time and the changing workforce in their in existing policies and procedures for complaints, they would not be in such a reputation damaging situation. With the new formation and implementation of a Diversity Complaint bureau within the Internal Affairs Bureau, Linda hope to achieve an easier, more effective and trusting way for employees to have their complaints and biases heard. She also wishes to achieve effective ways to respond and actions to take when dealing with the complaints; a way that the incidents will be resolved and a way that will ensure that they will not happen again. Linda can justify feeling the way she does about the need of this new bureau to be formed in the Everly Police Department as she has been the subject first hand to workplace harassment and the hesitance that many people feel when making a complaint to the superintendant or union member. Linda’s passion to create a diversity complaint bureau that all employees can submit a complaint(s) to without judgement and fear of the complaint being thrown out or not resolved is very much present. This new venture will make all employees, minority or majority, feel a lot more comfortable and place more trust on the organization should there be a procedure in which results and implications are being made. I do not believe that there is another explanation for the current situation in which the Everly Police Department is in. They clearly have an issue of corruption in the complaints department that has now made employees scared, anxious and uncomfortable at their place of work, which is clearly not acceptable. Until this time, there was no talk of trying to fix the issues that they have in regards to diversity within the organization or the policies and procedures for employees to follow to submit complaints. Organization The Everly Police Department has found themselves to now have a very bad public image and bad reputation for being un-diversified. The department never took upon themselves to look into and hire an outside source to research the diversity within the department. Now, an outside organization called the Minority Police Officers Organization has completed that task and has released the results to the public through many media sources. In having these results published severe damage has been done to the department. It shows them to be a male dominated, paramilitary organization, in which has no ability to integrate minorities. The department has also never considered the re-vamping or the new creation of a way for employees to submit complaints in confidence, knowing that action will be reached and not thrown out because of corruption within the complaint process. The department may have also found themselves to be in this predicament as they have never approached employees on the states of the program that they have in place now. They do not know how employees feel about the processes that are in place now and whether or not employees are feeling that the complaints are being adequately resolved and are not reoccurring. Within the Everly Police Department there has been no recent change in the policies and procedures that employees must take to submit a complaint. For years complaints were to be submitted to the superintendant or to a union representative. They then were suppose to take the complaints and resolve the issue at hand. Many times, as stated in the case, these complaints were disregarded as the superintendent or union representative said that the complaint was not legitimate and that the older employees are still adhering to policies from 20 years ago, the one that they were used to. The external environment is pushing the Everly Police Department to change it values. The department is stuck on values that were established 20 plus years ago. The generation that is now being employed is a generation that wants values where everyone is accepted, where there is no discrimination in the hiring process, and where harassment amongst co-workers in any form is not tolerated. In today society many people of all races, ethnic backgrounds, and religions are entering the workforce and are determined to be treated as an equal. There is no explanation or reason why they should not be, they are the same as everyone else and can perform the same tasks no matter what their gender, race, ethnic background or religious beliefs, and the pressure is high for organizations to conform to these societal expectations. External organizations have now gone as far as pursuing their own research studies into the values, policies and procedures of the police department and are publicising reports that are being proven to be very damaging to the department. The present situation could have been prevented if the Everly Police Department’s structure and policies had been different. Should the structure and policies have been updated and revamped with the newer values of the new generation of employees and older employees educated on the ways why they should also open their minds to change, I do believe that the report that the Minority Police Offers Organization has publicised would not have been so damaging. The Everly Police Department has made the right decision in regards to the damage control of the report that was made public. It has taken the right steps in asking Linda to create and implement the new bureau for diversity complaints. Although this move has been long overdue and the reputation of the Everly Police Department has been given a bad name, I believe that it was the push that they needed. This new bureau has already shown to be successful as within one month seven complaints have already been submitted. Now, Linda and the diversity complaint bureau must work together in order to form the right set of procedures that will allow for all complaints to be resolved and limit the complaints on the same action in the future.
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