Friday, May 31, 2019
Blessed Luke :: Saint Luke Stiris Essays
Blessed LukeBackground of Saint Luke? Saint Luke was born in 896 A.D. most liable(predicate) in Delphi or in nearby Kastri in Central Greece.1? He is known today as Blessed Luke, Luke the Younger, St. Luke of Stiris, and Luke the Wonderworker (Thaumaturgus in Greek).? ?His parents were farmers in Thessaly.?2? Originally from Egina, St. Luke?s parents fled the island when the Saracens attacked it. Saracens was the name that Medieval Europeans used to describe the Arabs and all Muslims in general.? As a youth, St. Luke was prone to give to charity, even though his parents were not very blind drunk or happy about their son?s giving.3? St. Luke was also noted for his healing/special powers from an early age.? ?One of his legendary wonders was to make his parents? crops yield more than anyone else?s? despite only planting half of the seeds he was supposed to.4 Life of Saint Luke?As a teenager, St. Luke ran away from home after his commence died.5 However, another source said that he r an away from home because his parents were mad at him for wanting to enter into a monastery.6 Unfortunately, soldiers mistook St. Luke for a runaway slave and endue him in prison.? After he was freed, his mother finally gave her permission to allow Luke to enter a monastery outside of Athens.7 He did not stay there long.? At the age of eighteen, St. Luke build a place on Mount Joannitsa near Corinth in Greece.8 There he became a hermit.? St. Luke was credited with predicting the liberation of Crete, which happened within go years after he died.9? Thus, he could predict the future as well as perform miracles.? It was also said that he settled in the village of Stiri.10 According to different sources, he died either in the year 946 A.D. or 953 A.D.? His Saint?s Day is on February seventh of the Christian calendar.? The Jewish-Orthodox Church declared Luke a Hossios and his relics were kept in the original church until the crypt was built in the Katholikon.Ossios Loukas?The name me ans Blessed Luke and the site contains two unworldly churches Holy Luke and Our Lady.? Alternate spellings of its name include Osios Loukas and Hosios Loukas.? The first church built on the site between 941 to 944 A.D. was built for St. Barbara originally.11? Holy Luke is called the Katholikon in Greek and was built over the crypt dedicated to St.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Wheatley’s Poem On Being Brought from Africa to America Essays -- Poet
Wheatleys poem, On Being Brought from Africa to America is part of a set of works that Henry Louis render Jr. recognized as a historically significant literary contribution for black Americans and black women (Baym et al. 752). Addressed to the Christians who participated in the slave trade, the poem is meant to notice the inconsistencies between their actions and the Christian Ideal. Whether perceived as a work of sincerity or a work of irony, the poem conveys the message that an individuals behaviors be influenced by the examples of others and that all people are equal. Understanding Phillis Wheatleys intent in her poem, On Being Brought from Africa to America, is gained by considering all of the aspects of her existence when analyzing her work and veritable(a) though perception is based on individual perspective, analysis and explication will reveal the contrariety Phillis Wheatley observed between society and the Christian Ideal and show her desire for the dissolution of every inequality.Phillis Wheatley was born in Gambia, West Africa around 1753 (Andrews et al. 770). She was forced into slavery when she was about seven or eight years ageing and purchased by John Wheatley in July of 1761 (770) for his wife Susanna Wheatley, who named her Phillis after the vessel that transported the young slave (Samuels et al. 543). The Wheatleys, with their two children, Nathaniel and Mary (Brawley 12), taught Phillis to read and write in English and besides tutored her in Latin (Samuels et al. 543). Wheatley studied the Bible, the Latin classical works of Virgil and Ovid, astronomy, geography, and history (Brawley 13). Much of her poetry consists of elegies (poetry written as a reflection on psyches life) and many of her works are... ...// Wheatley. encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 1 May 2012. .Puckett, Caleb. Phillis Wheatley. American Writers, Supplement XX A Collection of Literary Biographies Mary Antin to Phillis Wheatley. Ed. Jay Parini. Detroit Charles Scribners Sons, 2010. 277-91. Print.Samuels, Wilfred D, Loretta G. Woodard, and Tracie C. Guzzio. Wheatley, Phillis. Encyclopedia of African-American Literature. New York Facts on File, 2007. 543-45. Print.Wheatley, Phillis. On Being Brought From Africa to America. Baym, The Norton Anthology of American Literature 751-53.Wheatley, Phillis, and Margaretta Odell. Memoir and poems of Phillis Wheatley, a Native African and a Slave. Boston Geo. W. Light, 1834. eBook.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Guilt In The Scarlet Letter And The Crucible Essay example -- Essay on
The presence of vice has been felt by all human beings. As iniquity grows in a persons biography it eventually begins to have a deteriorating effect on the individual. In both(prenominal) The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible more than one of the characters are experiencing some stamp of guilt and the effects of the publics opinion on their own personal infernos. Each characters guilt originates from a different personal problem and with each characters guilt comes a different reaction. Miller and Hawthorne use the source of guilt, the actions resulting from it and the eventual consequences to portray the concept of a nefarious conscience to the reader.Each characters guilt originates from a different source. Through different characters, Hawthorne and Miller display guilt and its source to the reader. In both The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible the use of relationships between a man and a woman are used as a particular source of guilt. Hawthorne uses Dimmesdale and Hester, and Miller uses Proctor and Elizabeth. The men in both cases are experiencing guilt involving mistakes made sexually. Dimmesdale, who is a highly respected priest has a repellent relationship with a married woman, and Proctor, a married man, falls for a young girl and commits adultery. With Dimmesdale, his guilt stems from the concealment of his wickedness. He watches Hester as she confesses and for seven age he agonizes over it, while he still remains innocent in the eyes of all. However with Proctor, he confesses to his wife right away. In an melodic line with his wife he says, I should have roared you down when you first told me of your suspicion. But I wilted, and like a Christian, I confessed(55). The guilt that Proctor feels comes, not from a secret that he is keeping, but from The magistrate that sits in his heart(55), as Elizabeth puts it. With the women in these relationships, their guilt has a less drastic origin. Elizabeth knows that she has not committed any sin that c an compare to her husbands, but she admits that it needs a cold wife to prompt lechery (137). Even though John has committed the ultimate sin against... ...t that he was experiencing can be seen in two different lights. It eventually brought him to confession in the court, and the tarnishing of his good name. However, his confession was strictly to protect his wife, so his guilt could be seen also as a final reconciliation between Proctor and Elizabeth. Guilt has the capability of doing permanent damage to a person, and in both novels, the authors use guilt as a very negative force in a persons life.In The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible, guilt is portrayed in similar ways. Both authors use the concept of guilt to imply the idea that guilt has the capabilities to produce reactions in people that in or so situations arent the same. The result of a guilty conscience can be used as a positive or negative force in a persons life and through the characters in both novels, this idea is made apparent. The cause of guilt, the reactions to the guilt, and the consequences resulting from the guilt are all used by Hawthorne and Miller to show the contrasting ways of handling personal guilt in a persons life.
The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Persuasive Argument
Within the field of human embryo research lies a controversial light that could redefine prenatal care genetic engineering. Genetic engineering non only offers the possibility of eliminating birth defects and genetic illness, but also presents the moral equivocalness of eugenics. The acceptabilities of genetic engineering, assuming that it will be available in the predictable future, must be explored if society is to fully benefit from it. The most prominent and perhaps the most acceptable reason given for genetic engineering is its potentiality use in pr scourtative medicine. A few cellphones from an embryo could be genetically analyzed to detect harmful mutation or predisposition towards disorder, at which point action could be taken either through somatic cell or germ-line gene modification. In 1993, the gene that causes Huntingtons Disease was located, and scientists are presently trying to determine its normal function (The Benefits of Genetic Engineering). Assumin g researchers succeed in this endeavor, genetic engineering could then be used to eliminate a debilitating and ultimately fatal disease that affects approximately 30000 Americans and that has the potential to affect 150000 more(prenominal) through genetic inheritance (Huntingtons Disease). In 1997, a group of scientists successfully diagnosed familial adenomatous polyposis coli, the dominant pubic louse predisposition syndrome, in three preimplantation embryos. This type of cancer predisposition affects 1 in every 10000 people America, Britain, and Japan, qualification it a relatively common malady (Ao, 140). Schizophrenia has been shown to run in families even adopted children of schizophrenic parents are ten times more liable(predicate) to develop schizophrenia, regardless of whether or not... ...-Stewart, Edward J. Roy, and Christopher D. Wickens, eds. Psychology, 4th ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997. The Benefits of Genetic Engineering http// rt205/screen2.html. disceptation Germ-line Gene Modification http// Henig, Robin Marantz. Tempting. Discover May (1998) 58-64. Resta, Robert G. Genetic advise Coping with the Human Impact of Genetic Disease http// Ruben, Robert J., Thomas R. forefront De Water, and Karen P. Steel, eds. Genetics of Hearing Impairment. New York New York Academy of Sciences, 1991. Wolfson, Richard. Cloning, Marketing Life, and acting God (Part II) http// Huntingtons Disease http// The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Persuasive aimWithin the field of human embryo research lies a controversial science that could redefine prenatal care genetic engineering. Genetic engineering not only offers the possibility of eliminating birth defects and genetic illness, but also presents the mor al ambiguity of eugenics. The acceptabilities of genetic engineering, assuming that it will be available in the foreseeable future, must be explored if society is to fully benefit from it. The most prominent and perhaps the most acceptable reason given for genetic engineering is its potential use in preventative medicine. A few cells from an embryo could be genetically analyzed to detect harmful mutation or predisposition towards disorder, at which point action could be taken either through somatic cell or germ-line gene modification. In 1993, the gene that causes Huntingtons Disease was located, and scientists are currently trying to determine its normal function (The Benefits of Genetic Engineering). Assuming researchers succeed in this endeavor, genetic engineering could then be used to eliminate a debilitating and ultimately fatal disease that affects approximately 30000 Americans and that has the potential to affect 150000 more through genetic inheritance (Huntingtons Di sease). In 1997, a group of scientists successfully diagnosed familial adenomatous polyposis coli, the dominant cancer predisposition syndrome, in three preimplantation embryos. This type of cancer predisposition affects 1 in every 10000 people America, Britain, and Japan, making it a relatively common malady (Ao, 140). Schizophrenia has been shown to run in families even adopted children of schizophrenic parents are ten times more likely to develop schizophrenia, regardless of whether or not... ...-Stewart, Edward J. Roy, and Christopher D. Wickens, eds. Psychology, 4th ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997. The Benefits of Genetic Engineering http// Debate Germ-line Gene Modification http// Henig, Robin Marantz. Tempting. Discover May (1998) 58-64. Resta, Robert G. Genetic Counseling Coping with the Human Impact of Genetic Disease http// Ruben, R obert J., Thomas R. Van De Water, and Karen P. Steel, eds. Genetics of Hearing Impairment. New York New York Academy of Sciences, 1991. Wolfson, Richard. Cloning, Marketing Life, and Playing God (Part II) http// Huntingtons Disease http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello essays Shakespeare
Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello Othello features jealousy as the dominant motive for action and therefore just as reflected in real life we bare witness to jealousy influencing the characters of Iago, Brabantio, Roderigo, and Othello. In this essay I shall be attempting to examine this theme in depth drawing comparing between jealousy and the consequential action. The dominance of jealousy as the chief causative force of action in the drama is very obvious to nigh critics. In William Shakespeare The Tragedies, Paul A. Jorgensen exposes the main motivation in the story In roundest terms, Othello is a story of raging sexual jealousy prompted apparently by the least credible of motives. Othello has eloped with Desdemona, the white, refined, and pure daughter of a Venetian senator, Brabantio. . . . The marriage might have succeeded had it not been for one of the most hateful characters ever created Iago. This essentially sawn-off man is, he tells his dupe Roderigo, jealous because his general Othello has appointed as lieutenant not the seasoned plain veteran Iago but a learn soldier of the new type, Cassio. In soliloquy (1.3.377), Iago tells us also of the reasons for his jealousy and proposed revenge, all of them sexual he claims both Cassio and Othello have seduced his wife, Emilia, a warm-hearted, simple wom... ...n Shakespeare?s Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 39-55) Jorgensen, Paul A. William Shakespeare The Tragedies. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1985. Neely, Carol. Women and Men in Othello Critical Essays on Shakespeare?s Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 68-90) Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. http// No line nos. Snyder, Susan. Beyond the frivolity Othello Modern Critical Interpretations, Othello Ed. Harold Bloom, Pub. Chelsea House New Haven CT 1987. (page 23-37)
Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello essays Shakespeare
Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello Othello features jealousy as the dominant motive for action and therefore just as reflected in real life we bare witness to jealousy influencing the characters of Iago, Brabantio, Roderigo, and Othello. In this essay I shall be attempting to examine this theme in depth drawing affinity between jealousy and the consequential action. The dominance of jealousy as the chief causative force of action in the drama is very obvious to about critics. In William Shakespeare The Tragedies, Paul A. Jorgensen exposes the main motivation in the story In roundest terms, Othello is a story of raging sexual jealousy prompted apparently by the to the lowest degree credible of motives. Othello has eloped with Desdemona, the white, refined, and pure daughter of a Venetian senator, Brabantio. . . . The marriage might have succeeded had it not been for one of the most hateful characters ever created Iago. This essentially shrimpy man is, he tells his dupe Roderigo, j ealous because his general Othello has appointed as lieutenant not the seasoned plain veteran Iago but a lettered soldier of the new type, Cassio. In soliloquy (1.3.377), Iago tells us also of the reasons for his jealousy and proposed revenge, all of them sexual he claims both Cassio and Othello have seduced his wife, Emilia, a warm-hearted, simple wom... ...n Shakespeare?s Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 39-55) Jorgensen, Paul A. William Shakespeare The Tragedies. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1985. Neely, Carol. Women and Men in Othello Critical Essays on Shakespeare?s Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 68-90) Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. http// No line nos. Snyder, Susan. Beyond the japery Othello Modern Critical Interpretations, Othello Ed. Harold Bloom, Pub. Chelsea House New Haven C T 1987. (page 23-37)
Monday, May 27, 2019
Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Positioning Essay
The key to successful harvesting implementation in todays national enterprise system is the potent securities industrying of a mod product with the companys line of existing products. As stated by Lacobucci (2012), merchandise is defined as an permutation between a company and its customers. The customer wants something from the company or firm and vice versa. In previous times, a company would manufacture a product they thought the customer would want or need. The customer purchased that product beca utilise of a pending need, which staple fibreally meant that marketing used to be product oriented.However, marketing today is more that an advertisement for goods and services in an attempt to attract new business. We live in a customer orientated and empowered marketing environment. We realize the importance and ramifications of having an exchange with our customers and developing a relationship with them. It is this exchange of information between our company and our existin g as well as future customers that secures our position in our sharpen market. Our company is a regional tool distributor located in the northeastern section of the United States.Our customer base consists of several major retailers, across the nation known in the retail and wholesale tool industry. We used the brand label dark sword Tools for marketing and dispersal of our products to discuss the implementation of an effective plan to market a new product line, the Illuminated Power Wrench. This paper depart analyze market, identify our market separate for sales distribution and discuss the reasoning for the separate. controverting the target market and why the targeted customers were specialally selected.We will do the SWOT analysis describe the unique market position and the anticipate service provided in encountering the needs of the target audience. 1. Identify the marketing segment for the product and provide a rationale for this segment. The rendering of a marke t segment as stated by Lacobucci (2012) is a group of customers that lots similar inclinations towards our brand. To define market segment further for our needs, it is an identifiable group of individuals, pros or organizations that share one or more characteristics or needs in an otherwise homogenous market.In our eluding, our product will have a very encompassing market of consumers and low-toned business owners and employees. Therefore we will need to reduce the market segments to spectacularr chunks. Market segments generally respond in a sure manner to a marketing or promotion offer. The market segment for the new product will vary widely due to the versatility of our product usage. Our of import segment approach will focus on the wholesale distribution to retail repair supply stores who carry lines of tools for resale to the private and business consumer.These market segments will include businesses such as Lowes and Home Depot, retail tool distributors such as Harbor Freight Tools, automobile parts stores such as climb on Auto Parts and tool catalogue companies such as great Northern to name a few. As we analyze this segment we ask the hesitancy if this segment is viable and can we profit from using it. Other considerations are accessibility and measurability. This segment is small enough to manage our sales and distribution, but large enough to reach the ultimate substance abuser of our product.This market segment possesses the potential and versatility to sell and distribute our product to the target consumer market with a widely change audience in the retail industry. The bases for this segmentation include similar demographics, geographical locations, and psychological make-up of customers and behaviors of users/purchasers. In other words, the customer base for our segments meets the desired user of our end product. Anyone who builds or repairs something whether they are a novice or professional is a potential customer.Therefore, by using this method of market segmentation for product distribution, we will successfully sub-divide a large homogenous market into clear identifiable and manageable segments that have similar needs, wants or demand characteristics indicated by Lacobucci (2012). 2. Discuss the target market and provide rationale for this target market. The target market defined is the particular market segment at which a marketing rivulet is focused. As stated earlier, this product has been designed for the retail tool industry.We have targeted segments in the industry that will be the most successful in hit the consumer and generating a demand for our product through steady sales. Lacobucci stated the first perspective in assessing segments target is to have a view of the segments themselves and the primary aid is the segment be profitable. This in turn will become a profitability issue for our company as we continue to hold a topographic point in the small tool market and generate profits with contin ued sales.The second perspective examined was if the market or segment fit with who we are. In this case the answer is yes. The ultimate target for this product is the consumer. The greater exposure we have, the higher propensity for sales growth. The illuminated ratchet screw driver is a tonus tool for use by not only the novice home self repair person it will also meet the needs of the professional repair person, no matter what the industry.The illumination system in the handle of the wrench will appeal to the vehicle mechanic working in the slopped quarters of an engine compartment, the electrician repairing the circuit breaker box, the computer repair technician working in between electronic circuitry as well as to the basic consumer performing handy maintenance projects. This tool will come with the standard wrench lugs and have availability to accessories such as wrench tips to enhance its versatility to meet the needs of a wider target audience.The wider target audience is customers of our targeted market segments. Therefore the target market is our pathway to the ultimate user of the product is consumer sales. The strategic sales objective of these retail establishments coincides with our strategic vision of reaching the ultimate user of our products, satisfying their needs and increasing the likelihood of additional product sales. 3. Perform a SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and treats) for the company.As we move forward in the marketing of our product, we need to our own corporate strengths. Lacobucci (2012) suggests the use of a SWOT analysis in identifying our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The strengths and weaknesses characterise our company in relation to competitors where the opportunities and threats characterize the broader environment such as the tool industry, suppliers, the government and etc. Our strengths are in our track record in t he tool industry. We have provided quality products at competitive prices. Another perceived strength is in the management of our company. The senior management of Steel City Tools has provided a strategic vision with clearly defined attainable goals for market position and sales. However a perceived threat is in the immaterial market. A number of tool companys efforts have been over shadowed with a cheaper duplication of products from foreign markets. The US has been plagued with a reduction in the manufacturing industry due to globalized markets, elimination of trade barriers and outsourcing.The end result is our market segment (distributor) could purchase a similar product cheaper and increase their gross brink and not purchase our product for resale. Another threat we are not prepared to react to is loss of a major distributing customer. With more and more businesses merging, we could retrogress a distribution source with no warning. One of our weaknesses is we have focused on sales east of the Mississippi, thus limiting market expansion. However, t his could be off-key around as a future opportunity for market expansion.An easy way to expand our market is to establish a retail division and use infomercials through the cable television network to accept mail order/telephone order select product sales such as our new illuminated power wrench. However, a marketing effort of this nature would require careful consideration must be given to the geographical area so as not to alienate our primary segment customers. A move of this nature would require additional capital investment and careful analysis of this lawsuit of expansion would be necessary to minimize risk of project failure.The SWOT is useful in clarifying our marketing questions. The key is to address our shortcomings so as not to give the competition an upper hand and not raise concerns with our customers and capitalize on our strengths for continued success. 4. Create the market position for your product and service. let off your rationale. Product positioning, accordi ng to the Encyclopedia of Business, involves the tailoring the entire marketing program to include product features, distribution, price, quality and service to meet the needs of the consumer within the specific market segment.In this manner, the product positioning is part of the overall market segmentation. Product position takes place in our distributors store, or target market segment and tells us how we can strive most effectively in that market segment against our competition which are also present on display. The key is to visualize the consumer perceptions of the product and the marketing behind it. Quality, reliability, affordability, unique features, benefits to the customer is just a few attributes of product positioning.According to Lacobucci (2012) positioning is often about modifying the four Ps of marketing (position, price, place and promotion). In the case of our company, our reputation is a reflection of the position to provide a quality product at a competitive p rice while leading the market in innovation. Our company performance is attributed to the quality of our employment staff. Our employees are at the core to our success. We have open up core values for our companys work force by creating a positive work culture with recognition of the whole person concept.The strategic leadership from the top on down to the employee fosters productivity with reward and recognition to enhance their performance in support of the company operations to include our marketing efforts. Thus the positive and proactive personality of our company in meeting its marketing objectives is a rate reflection of the quality of every member of the Blue Steel Tool Team. As we continue to grow and develop products for sale, we position our products at a distribution sales point or market segment with the greatest customer exposure for maximum market penetration.We will service our product to the satisfaction and benefit of the customer so as not to chance customer co nfidence as well as the business relationship with our market segment. The product we create and the service we provide are a direct reflection of not only our company, but that of our distributors. Our products are designed to meet the working needs of our professional as well as consumer clientele with a level of quality that meet or exceed expectations at the best value. References Lacobucci, D. (2012) Marketing Management 2012 custom edition.Mason OH Market Segment Defined Retrieved from http//www. businessdictionary. com/definition/market-segment. html Morley R. (2006), Trumpet Print Edition The Death of American Manufacturing, February 2006 Retrieved from http//www. thetrumpet. com/index. php? page=article&id=1955 Reference for Business Product Positioning Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed. Retrieved from http//www. referenceforbusiness. com/small/Op-Qu/Product-Positioning. html Target Market Defined retrieved from http//www. businessdictionary. com/definition/target-market. ht ml
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Rousseau Amour Propre
Daniel Davis Philosophy D 12/01/11 What is interest-propre? What power does it play, according to Rousseau, in the Discourse on singularity? Tutor Robert Cowan In May 1755, Jean Jacques Rousseaus Discourse on the Origin of Inequality was published. The Discourse challenged contemporary philosophers in regards to the nature of man, and the funda handstal principles of difference. He highlighted that the inequality in current friendship developed due to the increase amour-propre has had on individuals.Examining amour-propre shows that it is fundamentally much more complex than simply world misconstrued as vanity it could be described as a range of things much(prenominal) as pride, aggrandizement and prestige within society. It has played a decisive usance within the development of society and has been attri only ifed to being the source of the lasting inequality within modern society. Although amour-propre is described in the Second Discourse as by and large negative, it is responsible for(p) for the development of socialization and the individual get for designation.Amour-propre is a reflective character that is triggered when benevolent beings started coming together, as it requires a human to be comp bed with some new(prenominal) being. It is the accept for self-love and the intrinsic direct to feel a sense of importance within society. Rousseau suggests this trait is the fundamental push in all human beings. It gives way for the need to be recognised as a rational human being.Amour-propre could also be described as the drive to find note of hand within society this could be manifested as the need to be championed as the best at something, having your views being con placementred as rational and valued, or establish transcendence over ones peers. The nature of amour-propre is interminable, and the more it is used the great of an influence it induces on a persons character the more someone is held in esteem, the more passionate they g o in maintaining their status. As it becomes more powerful, it becomes a source of athologies such as shame and vanity it is described as the the source of face-to-face corruption and suffering and social evil (Dent, 1992, pg. 34) due to the raise nature of it. Moreover, as deal atomic number 18 influenced more by amour-propre, their drive for a fulfilled life relies solely on their status. As everyone has the same drive it creates a world in which the amour-propre of all but himself is ignored (OHagan, 1999, pg. 173). Rousseau highlights amour-propre as being a reflective trait by examining the state of nature.As savage man is an unreflective and only(a) being, the awareness of status would not yet be in his realms of understanding. Moreover, at this point, Rousseau highlights that they have no sense of morality, and only possess two main unreflective traits amour de soi (self-preservation) and pitie (compassion). The former gives the savage man a drive for survival, addressin g only the most basic needs e. g. food, water, sex. Rousseau highlights the primary distinctions of amour de soi and amour propre in the Second Part in the Discourse.He believes that amour-propre is a modification of our amour de soi. The two are very different by virtue of their nature if amour de soi could be described as the wellbeing of self, amour-propre could be described as the wellbeing of social status. This wellbeing of self doesnt impose on other savage humans for a number of reasons being naturally solitary beings, having an abundance of supplies to adequately satisfy their basic needs, as well as not having the unreflective concept of what another savage human is. Although there is a basic natural inequality among savage humans (i. . strength, height) the absence of society as well as reasons that led to one imposing on another makes this somewhat inexistent, further highlighting in Rousseaus argument that society and the existence of amour-propre leads to the essence of inequality and corruption. As amour-propre displaces amour de soi it leads to it substituting for the constitutional self-possessed good with which the latter is concerned the delusive good which consists in procuring invidious personal dominance over others (Dent, 1992, pg. 34).As amour-propre is the main drive for distinction and self-importance, contestation between humans becomes more violent and deceitful which creates a greater degree of inequality within society. Moreover, as the sentiment is an artificial and reflective trait, it could be described as morally unjustified. The artificial trait is highlighted by Rousseau when he writes amour-propre is a purely relative and factitious feeling which arises in the state of society (Rousseau, f/n pg. 73) it is due to the need for comparison with other human beings that it arises only in society and the coming together of human beings.It is this correlation that the trait has with society that leads it to having a significant role within the development of society. The development of amour-propre has played a pivotal role within society Rousseau believes it is solely responsible for the ills, and inspires all evil in modern society. Civil society was founded when the first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him (Rousseau pg. 84).The state of civil society could not have pass byed overnight, that leap would require great conceptual development in humans, but from the moment that men started staying in communities was the first real sign in the development of amour-propre humans started comparing themselves with other beings and from these first distinctions arose on the one side vanity and contempt and on the other shame and envy (Rousseau pg. 90). Although in early stages of society amour-propre is morally neutral (O Hagan, 1999, pg. 162) Rousseau suggests that it is the true cause of societys discontent.This is due to the pathologies that develop from the first distinctions of men. These first distinctions also gave way to the prestige of status status is the main ambition behind the trait of amour-propre the egocentric need to prove your importance and standing in society. From this point, amour-propre becomes more established within human behaviour and becomes a major influence on the development of society. The pathologies, such as vanity and pride, then have a chance to develop. The overpowering nature of these pathologies begins to overshadow the fundamental needs for survival.As the influence of these pathologies grows, human beings initial drive becomes overwhelmed by their reliance on artificial needs. Although the initial drive for status can create a healthy competition, this drive can quickly become vehement and deceitful as we start to expect it from others. Moreover, the progress of these pathologies shows how our nature changes due to increased influence from amour-propre. I n modern society, the omnipresence of amour- propre has changed people from being championed for what they can to do to what they can appear to do.This increases the amount of influence deceit has on society as people can be held in greater esteem for having the quality of convincing their peers of their abilities rather than showing them in practice. Amour-propre can have more negative effect on society as the maturation inequality increases, this attribute becomes consuming as we become obsessed about our status, esteem and personal possessions. As more sentiment is bestowed on our artificial needs, such as personal possessions, the unreflective attributes of human beings are overshadowed.Moreover, the need for such possessions becomes more overwhelming, as it gives humans a greater thirst for more bourgeois things as we own more things, our amour-propre not only lets us believe that we rely on such possessions, but more are needed in order to sustain our prestige and esteem. Rou sseau gives evidence that these possessions dont give any substantial happiness to their beholder, however in the Second Discourse men would be unhappy at the loss of them, though the possession did not make them happy (Rousseau pg. 8). The envious side of amour-propre is also heightened as competition between peers starts a tit-for-tat relationship on who possesses most of these personal possessions. Furthermore, the role amour-propre plays in society creates social standing, and inequality, by comparing your possessions with others if you have more possessions, you are held in higher esteem. The more people own, however, the more they tend to rely on such things to maintain their social standing and in a way become enslaved by their personal possessions.Rousseau highlights this in the Social Contract by claiming man is born free and everywhere he is in chains, one thinks himself the master of others, and understood remains a greater slave than they (Rousseau pg. 181) Rousseau bel ieves human behaviour is consumed by amour-propre to the extent it enslaves an individuals very nature. Rousseau also claims that amour-propre acts as a catalyst for the growth of inequality within society. We also become more enslaved to our status the higher we are held in esteem, desperate to maintain societies high opinion of ourselves.Politicians are a good example of this, as their behaviour is constantly scrutinized they are bounded by constantly playing the role that society expects (that of an upstanding and salutary role model their freedom to behave in any manner they want is extinguished by constantly trying to uphold their status. Although it is described as largely negative within the Second Discourse, it is essential for the foundations of society. If humans didnt have the drive for competition and standing, the socialization between humans would not happen as we require interaction to hold comparison between ourselves and our peers.Within modern society, the innate drive to better ones self could stem for the overwhelming nature of the trait. Without this drive, the determination within the human nature may only extend to necessities of survival and not the technological and scientific advances that society has discovered. Although Rousseau argues that many ills that exist in modern society are born through society itself, the advancements in dealing with such problems surely have been spurred on with the drive for recognition and status that is bestowed on people responsible for these advancements.Amour propre also develops the desire to be respected and acknowledged, and gives us the sense that we matter. As we start to expect eminence from other humans, our nature changes due to societies which amour-propre runs rampant, people are alienated from their authentic or natural selves (Riley, 2001 pg. 117). Our nature is augmented so much so, we would become vexed if we are individually disregarded in society, as it vitiates our status as a rat ional human being.From this viewpoint, amour-propre could be regarded as a fitting trait to adopt the problem of inequality examples of this in society could be the struggle for inequality in America during the 1960s when the black community fought to improve their status within society and decreased the level of inequality within the country. This concept is somewhat counter intuitive, however, as it suggests amour-propre spurs on inequality but also reduces it. Amour-propre is the intrinsic need for distinction within society.The egocentric trait is fundamental in the development of human beings as it gives us a drive not only for this distinction but also gives rise to inequality due to its competitive nature. As each human being is only concerned with their own status, conflict and inequality are increased as people develop a competitive nature due to the need for prestige. This has led to amour-propre playing a pivotal role within society. Due to the overwhelming nature of the trait, social class and rank have developed which has led to an unequal society that is driven solely by the need to surpass ur peers. Moreover, the fundamental needs for survival are overshadowed by the reliance human beings have for artificial needs such as personal possessions. Bibliography The Social Contract and Discourses, Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1913, Everyman Publishing, Guernsey C. I The Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries, A Rousseau Dictionary, NJH Dent 1992 Blackwell Publishing, Oxford The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau, Patrick Riley, 2001, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Rousseau, Timothy O Hagan, 1999, Routledge Publishing London
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Mary Shelly Essay
Comp are the way Susan Hill and bloody shame Shelly Create tension in extracts from their novels The cleaning lady In Black and Frankenstein Gothic Horror was born with the reaching of the book Frankenstein by the author Mary Shelly in 1816. This book fuelled the future wring of horror and changed the future of horror forever. The book Frankenstein came about after Mary had a horrific dream one night. Marys writing was influenced by umteen factors in her life.Her father utilise to take her along with him to demonstrations, showing that electricity had the potential to bring people back to life, overly science was largely unknown about then, there were many endless possibilities and unanswered questions. She also visited a village of clockwork dolls, which she was very impressed by. All this and the hurt of the loss of her premature baby added to the birth of the most popular book of its century. The book The Woman In Black by Susan Hill was written about 150 years later.At this time science had progressed and many things that were once a mystery story were now explained. There was less of the unknown Yet Susan still managed to create this chilling tale. The extract from Frankenstein is set in a dreary basement, utilise as headmaster Frankensteins laboratory. The very first line starts off with It was on a dreary night of November which adds to the creepy atmosphere, because the night, darkness and cold weather of the November month are usually associated with bad scary things, like chilly weather and shadows in the dark.It then mentions that its one in the morning with heavy rain pattering against the pains, and his standard candle nearly burnt out, which tells you it was a barely lit room, with a dark chilling atmosphere in the middle of the night, when most are normally asleep, woolgather or having nightmares. This setting and atmosphere very much fits the chivalric horror genre, leaving you with a very particular sense of tension. In The Woman I n Black extract, we find out in the first small paragraph, is set in a small dilapidated graveyard, this is scary within its self because of a graveyards ossociation with death, specters and all things evil.The second paragraph starts with In the greyness of the fading light again adding to the dark, gloomy atmosphere with a feeling of tension of what is to come. The language used in both extracts is very sophisticated and quite complex, as is typical to the gothic horror genre, but while they both use big haggle Frankenstein is much more old fashioned in wording, obviously due to the time it was written in. Whereas in The Woman In Black the language used is much more modern while still keeping to the more complex wording of the gothic horror genre. Its the first time Victor meets his creation alive in the extract of Frankenstein.His reaction to the monster he has created very much sets up your opinion of it. The way he describes this creature understandably gives you the impressi on it is evil with its watery eyes and His shrivelled complexion. In The Woman In Black her appearance is not described very much, the strain is more on the feelings she provokes within Arthur. He does however describe the look on her face as as a desperate, yearning malevolence it was as though she was searching for or sothing she wanted, needed- must have, more then life itself, and which had been taken from her. Through Arthurs thoughts and feelings being explained to you, you feel, or are supposed to feel, what he is feeling. I think the writer is very good at making you experience these dramatic emotions through the character Arthur Kipps, and I certainly was moved(p) by how Arthur is affected when he sees the woman in black. Frankenstein was written at a time when science was new, strange, exciting, and threatening. Much was unexplained and seemed scary and illogical. Strange new ideas were being explored, some far fetched and some that just seemed far-fetched but were the start of vast new scientific knowledge.People began to travel all around the world and experience many new things, different social and cultural attitudes. All this obviously had a profound affect on Mary she began questioning things and was very aware of the public of the world around her. In her book it sends out the message of what would happen if people started playing god with life. She obviously felt strongly about this and perhaps feared this is what was to come. The Woman In Black was written about 150 years later, in a much more developed time. When science was accepted and we are used to travel, we are less religious and life is very different.The paranormal is less unexplained and the unexplained scares people, this is why Susan has chosen the form of a ghost in her story, as it is more believable then a monster like Frankensteins creature, as we know that wouldnt be possible learned more about the way things work through science, yet a ghost is still unknown and unex plainable. Both extracts are very typical of the gothic horror genre. They both use complex language with big words and long flowing sentences, with only a few short ones for dramatic affect.They both tell a story about a creature and the unknown at the times they were written. I personally like the extract from The Woman In Black the best, as I can understand the more modern language and I can relate to the story line better because the paranormal is a lot more believable to me then the creation of a creature from dead parts. By Jemma Burke Show preview only The in a higher place preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Classroom Behavior Essay
Each different rankroom has different rules and behavior settings in their classrooms. The cash machine of the classroom has a lot to do with schoolchild behavior. The setting of the classroom should be appealing to the teacher and in some cases the students. All teachers should let students spang specific dos and donts of the classroom. Which behaviors are expected or desired and which depart not be tolerated in the class, Ms. Colombara? s rules are just and respectful to the class.They insist of no fare and drinks in the classroom but pasts the teacher bends the rules and lets students quickly munch down an orange or a small granola bar. During the classroom prisonbreak stay in the class and under no circumstances leave the classroom without your student handbook with you. suddenly no uses of swear words in the classroom but some are used when the class is doing readings from novels. Treat any teachers on call the akin respect, as you would treat a regular staff at Sulli van Heights Secondary. One of the rules Ms.Colombara likes to knag at kids is to not to eat or drink in the classroom. zip blames her because there could be some spills or crumbs on the ground and no teacher likes to go as a janitor at the end of the class and recess up junk left by the students in the classroom. The teacher also doesn? t like gum or any type of candy because sometime kids leave the gum underneath the desk and that is horrific and gross. Also some students like to put the gum on the ground and when a fellow student walks with oer it, it sticks underneath their shoe and it?s a pain to clean up. She will only allow water only if it? s in a stiff bottle like a water bottle or a Gatorade bottle, something that has a lid on it so if it does get bumped off the desk nothing will spill. Another rule Ms. Colombara has that no foul language or any other inappropriate behavior in the classroom. No foul language should be used against another member of the class. If students do this they will earn them automatic participation in ? Friday? s after prepare writing challenge seance as well.?If the usage of foul language is very harsh and disturbing the student could be sent to the office with a referral and a call sign of the zodiac to the parents. Also teach T. O. C. with the same respect you would too any other teacher. It? s not fair for a T. O. C to come to a school and being harassed or taken advantage by the students. During the weekly double block in Sullivan Heights Secondary, there is a short ten-minute break that the teacher allows students to get a breath of fresh air or just stretch and walk around.While the ten-minute break is in process, students are than usually allowed to go to the restroom and go for a drink if needed. At no times during the break and regular time is a student permitted to leave the class without signing the student handbook by the teacher. No student is able to wander the school premises. If a student decides to leav e when the have a T. O. C. than the student will be punished and have to write a 500 word essay on Appropriate Classroom Behaviors.If the student keeps on go away class without handbook there could be a possibility of losing his/her break period. In conclusion, Ms. Colombara? s rules are fair and are perfect for the classroom. She allows no food or drinks in the classroom. Respect fellow classmates, the teacher, and yourself by listening to any body that? s speaking at the time. Make sure that you n constantly ever take advantage of T. O. C. or any teachers at the school. Ms. Colombara? s rules are great and if you don? t obey them you will be dealt with serious consequences.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Caribbean Economy and Slavery Essay
What were the economical, social and political consequences which resulted from the veerover of tobacco to sugarcane in the 17th light speed?ObjectivesWhat is the sugar variety?What were the reasons for the change from tobacco to sugarcane (better termed a the sugar revolution) in the 17th centuryAssess the social political and economical consequences which resulted from the change of tobacco to sugarcane in the 17th centuryRationaleThe need for economic stability as well as potential growth in the French and easterly Caribbean islands led to what was go around termed as the Sugar Revolution. The Sugar Revolution was referred to as such due to the changes and consequences which were far reaching and rapid. This sugar revolution was the change from tobacco to sugar cane in the mid to late 17th century in the French and English Caribbean islands where monoculture was a rule.This revolution did not only just change sugar instead of tobacco to the chief crop the population changed fr om white to black the size of landholdings changed and eventually the West Indies became the cockpit of atomic number 63, thus these changes were just as equally revolutionary. The list of changes the sugar revolution brought was in surplus or inexhaustible for that matter. However, these inexhaustible changes can be best be fit underthree broad headings political economical and social.This research question was chosen as it not only fascinated me that the eastern Caribbeans French and English planters desire for greater profitability led to the sugar revolution and thus other changes that were equally revolutionary. This topic will pull up stakes the reader and anyone else who comes in contact with this SBA to better understand the reason for this change of chief crop and how the people of the Caribbean territories in
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A Christian Perspective on Nudity in Art Essay
The Association of Classical & Christian Schools John is a Christian who enjoys the stratagems and recuperates them edifying. He is break outicularly fond of the art of painting. Desiring to expand his art history sleep togetherledge, he visits the best, closest art museum he can find. Going from gallery to gallery, John begins to be father discouraged and more than than a little embarrassed because of all the nudity shown in the paintings. He finds himself wondering if he should leave the museum in a state of disillusioned protest.As a Christian, John understands the need to shun pornography but what he is seeing is non Hollywood at its X-rated worst, it is Western Civilization. These ar the paintings that distinguish up the code of art. What is he . what are Christians . to do with nudity as it is often shown in art? To answer the overriding question, one must first understand the deflexion between nudity and pornography. Nudity is nonhing more than a human figure with out clothing. There is no overt intention of intimate arousal.When nudity is utilize in art, it is often (but not always) with the goal of eliciting an admiration on the part of the viewer for the handy-work of his Creator. The Greeks believed that man was the measure of all things as such they sought to find the perfect human form and show it in their art. The resulting nudes are not pornographic rather, they are the outworking of the Greek ideal. As Christians, we rightly reject their philosophy, but we should not make the mistake of mislabeling their art. There has been much written on the beauty of the human embody and it does not need be rehearsed here.It is clear that we are, indeed, fearfully and superbly made. When an artist shows nudity with this in mind, he is demo it to the praise and glory of the Creator. Pornography, on the new(prenominal) hand, has sexual arousal as its sole intention. It seeks to debase and let down both its subject, the person being looked at, and its object, the person doing the looking, to the level of mere animals. It is meant to feed our lusts, with the full understanding that they can never be sated. Sexual lust . deal all other lusts . perates according to the Law of Diminishing Returns the more a person feeds his lust, the harder it is to get even temporary satisfaction.This forces him to go back for increasingly more and more stimulation until it is almost impossible to derive any pleasure from his vice, no matter how much he indulges. It would be irresponsible to say that no part of Western Art leans to the pornographic side of things for some of it does (much of Klimt, Schiele, some Courbet, and so on ) however, the difference is usually reasonably obvious with sober thought (if it. s not, then the artist has not done his job ).There is also art that is quite charged with erotic content that doesn. t show so much as an exposed ankle. These paintings rely on context and keenty to convey the true meaning of the work. For example, Gustave Courbet. s painting, Demoiselles on the Banks of the Seine of 1856, is widely dumb to be a depiction of two lesbians in post-coital sleep . an obviously unacceptable situation for the Christian. There is no crass sexual imagery to purport this relationship however, when viewed in light of some of his other paintings, and when the painting is looked at carefully the relationship between the two women becomes clear.This is far from the only example of subtle erotic imagery, but it is illustrative of the issue. Like so many situations in life, context is the key to making a decision about whether or not to show or look at imagery like this. Song of Solomon (among other passages in scripture) is very explicit in its description of a sexual relationship between a man and a woman. It speaks quite openly of physical desire. We know from the context of the whole book that this is not a extraordinary(p) desire and that it is proper for us to read about it and l earn from it.So it is with art when we properly understand the context of a picture we can make decisions on whether it is sinful to look at or not. We have to decide what our aim is in looking at it are we indulging in an flagitious desire, or are we awaiting an opposing worldview? If it is the former, then by no means should the image be viewed however, if our education is to have any value we must confront opposing worldviews. To what are we objecting in pictures like this? It is obviously not the depiction of an unclothed human body.It is the repre displaceation and the implicit approval of promiscuity. This is what breaks the Law of God in Scripture . the sin does not necessarily occur when we look at such material, it happens when we approve of it. Things are rarely one dimensional at that place are many reasons for showing nudity in art. We do a disservice to our students (and ourselves) when we teach them to be reactionary instead of thoughtful and discerning. There is a persistent tradition of depicting the nude human form in Western Art. I mentioned above that appreciation of the human form is one reason for showing nudity in art.However, it is not the only reason. Realism is another nudity in varying degrees is a part of life, even public life at many multiplication in the past and in different parts of the world. Many times artists were showing only what they saw as a part of everyday life. In the past there were public baths and public toilets that did not afford the same privacy that we, as 21st century Americans, have come to take for granted. There were even times when public nudity was accepted (for example, Peter worked in the nude while he fished (John 217).As such, tidy sum would have come to understand the concept of modesty as opposed to prudishness. Modesty reserves the exposure of the body to appropriate times and places, whereas prudishness sees the body as sinful in and of itself. As Christians, we must reject prudishness in ligh t of the fact that God has consumen us many undecomposed gifts that are to be enjoyed in their proper context, our bodies being one of them. Since the Fall, desolation in many situations has become shameful to us. Artists throughout history have recognize this fact and have used it in their art.For example, there are many depictions of the Last Judgment in art history (Rogier Van der Weyden, Hieronymous Bosch, Petrus Christus, the van Eycks, etc. ), many of which show those to be judged completely naked the blessed are usually given a robe while the damned are sent into hell naked. This is done to emphasise their state before God they have no covering, either physical or metaphorical to shield them from their Creator. The image of nakedness is used in the Scriptures to highlight our condition before God (Hebrews 413).God describes Israel as having been naked before He found her (Ezekiel 16, Hosea 21-5). He also uses literal nakedness when he commands Isaiah to go without clothin g for three years as a sign of imp blockadeing judgment (Isaiah 201-6). Whether in Scripture or elsewhere, a literary image of nudity is not really that much different from a literal image both give the mind pictures of naked bodies to think about. It is the intended goal of depicting nudity (whether in words or pictures) that carries the weight of moral responsibility. If e take into accountancy the Scriptures. use of nudity, it seems that it is proper . even edifying . at times to show nudity in art if it is done for the same reasons as the Scriptures. Many times in art the baby Jesus is shown quite openly nude. This is done for a very serious reason. His genitals were shown so that the artist might emphasize the very real human nature of the Christ. The artists wished to refute various Christological heresies (Nestorianism, Monophysitism, various forms of Gnosticism, etc. ) by showing that Jesus was both God and man.The attributes of immortal are obvious and well known (the hal o, lamb, and cross) but the tradition of depicting Jesus. humanity through showing His genitals is often misunderstood. At the other end of the spectrum of representing Jesus during His life on Earth is the cross. He would have been completely naked on the cross. The loincloth that we commonly see in paintings is a forgather of pure fiction. Would it have been sinful for Him to be naked in public? Of course not, this was not a sexual context, nor was it meant to be. Was it sinful for Jesus. emale followers to be there and see Him in such a state? No. Again, context is the key. A common example of public exposure (albeit mild exposure) that many of us will encounter is breastfeeding. This is a context in which a womans breasts are not meant to be seen as sexual, but as motherly. If a man is aroused by the sight of this, does that not point to the sin in him and not in the act of breastfeeding? God ordained this method of commissariat for children and alludes to it many times in Scr ipture as a good and proper thing. Again, context is the key to discerning the nature of this situation.Likewise, it is exceedingly rare for a medical doctor to be accused of being a pornography addict for giving physical exams to members of the opposite sex. The context of the examination room is not a sexual one. However, if a doctor mistreats his position and does look at a woman in a lecherous manner, does that mean that all physicals are pornographic and we should stop having them? There are other examples where images of nudity do not and should not elicit sexual arousal childbirth, war pictures, anatomical charts and books, images from other (often indigenous) cultures, etc.The age at which it is acceptable for children to begin seeing paintings with nudity in them is a matter of debate. It seems that children should be exposed to nudity in art from an early age with the understanding that it is proper in some contexts and improper in others (many of which have been discussed above). If this is done, many aspects of the question of pornography will have been answered at an early age. Furthermore, if this approach is taken, children will gain an understanding of modesty and prudishness and know the difference between the two before it becomes an issue of practice for them (e. . fence in length, bathing suits, movies, etc. ). Of course there are many things that are perfectly good and right in and of themselves that are inappropriate for children. It is the responsibility of the parents to know their children and use their discernment in this question. The above arguments show that things are rarely as simple as nude = bad, clothed = good. This is not an exhaustive give-and-take of the issue by any means however, it should shed light on different perspectives on how a Christian is supposed to view nudity in art.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Discovery Rules
Criminal or civil litigation is the last resort for seeking justice from the system. Given the large number of litigation suits filed in democratic countries as the United States, there is a need to seek recompense in justice outside the legal system or before parties concerned agree to bring the issue to a court of right. These measures however need to be institutionalized so that both parties are satisfied with the processes and are encouraged to resolve the matter outside the court of law.The mechanism of discovery rules is one such(prenominal) instrument which has provided for pre-trial phase in a law suit. The discovery procedure allows the parties in a law suit to request for evidence including documents from the other parties. The law provides for making such requests which could be for production as well as depositions. If required sub poenas can be issued for production of evidence. The discovery rules if used purposefully can lead to minimizing litigations as well as provi de justice to litigants.The aim of the prosecution is to collect sufficient evidence to establish veracity of the exercise and to ensure justice. However frequently the prosecution acts as an instrument to prove guilt of the accused. This mistaken notion results in subverting the very process that is required to be undertaken under the discovery rules. To avoid this anomaly it is essential that the prosecution discloses all evidence to the accused in a criminal case prior to the trial.Having so displayed information in all respects, be it exculpatory or inculpatory by the prosecution, the defendant will be able to establish culpability of the disrespect and in turn decide either to challenge the case or to disclose as much evidence as possible for the prosecution to assess if the case is to be pursued or will achieve the ends of justice. The defendant is granted very justifiably protection under the Fifth Amendment, a exemption of attorney-client relationship as well as against self recrimination because of which he should not be required to disclose evidence to the prosecution.This ensures that practical problems of implementing discovery rules are overcome. prosecution can misuse discovery rules to extract maximum evidence regarding the case to strengthen arguments rather than seeking ends of justice. As Stracher (1998) has indicated the best legal minds are have-to doe with in manipulation of evidence rather than seeking ends of justice. Thus it would be appropriate for the defendant is able to exercise privileges granted in the present socio-legal environment.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Geography Study Guide
Terms Definitions Pacific is arena groups Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia (Pacific) Micronesia means- small islands (Pacific) Melanesia means- black islands (Pacific) Polynesia means- many islands (Pacific) Divided into high islands and depressive disorder islands based on- physical characteristics High Islands- mountains created by tectonic forces, volcanoes and earth quakes Low Islands- coral reef chromatic Reef- formed from living coral polyps accumulating over time (Pacific) Natives arent sure how they got there WW11 caused- not much assist U. S. sed marshal islands for- nuclear testing- Bikini Atoll Trust Territories (Pacific) territories supervised by another nation Pacific become low or high precedent of living? low Pacific cash crops rubber, coffee, sugarcane in high islands of Melanesia and Polynesia (P) what is growing rapidly? tourism Antarctica is larger than Australia (A) Discovered- last 1820s (A) Is the highest or lowest continent? highest (A) land is feet be low sea level 280 ft Park field glass of icebergs and ice surrounds the continent and ice shelves Ross ice shelf reached in 1840s A) 1st explorer set foot in- 1895 1961 what was signed? Antarctic treaty by 12 countries (A) Treaty was renewed in- 1989 with 28 more countries adding to treaty (Au) is the blank largest country- 6th (AU) is about the size of it of- U. S. Block rain- great dividing range Longest river in the east- Murray river Outback- central and western plains and plateaus (AU) population- about 19 one million million (AU) where does most of the population live? Eastern and southeastern coast (AU) Low or high standard of living high 1st Australians AboriginesWho killed, infected, and drove of Aborigines? Europeans Claimed AUS for UK Captain James cook (AU) most immigrants come from- peaceable islands and southeast Asia (AU) climate- hot and dry (AU) has more rain- coastal areas (NZ) 1,000 miles away from- Australia (NZ) has two islands- northeastern and South is lands (NZ) North Island- narrow, hilly, central plateau (NZ) South island- longer and more mountainous with glaciers lakes and fjords (NZ) has what type of roots? Polynesian and European roots Captain cook landed in NZ in- 1769Maoris- natives, that have violent contact (NZ) 1840 was treaty between- Maoris and UK Who blue-pencil down the forests in the 1800s? Europeans half the land of NZ is used for- pasture NZ major exports- wool and kiwi NZ 75% live on the north island NZ Less than 15% live on the countryside NZ 85% live on the urban areas NZ government is based on- UK model NZ 88% of population is of descent? European descent NZ portentous influence of culture? Maori NZ has high or low standard of living? high
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Description Paper on Gustav Klimt
DESCRIPTION opus ART INTO TEXT The purpose of this short paper is to hone your abilities in using enounces to come across and understand the physical qualities of a pass water of art. By writing about art, you volition take on the responsibility of examining it closely, organizing your perceptions and thoughts about it, and conveying in text an organized and clear summary of your opthalmic analysis. First, need a hit to examine. There is no limit to which work you may choose, except that it must picture from within our time period (the year 1400 of the common era to the present).If you have concerns about your choice, consult the professor. beguile do not choose a work that has been discussed extensively in class or in the text contain. You may choose a work that you can see first-hand in Hong Kong (at for instance the Hong Kong Museum of Art or the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, or a work of public sculpture). If you opt to do this, please identify where the prey resides in y our paper. If you desire to choose a work from the West or other places not flat accessible, please find and utilize many reproductions of it, from as many different angles as possible, and with different levels of detail.Please withdraw relevant images to the end of your paper (do not include them in the text). After choosing the work, you will then choke considerable time examining it (no less than 30 minutes is recommended). Then, take notes on what you see. Describe the media, principles of design and visual elements that you find in the work. Think about how line, volume, scale, balance, and/or visual rhythm argon used in the work, if appropriate. Pay attention to as much of the surface of the work as you can see.Do physical features of the work suggest the purpose of its creation, the meaning it is trying to communicate, or its use or original physical consideration? What can you infer about the culture that made this object from its physical features? Finally, compose a 2 to 4 page (double spaced, with regular fonts and margins) essay summarizing your findings. The bulk of the paper should be a well-organized description and titular analysis. You should organize this part of the paper logically, i. e. there should be an order to your description and analysis.Then, taking the features and relationships in the work that you find most compelling and important, assess its cultural meaning and/or significance based upon your observations. This should be your conclusion. Do not conduct research for this assignment. The focus here should be on honing your observational skills. You will be graded on clarity of writing and word choice (25%), organization (25%), thoroughness of observation (25%), and the plausibleness of your conclusions based on evidence at hand (25%). Paper due in class on Monday, September 24, 2012. Penalties for not following instructionsDoes not meet the page minimum dropped a earn grade. Fonts and/or margins are oversized in order to meet page minimum dropped tail fin points. Illustrations are within the text rather than appended to the end dropped a letter grade. Work chosen has been discussed in book or class extensively dropped a letter grade. Research has been conducted dropped two letter grades. Plagiary automatic zero. utilise of previously submitted material automatic zero. Work is not within specified time period dropped five points. Excessive redundancy/use of filler points subtracted from thoroughness score.Farriss rules of good formal nonfiction writing bend use of first and second person pronouns (I, you, we, us). Avoid passive voice. Avoid redundancies, both in word use and content. Be sure of the meaning of a word before making use of it. modify phrasing in order to be direct about what you want to convey. Organize your thoughts before kickoff to write. When not writing dialogue, paragraphs must be at least three sentences long. Sentences in a paragraph should address a single subject. Avoid st arting a sentence with a conjunction. Avoid contractions. drop unnecessary words. Assess evidence, not subjective reaction.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Health Promotion in Nursing Practice Essay
wellness promotion is defined by the world wellness organization as the process of enabling batch to subjoin control over, and to improve, their wellness. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a great range of social and environmental interventions. The purpose of health promotion is to empower mountain to improve their health and delay disorder, stultification, and death. The nurses plays an important role in health-promoting activities which include educating people in making important flavour changing decision much(prenominal)(prenominal) as healthy eating, stress focal point, adequate physical activity, adequate eternal rest and not smoking. Achieving optimal health is not the sole responsibility of the individual the government are similarly involved in health promotion by creating safe environment free of pollution, safe potable water, provide vaccines for preventable diseases.Health differences can be burnd by providing culturally relevant health information, programs, and services, creating public policy that promotes health, improving access to health care and providing other opportunities for making healthy choices. old stripe is the prevention of diseases and conditions earlier their biological onset. This can be achieve in many ways, such as educating individuals to decrease risk taking behaviors, preventing environmental exposures, environmental health measures, such as maintaining a safe water and food supply. Educating individuals on sex educations such as promoting the white plague of condoms, abstinence before marriage, avoiding multiple sex partners will prevent sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV, and also reduce the risk of cervical cancer in women.Education in healthy eating habit and increase in physical activity will reduce obesity and prevent some diseases associated with obesity such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart related conditions etc. Vaccines are good examples of primary prevention me asures, many diseases today have been prevented with the use of vaccines. Good example of secondary prevention in the hospital settings is offering of flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine to all discharged patient who meets the criteria. Education on the use of seat belt will reduce the degree of automobile injuries. auxiliary prevention is the process of identifying the nominal head of disease in the body at an early stage when it has not advanced to the point of make any signs, symptoms or disability .These preclinical conditions are most often discovered by disease screening. Screenings such as routine mammograms, Pap smear, colonoscopy, PSA, prevents disease emergence and this usually leads prevention of serious complications. Secondary preventions also includes routine blood works to check for cholesterol take aim, prescreening for hypertension, screening for high blood-lead level for people who work in environment with lead exposure. Nurses should promote secondary preventio n in our area of work, in the communities they should emphasis on the importance of health screenings to the clients in their area of profession. The government should also provide funds for secondary prevention by providing resources for free screening in public places like the school, church, hospitals, town dorm etc.With secondary prevention there will be delay in disease progression, disability and death. Tertiary prevention is the prevention of disease progression and complication after it has been clinically diagnosed. This includes the rehabilitation and management of the disease , example of tertiary prevention is the routine screening for and management of diabetic associated conditions in a diabetic patient such as renal ,eye, and foot problems. Eliminating offending allergens from asthmatic patients. Preventing reoccurrence of myocardial infarction with blood thinners such as aspirin, Plavix etc. The use of physical healer and occupational therapist to regain physical function in a stroke patient.Nurses in their different area of breast feeding plays important roles in health promotion, it could be by primary prevention, secondary prevention, or tertiary prevention. When a patient is admitted in the hospital it is the duty of the nurses to educate the patient and the family on the tertiary prevention level on how to manage his disease such as to comply with ordered medication, diet modifications, smoking intent etc.Educational handouts with specific teaching on disease prevention and management should be precondition to patient upon discharge.In conclusion primary prevention is the most important hindrance measure in health promotion, while secondary prevention is very vital in health promotion as with this preventive measure there is a high chance of a positive outcome. Also tertiary prevention is also very important as it minimizes complication and delay death.ReferencesRobert, R. B. (2002). Encyclopedia of Public Health.Retrieved on January 13, 2013 from GCU Library.Retrieved on January 13, 2013 from
Friday, May 17, 2019
A Hard Days Night
practice of medicine is one of the large Britains most marvelous contributions to the world, despite the tendency of musical movements over the last four decades to spawn cultures that come a great to morally damage the social norms, especially on the youth. Much of the phenomenon can be attributed to the advent and maturation of television as a medium of communication, for television has vastly catapulted the career of popular musicians to a hearty new level. In a similar magnitude, cinema has also projected negative implications on how putting surface people treat celebrities.Together with television, cinema has dehumanized celebrities in much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a way that fraternity and culture, finically in the west, pay off eventually nurtured television viewers with mindless conformity to the media as head as a fully developed system of glorifying celebrities and their radical behavior. The tremors of broadcast media and cinema feel produced the co nceit of superficiality and prejudice as a basis for popularity. It is quite evident on how movie stars, musicians, athletes, and commercial models are treated in restaurants and other public places.The motion picture A Hard Days Night, for instance, exemplifies and tackles the pass of the demeaning nature of popularity as felt by celebrities in a personal level since they themselves touch sensation the luxury of a normal life gradually departing from them. The context of the characterisation is inclined on the opinion that the visual elements provided by cinema and television create a following of a particular artificer or group of artists based on appearance and not on talent.In analysis of the development problem, Kevin Donnellys British Film Music and Musicals emphasizes the phenomenon of how A Hard Days Night became the antidote to the venom brought about by cinema and televisions visuals in such a way that the focus is more on The Beatles music as the storyteller instead of the plot or the cast themselves (Donnelly, 2007). Contrary to other studys involving music artists such as the legendary Elvis Presley who has been the guinea pig of film makers who did nothing but to exploit his popularity in film.Donnelly writes that the film virtually connects viewers to the solidifying finished the musical score which goes hand in hand with the government agency and emotions that the films scenes raise (2007). The songs suggest how the Beatles scorn about the fringe benefits of popularity while dealing with the punishing nature of their duties such as written text and touring. The virtual contact also happens as the motion picture shares the bands brutal torments of having a celebrity life while sacrificing their personal goals and interests.The visual technologies of cinema and film indeed contribute to the actuality that such mediums of communication make deities out of celebrities. In this sense, A Hard Days Night represents and reflects the the star- making machinery around The Beatles in such a way that it documents of The Beatles misadventures in the United States during the peak of their career. The bands grasp with commercial success were represented through encounters of pursuit by law enforcers and a horde of fans as closely as their appearances on tender conferences, endeavors with their agents, and hotel life (Balio, 1987).Therefore, Such circumstances are quite similar to the cases of modern celebrities being sighted and chased on public places or being arrested for driving fast and under the influence of psychoactive substances. A Hard Days Night, meanwhile celebrates the bands stardom in a different manner, by highlighting the bands versatility as musicians since part of the film captures the bands latest compositions at the time, being played during practice sessions, live performances, and informal set-ups (Balio, 1987).The films distinct approach to the bailiwick subjects the tendency of visuals such as film and television as career boosters in such a way that the showcase of the bands talent through live performances are shown, unlike traditional musician orientated films which make use of the artists recorded material. In a corresponding approach, A Hard Days Night in concert with the film and television persistence serve as a mockery of the star-making machinery around The Beatles as well as other celebrities and popular personalities, primarily because music is an art form which stimulates appreciation through hearing.As such, the dedicated medium of communication for expressing the art of music and recording artists is supposed to be the radio, not television, film, and in spades not print. The motion picture also insults the The Beatles as artists by humorously tackling the problem of pop fame, which the band members experience, through a medium that caused such a plague in the first place (Glynn, 2005).In addition, the polluting nature of television and cinema has once again made its presence felt as the visuals have proven to be useful aids in exploiting artists and promoting the developed system of idolizing celebrities, which is in this case happens to be The Beatles. Furthermore, the visuals provided by television and film entombs true musical talent by taking away the recording artists musical credibility (Frith, 2002). Simon Frith (2002) however implies that rock is to be understood as a television product.The spot elements and features of television and film, for Frith, have configured the manner of how the audience perceive music and musicians. Simon Frith writes that television has become largely responsible in the field of star-making for the reason that television with its emphasis on close-ups of the performer and musical virtuosity, particular types of staging and spectacle has added flavor to musicians as celebrated public figures (2002).Frith also adds that the emergeance of music networks such as Music Television together with several music related television programs such as Top of the Pops have also aided artists in terms of promotion which affects components of stardom such as record sales and graph ratings (Frith, 2002). The advent of technology has indeed influenced the the norms and standards for treatment of celebrities.Visuals, in an unimaginable, have added spice to musicians as attractions to the public eye, with it, the intent of promotion for recording artists have revolutionized. Regardless if the changes brought about by the television and motion picture industry to the public status of career musicians have positive or negative undertones, the bottom-line still goes down to a particular point, change. A change that has been felt almost half a century after it has long been innovated and practiced.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Effect on Economy Due to Change in Rbi Policy
Shivans gupta PGPFM nifm- Faridabad Shivans gupta PGPFM nifm- Faridabad picture of Monetary Policy of run batted in on thrift Effect of Monetary Policy of rbi on Economy 2012 2012 Effect of Change in fiscal insurance of rbi on Economy Economy An thriftconsists of theeconomic systemsof a country or other area thelabour,capital, andlandresources and themanufacturing, production,trade,distribution, andconsumptionofgoodsand ope lay of that area.A given economy is the result of a process that involves itstechnological evolution,historyandsocial organization, as wellspring as itsgeography,natural resource endowment, andecology, as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. Repo ramble Repo locate is the roam at which RBI lends to commercialised depository financial institutions gener in ally against g all overnment securities. Reduction in Repo appreciate helps the commercial chamfers to get silver at a cheaper order and plus in Repo consec govern discourages the commercial brinks to get coin as the direct increases and becomes expensive.As the place are high the availability of credit and pick out decreases resulting to decrease in pomposity. abandon Repo rate Reverse Repo rate is the rate at which RBI borrows capital from the commercial banks. The increase in the Repo rate impart increase the cost of borrowing and bestow of the banks which will discourage the public to borrow specie and will encourage them to deposit. coin Reserve Ratio property Reserve Ratio is a certain fortune ofbank depositswhich banks are required to keep with RBI in the form of reserves or balances . Higher the CRR with the RBI lower will be the liquidityin the system and vice-versa.RBI is em government agencyed to diversify CRR between 15 percent and 3 percent. But as per the suggestion by the Narshimam committee Report the CRR was reduced from 15% in the 1990 to 5 percent in 2002. As of October 2012, the CRR is 4. 5 percent. Statutory liquidity Ratio Every financial institute have to represent a certain amount of liquid assets from their time and demand liabilities with the RBI. These liquid assets washbasin be cash, uncommon metals, approved securities like bonds etc. The ratio of the liquid assets to time and demand liabilities is termed asStatutoryLiquidityRatio. There was a reduction from 38. % to 25% because of the suggestion by Narshimam Committee. The current SLR is 23%. slang rate Bank rate, as well as referred to as thediscount rate, is therate of enlivenwhich acentral bankcharges on the loans and advances to acommercial bank. Whenever the banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow it from the central bank. Repo (Repurchase) rate is the rate at which the central bank lends short-term money to the banks against securities. A reduction in the repo rate will help banks to get money at a cheaper rate. When the repo rate increases borrowing f rom the central bank becomes more expensive.It is more applicable when in that location is a liquidity crunch in the foodstuff. ostentatiousness Ineconomics,inflationis a rise in the generallevel of pricesof goods and services in an economy over a period of time. 1When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys few goods and services. Consequently, inflation also reflects an erosion in thepurchasing powerof money a loss of real cling to in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy. A chief prise of price inflation is theinflation rate, the annualized percentage change in a generalprice tycoon(normally theConsumer Price Index) over time. thoroughgoing(a) domestic product(GDP) Gross domestic product(GDP) is themarket valueof all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDPper capitais often considered an indicator of a countrysstandard of living GDP per capita is not a stripe of persona l income (SeeStandard of living and GDP). Under economic theory, GDP per capita exactly equals the gross domestic income (GDI) per capita (SeeGross domestic income). GDP is related tonational accounts, a subject inmacroeconomics. GDP is not to be conf employ withGross National Product(GNP) which allocates production based on ownership. worry rate An absorb rateis the rate at whichinterestis paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from alender. Specifically, the interest rate (I/m) is a percent of principal (I) paid at some rate (m). For example, a exquisite company borrows capital from a bank to buy new assets for their business, and in return the lender receives interest at a pre checkerd interest rate for deferring the use of funds and instead lending it to the borrower. Interest evaluate are normally expressed as apercentageof theprincipalfor a period of one class. Money add togetherIneconomics, themoney supplyormoney stock, is the union amount ofmonetary a ssets for sale in aneconomyat a specific time. There are several ship canal to define money, but standard measures usually includecurrencyin circulation anddemand deposits(depositors easily accessed assets on the books of financial institutions). Money supply data are recorded and published, usually by the government or the central bank of the country. Public and private celestial sphere analysts have long monitored changes in money supply because of its possible make on theprice level,inflation, theexchange rateand thebusiness cycle.Relation between two variables Interest rates & investments Interest rates & the bond prices are inversely related to each other. When interest rates move up, it causes the bond prices to fall & vice versa. Say for example, you have a bond, which is yielding 10% now. Suddenly, the interest rates in the economy move up to 11%. Now your bond is giving fewer yields than the market return. Obviously it price is going to fall in such a graphic symbol. Re verse is the case when interest rates fall, the bond price will move up because it is giving more returns than the market return.So movements in interest rates have serious implications for individual investments. Inflation and economy Inflation effects the economy on three sides. One, it is directly linked tointerest rates. The interest rates prevailing in an economy at any point of time are nominal interest rates, i. e. , real interest rates plus a premium for expected inflation. Due to inflation, there is a decrease in purchasing power of every rupee earned on account of interest in the future, and so the interest rates must include a premium for expected inflation.In the long run, other things being equal, interest rates rise one for one with rise in inflation. Money supply and the economy Money supply also effects the economy on three sides. One, money supply is used to control theinflation in an economy. On the demand side, whenever money supply in the economy increases, con sumer-spending increases right off in the economy because of increased money in the system. But supply cant vary in the short term, so there is a temporary mismatch of demand & supply in the economy which exerts an upward pressure on inflation.This argument assumes that demand drives supply, which is generally the case. On the supply side, callable to an increase in demand, supply can only be increased by capacity additions. This causes the cost of production to rise & that is reflected in inflation. Two, money supply also has a direct relationship with the ingathering of an economy. Until an economy reaches full employment level, the economy return is the difference between money supply growth rate & the inflation, other things being equal. When an economy reaches full employment level, the growth in money supply is set off by a growth in inflation, other things being equal.This happens because output cant rise after full employment & therefore inflation increases one for one with the money supply. Three, money supply also has a relationship withinterest rates. One variable can be used to control the other. Both cant be controlled simultaneously. If the RBI wants to peg the interest rate at a certain level, it has to supply whatever money is demanded at that level of interest rate. If it wants to micturate the money supply at a certain level, the demand & supply of money will determine the interest rates. Usually it is easier for RBI to control the interest rates through its open market trading operations (OMO).So, the money supply is allowed to vary but RBI controls it by playing around with interest rates through its OMO. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) & statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) and an economy CRR is the percentage of its total deposits a bank has to keep with RBI in cash or near cash assets & SLR is the percentage of its total deposits a bank has to keep in approved securities. The purpose of CRR & SLR is to keep a bank liquid at any point of time. When banks have to keep low CRR or SLR, it increases the money available for credit in the system. This eases the pressure on interest rates & interest rates move down.Also when money is available & that too at lower interest rates, it is given on credit to the industrial sector which pushes the economic growth. Monetary policy and economy It refers to a regulatory policy whereby the monetary authority of a country maintains its control over the money supply for the realization of general economic objectives. It involves manipulation of money supply, the level & structure of interest rates & other conditions effecting the level of credit. The central bank signals the market intimately the availability of credit & interest rates through this policy.The RBI fixes the bank rate in this policy which forms the basis of the structure of interest rates & the CRR & SLR, which determines the availability of credit & the level of money supply in the economy. So it plays a very important rol e in the development of a economy. Practical summary of the Research Table of different Monetary arrays DATE Reverse Repo ramble Repo Rate CRR SLR Bank Rate Mar-10 3. 5 5 6 24 6 May-10 3. 75 5. 5 6 24 6 Jul-10 4 6 6 24 6 Sep-10 4. 5 6 6 24 6 Nov-10 5 6. 5 6 24 6 Jan-11 5. 5 7 6 24 6 Mar-11 5. 75 7. 25 6 24 6May-11 6 7. 5 6 24 6 Jul-11 6. 5 8 6 24 6 Sep-11 7 8. 5 6 24 6 Nov-11 7. 75 8. 5 5. 5 24 6 Jan-12 7. 75 8. 5 4. 75 24 6 Mar-12 7. 75 8. 5 4. 75 24 6 May-12 7 8 4. 75 23 9 Effect of change in Repo rate on bank Prime Lending Rate Prime Lending Rate Dates ICICI SBI Repo rate 20-Apr-12 18. 5 14. 5 8 04-01-2012 18. 75 14. 75 8. 5 13-Aug-11 18. 75 14. 75 8 04-Jul-11 18. 25 14. 25 8 07-May-11 18 14 7. 75 24-Feb-11 17. 5 13 7. 25 03-Jan-11 17 12. 75 7 06-Dec-10 16. 75 12. 5 6. 5 18-Aug-10 16. 25 12. 25 6 As the repo rate and reverse repo rate have direct impact on bank prime lending rate. From form 2010 to 2012 the repo rate keeps on increase from 6 to 8. 5 the PLR of SBI an d ICICI also increasing from 12. 25 to 14. 75 and from 16. 25 to 18. 75 respectively. But as the RBI cut down its Repo Rate by . 50 points the PLR of banks also down by . 25 points. preserve of change in CRR and SLR on Money Supply As the CRR is same in 2010-11, 2011-12 i. e 6%, there is not so much change in money supply it is in between 15000-16000. But as it dent to decrease in 4th quarter of 2011-12 money supply start increasing and cross to 16000.And in Ist quarter of 2012-13, CRR become 4. 75 and SLR become 23% then Money supply is 17500 cr. in Indian Economy. Reverse Repo Rate Repo Rate Bank Rate CRR SLR money supply 5. 75 6 6 6 24 15100 5. 25 6. 25 6 6 24 15100 5. 5 6. 5 6 6 24 15100 6. 5 7. 5 6 6 24 15100 7 8 6 6 24 16000 7. 5 8. 5 6 6 24 16000 7. 5 8. 5 6 5. 5 24 16000 7. 5 8. 5 6 4. 75 24 16000 7 8 9 4. 75 23 17500 Effect on Increase in Money supply on Inflation As Money supply increases in the economy, there is more money in the market hich finally i ncrease the purchasing power of people. Because of increase in purchasing power the cost of production increases and in conclusion Inflation rate increases. So money supply in 2012-13 increases to 17500 cr. The inflation rate become 10. 05 from 8. 65. Reverse Repo Rate Repo Rate Bank Rate CRR SLR money supply inflation rate 5. 75 6 6 6 24 15100 11. 99 5. 25 6. 25 6 6 24 15100 10. 55 5. 5 6. 5 6 6 24 15100 10. 23 6. 5 7. 5 6 6 24 15100 9. 56 7 8 6 6 24 16000 8. 86 7. 5 8. 5 6 6 24 16000 10. 06 7. 8. 5 6 5. 5 24 16000 6. 49 7. 5 8. 5 6 4. 75 24 16000 8. 65 7 8 9 4. 75 23 17500 10. 05 Impact of Repo rates, CRR and of Money supply on GDP harvest Rate Data categories and cistrons units 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 GDP(Current market price) in rs. 7674148 8912178 159527986 Growth rate in % 18. 1 16. 1 16. 9 As we see that our GDP growth rate start decreasing because of increasing rates. Because there is money declination in the market the purchasing power of people an d our production starts declining which ultimately effect on our GDP growth.But as in financial year 2012-13 the RBI cut its rate by . 50 then our GDP growth rate increase by . 8 %. Conclusion RBI increase or decrease the rates i. e. repo rate, reverse repo rate, Cash reserve ratio, statutory liquidity ratio to control the money supply in the economy. As this small change in these ratios affect a lot on the whole economy and its various component like on investment index, cost of production, inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, prime lending rate of bank, mob loan and car loan rate, deposit rate of bank and etc.In first quarter of financial year 2012-13, RBI decrease the repo rate by, reverse repo by, CRR by, SLR by the ultimate objective of this reduction in rate is to increase the money supply in the economy. As the rate decline in 2012-13, the RBI plow 17500 cr. In the market. But this increase in money supply increase the purchasing power of consumer which ultimately effe ct on inflation and hence inflation also increase. But because of decrease in rates, it is favourable to take more loan for the corporate which increase their production and in result of this our GDP also increase by . %. The prime lending rate is directly proportional to the repo rate of RBI. So there is a fall also come in prime lending rate of banks by . 25 points because of decrease in repo rate by . 50 So, The change in monetary policy of RBI affect many other rates and and which also affect the consumer and these rates are the instrument of RBI to control the money supply in the economy. Bibliography * www. rbi. org. in * www. indiabudget. nic. in * www. wikipedia. org * www. simpletaxindia. net * www. karvy. com * www. tradingeconomics. com
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