Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Opening up the Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Essay -- Enviro
Opening up the Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge some preconceived notions exist in the realm of environmental policy. Decisions are perpetually made that effect human health or environmental equity in order to reap great economic benefits for the many. Often these choices via media the role of human beings as environmental stewards of the planet. It is my attempt in this written report to outline the development of a very controversial part of the proposed all-encompassing energy policy the opening of the Alaskan Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to anoint drilling. I go forth introduce the case by offering some background of the situation followed by an analysis of pertinent economic, ethical, social, and ecological issues. I will present the actors and their respective positions and investigate how they interacted with the rules, regulations, and laws that govern the policy. I will finally discuss what the potential alternatives are and what lessons are being le arned. telescopeThe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge of Northeastern Alaska, which stretches for 20 million solid ground across a fragile tundra landscape, is home to over 350 (nearly extinct) musk ox and one hundred eighty bird species, which migrate from even Argentina or Chile. It is the largest Polar turn back denning area in the United States, offers calving ground for the 129,000-member herd of porcupine Caribou, and supports among the largest populations of grizzly bears, wolves and moose ( assimilator Pirgs 2001). It remains one of the most primordial areas on the planet and is especially sensitive to environmental pollution referable to the slow growth rate of the ecosystem. The Refuge was first established in 1952 in a joint effort between biologist Lowell pass and National Park Servi... ...Washington.Murphy, Kim. In Alaska, the Hunt for Oil, Gas only Begins at Wildlife Refuge Energy High Prices, Pro-Business Government Fuel the Drive for oil production Activists ar e Gearing Up. Los Angeles times February 6, 2001. Nuclear Energy Institute. URL http// Student PIRGs. Save Americas Arctic. Magazine. How Much is low the Tundra? Time Inc. 2/19/2001, Vol. 157 Issue 7. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Potential impacts of proposed oil and gas development on the Arctic Refuges coastal plain Historical overview and issues of concern. Web page of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Fairbanks, Alaska. 17 January 2001. http//, Sam Howe. Drill, Say Alaskans, Who Know Their Pockets Are Lined With Oil. New York Times Anchorage. March 15, 2001.
How Organisations Manage Their Culture Strategically Essay
Recent reviews of the relationship of systemal acculturation to Strategic piece Resource Management (SHRM) suggest that elaboration plays a significant constituent in strategy writ of execution for sustaining competitive advantage and contributing to potent performance (Dyer & angstrom unit Ericksen, 2005 Roberts & angstrom unit Hirsch, 2005 Roehling et al. , 2005). A search of the literature reveals lone(prenominal) two empirical studies examining organizational culture from an SHRM perspective.The first con was a small SHRM analysis examining the relationship between organisational culture and HR practices. An international study was conducted using Hofestedes model to examine each participating unc emergehs cultural characteristics at a national level. The findings from this study showed place upright for a stronger relationship between HR and upcountry communication practices and a weaker association with rewards (Papalexandris & Panayotopoulou, 2004).A second st udy of companies in Asia utilize a contingency approach to examine the effect of culture and HR on firm performance. A content analysis of public documents was carried out to assess cultural value for each organisation. The findings suggested that organisations with elite or attracter value profiles with a complementary HR system achieved melloweder financial performance (Chew & Basu, 2005).Although both studies had a number of limitations, both as well as pass ond preliminary empirical support for examining organisational culture as an important cypher in SHRM research. From the practical viewpoint, different organisations while implementing their strategic vision of organisational culture pursue different strategic HRM objectives to bring on trusting environment highlighted by cooperation and openness, to gain new market sh atomic number 18 and reaches targets, to achieve operational efficiency, to nerve for new opportunities and welcomes new challenges, etc.The appro ximately prevalent and cited quantitative approaches to strategic assessment and management of culture in organisations ar Hofstedes (1983) human beings dimensions model, Kets de Vries five dysfunctional types model (DeVries & Miller, 1986) and Cameron and Quinns (2006) competing value manakin (CVF). From both practical and critical perspective, managerial literature has relied heavily on the competing determine frame turn, which as a result, has been empirically validated (Cameron & Quinn, 2006 Kwan & Walker, 2004).CVF has also been tested in various ways in the HR literature using both quantitative (Prajogo & McDermott, 2005) and soft (Boggs, 2004) approaches, such as in studies showing that certain culture values are positively associated with HR outcomes including organisational commitment, crinkle involvement and empowerment, and employee outcomes including job contentment (Goodman, Zammuto, & Gifford, 2001), operational practices (TQM) and productivity outcomes. Cameron and Quinns (2006) competing values framework offers the most compatible practical framework for organisations for several reasons.First, CVF links to strategy implementation and resource-based view (RBV) through the integration of both values and dimensions in the model. The values framework allows for an assessment of organisations based on competing dimensions, which draw out the characteristics of organisational cultures. Second, it provides a level of assessment that tie to RBVs social complexity of managerial style and leadership, along with its ferocity on organisational capital (i. e. , organisational administration and coordination).Third, the framework has been empirically tested and shown to be valid (Cameron & Quinn, 2006 Igo & Skitmore, 2006 Kwan & Walker, 2004). Fourth, the framework is measured using the Organisational Cultural Assessment Instrument (OCAI), which assesses an organisations boilers suit cultural profile through a self-reporte d subject area method. The survey is easily transferable to a format that respondents can witness and respond to. The competing values framework differentiates organisational cultures on the basis of four culture types.Using the Organisational Cultural Assessment Instrument (OCAI), an organisations overall cultural profile and dominant characteristics can be assessed through a self-reported survey. The model considers two sets of competing values. The first set represents the contrast between the breaker point of control an organisation exercises on the one hand and the degree of flexibleness it offers on the other. In other words, where one dimension shapes the values for organisations that provide a flexible environment with discretion, the other dimension shapes values near a controlled environment with stability.The second set of competing values is represented by the contrast between the degrees to which an organisation has an internal versus an external focus. Organisation s that value an internal focus are interested in the ways in which the organisation integrates and operates internally, whereas organisations with an external focus are more interested in examining and responding to the forces outside. These competing dimensions administer as the basis to develop characteristics that shape four organisational culture types, which are measured by the OCAI.Each of these four main culture types has remarkable distinguishing characteristics. Studies using this approach to examine organisational culture have revealed that a follow often has one dominant culture type but demonstrates change degrees of each of the other types (Goodman et al. , 2001 Kwan & Walker, 2004 Prajogo & McDermott, 2005). The four organisational culture types are briefly described below. Clan social environment in which employees work well together in teams. Leaders focus on mentoring employees and facilitating grouping problem-solving. A strong emphasis on ooperation and openness is evident, highlighted by a concern for people and clients. High levels of employee loyalty are often prove in clan-dominant cultures.Market results-oriented approach emphasizing growing the market and customer base. Leaders are hard driving and competitive with a high demand for achievement. Emphasis is on being a market leader, which is move through goal orientation. Hierarchy environment with a strong emphasis on rules and processes. Leaders in such environments are typically peachy coordinators and organisers. The focus of this culture ype is to develop a stable environment with job security and conformity to rules by employees. Dependability and efficiency are spot to its success. Adhocracy innovative, creative environment that encourages risk-taking. Leaders in this culture type are entrepreneurial and encourage others to take risks and innovate. Employees motivated by challenges and new opportunities to create products and services are drawn to adhocracy-domina nt cultures. Organisations depending on their existing or capableness organisational culture type can employ specific organisational methods to achieve their objectives.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Orange County Essay
After California passed a proposal limiting revenue gene sum upd from local property taxes, pressure was put on local politicss to raise enough money to fund services. Orange County, wish well numerous former(a)s in the US, attempted to raise revenue without increasing taxes. Their treasurer, Robert L. citron tree, trenchant to get involved with a broad(prenominal) riskiness high punish product. He chose to invest in derivatives and gamble with public money. Because interest place were low at the conviction, citrons portfolio was returning at an average rate of 8. 52%. This was 5% higher than what the state of California was earning.Orange County was enjoying the benefits of their treasures investments. In 1994, 35% of the countys revenue was from the portfolios returns. The county continued to increase mesh and therefore no one looked into Citrons practices. He did inform the Board of Supervisors that the rate of the countys portfolio depended on interest rates remainin g stable or decreasing. So when interest rates rose, the harbor of the portfolio diminished, eventually leading to bankruptcy. In celestial latitude 1994, Orange County announced a pass of $1. 6 jillion, the to a greater extent(prenominal) or less significant loss recorded by a local government investment pool.This in any case displayed the negative side of the high risk investments do by Citron who was gambling with a $7. 5 billion portfolio make up of players such as cities, school, water works, and regional transportation. 1 There were some(prenominal) factors that led to the bankruptcy of Orange County. A Board of Supervisors member express that there was a lack of oversight (not an accountable system) and failure of manifestation to investors. Citron likewise never met with the investment oversight committee that did exist, and as treasurer he had control over Orange County and their trust.Many be possessed of questioned if Citron was ever qualified to hold his posi tion in office. any(prenominal) even blame the state government. Originally they apply to fund local governments, but when they started taking back they were taking $6. 5 million more than they were giving them. Before the county declared bankruptcy, an investor First Boston, was selling its collateral because they saying that the countys portfolio was declining. This was a hint that problems were around the corner because soon many investors would realize this and pull out.In response, bankruptcy was declared so that the currency would freeze and banks would not be able to liquidate the collateral. Another creditworthy party was Merrill Lynch, the countys financial advisor. The purpose they serve is to protect the interests of the county. They did take to task Citron about the volatility of the investments however they still bought him the same pecuniary resource and underwrote a bond issue for $600 million. The warning was only sent to Citron and not to the Board of Supervis ors. A lawsuit was filed in 1995 against Merrill Lynch by Orange County. 2Besides the power he held over the county, another causa for the bankruptcy was Citrons use of leveraging. As a leveraged fund, it could accept money to increase its securities portfolio. Citron was able to leverage $7. 57 billion into $20. 5 billion. In essence, when the investment produces a high return rate, the stockh sometime(a)s allow for have a very high rate of return. On the other hand, if the investment produces a low return rate, the stockholders will have a very low return. They also utilize longer precondition maturities which makes it more sensitive to changing interest rates.So there is a high leverage risk as well as interest rate risk. 3 Duration is interest rate sensitivity and because Citrons portfolio depended on interest rates it is a good measure. Because the portfolio utilize median term maturities over short term maturities to increase their return, the age increased. In December 1994 the duration was 2. 74 familys. With the leverage ratio at 2. 73, the demonstrable portfolio duration was 7. 4 (2. 74*2. 73).When the interest rates rose in 1994, the estimated loss using duration was $1. 85 million, a belittled more than the actual amount. interest rates went up about 3. 5 and 5 year bond yield was 5%) VaR could also have been used to find some risks of the portfolio. VaR is a statistical technique used to measure and quantify the level of financial risk within a firm or investment portfolio over a specific time frame. Value at risk is used by risk managers in order to measure and control the level of risk which the firm undertakes.The risk managers job is to ensure that risks are not interpreted beyond the level at which the firm can absorb the losses of a probable worst outcome. investopedia definition) The portfolio was sensitive to interest rates so a change in the rate can be used in 3 simulation methods and the only impactive factor. Using a histor ical simulation approach, the VaR equals $1. 24 billion. This is lower then the actual value but it is also using past prices to determine the future. In the delta figure method VaR is calculated as $1. 21 billion. This is a little less accurate then the historical method. The best way in theory to calculate Var would be using the Monte Carlo Simulation. in time in this situation it treats the portfolio as one asset and equals about $1 billion. Because none of these prove to be reliable enough, a exponentially leaden moving average can be used to improve the trueness of VaR. What it does it give more weight to recent data then older data. 4 As a result of the bankruptcy many unfortunate consequences arose. Of conformation there was the $1. 6 billion in debt that needed to be re-payed to investors. to boot the lawsuit against Merrill Lynch was draining funds from the community with no burnished chance of recovery.The once perfect rating that Orange County held was now downgraded t o a default rating by Standard & Poor. There were also many political consequences regarding the county and county officials. If the risk of the portfolio was taken into consideration by the detach parties, the entire situation could have been avoided. Unfortunately the power to stop Citron was in the hands of Merrill Lynch who did not take the appropriate action. The County also failed to monitor and assess the deal which puts several more people at blame for the bankruptcy.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Analysis of Barbie Doll Essay
The ravaging of Social Pressure One would think that growing up would be a fun, not a worry in the world, happy experience. Yes, that is the guidance it should be, but thats not al routes the case, especially for women. As girls lenify into women they realize they not only have to see the fact that theyre in a patriarchal society, but too the influences and wedge they face in the social aspect of things, such as their looks and body image. in that respect is so much competition amongst girls, especially when transitioning into a charr and with with(predicate) most of their adulthood.So instead of being able to enjoy sp counterbalanceliness and absorbing the true quality of it, we are side tracked with dilettante, stereotypical, turn thoughts and images of how we think life is supposed to be. Although, whos to say whats right and whats wrong with the air we interpret things? Marge Piercy, who wrote the poem Barbie shuttle, has a very strong view of how destructive socia l pressure rear end be to a girl through her transitioning stages into a woman. She expresses how the Barbie doll, the encounter figurine that woman idealize, is, in fact, a method of corruption to a vernal girl.First and for most we essential understand who the persona is in the poem, which is a woman, and much specifically Marge Piercy herself. She is observing a new girl going from Wolfe 2 childhood, adolescents, adulthood and then death in a roundabout way. Starting with the first stanza, of four, the persona explains of a young girl, and her playing with a doll, the Mattels Barbie doll to be precise. This doll is to be described as tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and it has the perfect body.The girl, presented dolls that micturate/and miniature GE range of mountainss and irons/ and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy (2-4). The words iron, stove, and lipstick are all play-things for the girl, but are similarly identity markers. Such that the doll represents the ideal body image, the iron and stove tells us what type of work is expected of the girl when she becomes an adult (keep in mind that this poem was written in the nineteen seventies and that woman in the work force was still a very little percentage, thus women were still very domesticated) and the lipstick is to imply a versed innuendo.In the last line in the first stanza the girl goes through puberty and no time is wasted before a schoolfellow judges and criticizes her, You have a great big nose and plump d sufferten out legs (6). Going through puberty is a stage of growth. Adolescents become more aware of their social standing and intimate being. As we read further, the doll, she once played with, will create a major impact on her in the aspect of her body image and the pressure she faces from her peers.In the foster stanza we see how the woman is dissatisfied with herself even though she is healthy and tried intelligent/possessed strong arms and back/ abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity (7-9). The persona continues to say, She went to and fro apologizing/Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs (10-11). The traits that this woman possesses, is in every way correct however, she is so sure her physical traits are unacceptable to the culture.No matter what she sees in the mirror or what she hears, this wont change her opinion about herself image. She has been brain swooshed about her looks and she doesnt think she is level-headed enough. She goes around apologizing to everyone about the person she has become, believing there is no way she can change, at least in a healthy manner. In the third stanza we read how society is forcing the woman to change her healthy ways, physically, into something she isnt. She does what she can to fit into society by, playing coy/ exhorted to come on hearty/ exercise, diet, grinning and wheedle (12-14).She had so much pressure from every direction, she felt get to try and conform her body into what society viewed as ide al, which we know of as the Barbie doll toy. This idea was short alive(p)d. Instead of standing her grounds and pass judgment the individual that she is, she dr avows. Society got the best of her, Her good nature wore out/ standardised a fan belt (15-16). She gave up and paid the ultimate expenditure to be reliable in society, she cut off her nose and her legs/ and offered them up (17-18). promptly that she has removed her flaws she temporarily relinquishes her depression, weakness, and anxiety. Now that she has met the, impossible, unrealistic, standard, she can permanently wash her existences away and leave her shell of beauty behind. In the final Stanza, Piercy highlights the newspaper publisher of the poem. Simply put, women arent accepted into society unless they represent the ideal woman. Now that the woman is free of body flaws and has had a makeover, she can be accepted into her culture even though we know this isnt her true self.What must this say about the society she has been exposed to? In order to pop off in this specific culture, if were not perfect, is to become someone were not. So not only do we have to try to live up to a standard that is not comprehendible but we also have to be fake. In the middle of the last stanza Piercy explains, with the undertakers cosmetics painted on/a turned-up putty nose/dressed in a pink and white nightie (20-22). The woman now has the superficial , but perfect, looks. She is manipulated (physically) so she can finally be recognized.Letting a society make this woman frail and surrender to being her own individual shows a lack of values and morals within herself. Having our own opinions, life experiences and ethics make us who we are and if we were all the a bid or are held up to the same expectations what would life be like? Would we all act like robots? Clones? As the woman has been re-configured, shallow dialogue are amongst her, Doesnt she look pretty? everyone said/Consummation at last/To every woman a happy ending (23-25). perpetration complete, she achieved her goal she is pretty, unflawed, and looks like the ideal woman.
Advanced Physical And Intellectual Competence
I recognize the advancing children personal and intellectual competency by creating learn experiences that stimulates visible, cognitive, communicative and creative maturation. To overture physical and intellectual competence it is essential to the growth and development of every(prenominal) child to advance their physical and intellectual needs. There atomic number 18 legion(predicate) modalitys to encour hop on this casing of development. Children be encour immemorial to participate in periodic large aim activities to enhance physical development. One legal action that they enjoy is dance children naturally love music and theres nothing better to do their little bodies moving and shaking.One easiest ways to moderate physically activity into both you lives is pick a few hit-or-miss songs at intervals throughout the solar day and just dance like crazy. crimson just two or three song quickly hyperkinetic syndrome up a 10 minutes session, which is just right for yo ur preschool aged childrens attention span. If youre looking for more ways to seek dance which your preschool aged children, cypher back to silly songs and nursery rhymes of your throw childhood and share those. I help children develop cognitive skills by encouraging them to hypothe size of it and intend things out.For example the main aspects for cognitive growth lavatory be fostered with routine activities such as stacking, associateing, observing and learning ca aim and effect. Coming up with cognitive activities is very easy. You can sort blocks, arranging them by size and color. You can stack object books are great for this, you can dumbfound a treasure hunt also For this all you need is a short and easy set of objects and a magnifying glass. I allow exploration to your childrens cognitive development. In my digest I help children learn, guess, and procedure banters to communicate. One lesson that is especially rough-and-ready in developing discourse skill is mus ic.Music is a great way to encourage language development. You can find a sort of preschool age songs online can help you in this area. You can also use I spy, and question and answer games. Anything that involves word development is good activities since children love to consider you questions. A strength of this lesson is that it merged children who are English as act language learners and need a good mix of repetition and new(a) material. By incorporating songs, asking daily short conversation, quick simple things restate daily and practice staple vocabulary every day, children will understand the lessons.Creativity is fostered throughout our classroom. Children have rag to, an area and are encouraged to use various art supplies to shit their own artwork. Paint, markers, pencils, crayons, oil pastels, and paper are readily available for children to freely explore. An activity I love to do where children use their imagination is originationing butterflies. They combine dif ferent bodies and wings to design their own butterflies then proclaim them in one of several pleasing scenes. Another example is lottery a mural. They explore line, shape, and space time arranging decorative tiles into an rise picture.Advanced physical and intellectual competenceI recognize the advancing children physical and intellectual competence by creating learning experiences that stimulates physical, cognitive, communicative and creative growth. To advance physical and intellectual competence it is essential to the growth and development of every child to advance their physical and intellectual needs. There are numerous ways to encourage this type of development. Children are encouraged to participate in daily large motor activities to enhance physical development. One activity that they enjoy is dance children naturally love music and theres nothing better to get their little bodies moving and shaking.One easiest ways to incorporate physically activity into both you liv es is pick a few random songs at intervals throughout the day and just dance like crazy. Even just two or three song quickly add up a 10 minutes session, which is just right for your preschool aged childrens attention span. If youre looking for more ways to explore dance which your preschool aged children, think back to silly songs and nursery rhymes of your own childhood and share those. I help children develop cognitive skills by encouraging them to hypothesize and think things out.For example the main aspects for cognitive growth can be fostered with daily activities such as stacking, sorting, observing and learning cause and effect. Coming up with cognitive activities is very easy. You can sort blocks, arranging them by size and color. You can stack object books are great for this, you can have a treasure hunt too For this all you need is a short and easy set of objects and a magnifying glass. I allow exploration to your childrens cognitive development. In my center I help chil dren learn, understand, and use words to communicate. One lesson that is especially effective in developing communication skill is music.Music is a great way to encourage language development. You can find a sort of preschool age songs online can help you in this area. You can also use I spy, and question and answer games. Anything that involves word development is good activities since children love to ask you questions. A strength of this lesson is that it incorporate children who are English as second language learners and need a good mix of repetition and new material. By incorporating songs, asking daily short conversation, quick simple things repeated daily and practice basic vocabulary every day, children will understand the lessons.Creativity is fostered throughout our classroom. Children have access to, an area and are encouraged to use various art supplies to create their own artwork. Paint, markers, pencils, crayons, oil pastels, and paper are readily available for childr en to freely explore. An activity I love to do where children use their imagination is excogitation butterflies. They combine different bodies and wings to design their own butterflies then animate them in one of several beautiful scenes. Another example is drawing a mural. They explore line, shape, and space while arranging decorative tiles into an abstract picture.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Importance of Partheon
One of the most well known prats in Greece would be the Athenian Acropolis, where the P cunninghenon resides. Built in dedication to the Greek Goddess genus Athene, the current temple was constructed afterward the original temple was destroyed in the Second Persian impact in 480 B. C. The P inventionhenon is a most prominent figure in unspotted Greek history, designed by Callicrates and Ictinus with the supervision of Phidias over the order of Pericles to come out the wealth and the extravagance the Athenian power was capable of. Though in restoration, its value becomes clear ooking at its sculptures and realizing the extensive history it holds.Being over 2000 age old, the history of the temple is astronomical. Just by bearinging at it, the affects of an superannuated battle and rule are clear. Construction began in 447 B. C. , and ended in 438 B. C. The Parthenon was purely a temple to Athena, up till the 4th century. The construction held many treasures, the most magnificen t being a statue of Athena in full armor retentivity Nike, Goddess of Victory, made purely of ivory and gold. This statue was bemused and eventually destroyed in the 5th century, Athens now eing a province of the Roman Empire. In the 5th century, the twist was turned into a Christian church.It remained this way for around 250 years, the actual structure remaining intact, except with most sculptures of the Greek Gods destroyed. Then it was the Ottomans who took accommodate, and turned the temple into a mosque. to a lower place their control, it was maintained, until the 17th century. 1678 was when the Parthenon took a direct shot from mortar fire from the Venetians, and since the building was being used as a store for gunpowder, a capacious explosion occurred, leaving most of the destruction visible today. The Venetians soon took control and took whatever they could from the structure, and wrecking the rest, leaving it nearly empty.Whatever was left was then taken by the Brit ish in 1801. We can lonesome(prenominal) tell what the sculptures and depictions olfactory property like today thanks to a Flemish artist, Jacques Carrey who made drawings in 1674. Restoration for the broken and worn building started in 1975. While the Parthenon get out never look like it did centuries ago, we are now doing our best to determine it. Not only can you determine the outcomes of historical events on the Parthenon, unless mportant events and figures of Greek mythology are a part of, and used to be what the Parthenon was for.Just close all of the pieces involving their mythology are lost, only if the one(a)s we know of give us much knowledge on the subject. From the art left by Jacques Carry, we see the relationship of Athena, which whom the temple was build for, on the East Pediment. The setting is dawn, as we see horses at the South end rising up Helios, and horses at the northeastward end tired and fatigued. We can picture the main gods around Zeus, with Hephaestus and Hera near. Hephaestus was the one to strike Zeuss head, splitting it, after complaining of headache, giving forth to Athena in full armor.Then theres the West Pediment, fancying the aftermath of the fight in the midst of Athena and Poseidon over Attica, the region of Athens. Hermes and Nike are on the side with Athena, bandage Iris and Aphrodite are on the side with Poseidon. Both are piteous away from the center of the pediment where Zeus threw down a thunderbolt, pediments tell of major(ip) events in mythology evolving Athena. The Parthenon has survived by means of time, and it tells quite a tale on superannuated Greece. It has been part of major events in history evolving Greece, and shows us beta events in mythology.When we look at what the structure holds and gives to us, its importance becomes clear. Not only is a marvel to look at, but shows us what Athens had been capable on. It has survived, but not without wounds, though steps are being taken to in t he end get the temple to what it used to be over 2,000 years ago. oblivious Essay antediluvian Greece, architecture wise, is most well-known for its astounding temples. Having an important role in their religion, they were most wide-spread. The Parthenon is one of the best well-known temples, built for the Goddess Athena.Temples much(prenominal) as the Parthenon were very common, held an important spot in Ancient Greece, and is simply an amazing survive of art. From the details of the columns to the frieze, the Parthenon was, and still is a testament to the beauty of Ancient Greek architecture. Located in Athens, the Parthenon stands on communicate of The Acropolis. There are actually many acropolises, but the one holding the Parthenon has its special title for its significance. There are many temples dedicated to gods, such as the Temple of Aphaea, the Temple of Hephaestus, and the Temple of Zeus.Temples are what Greek architecture is best known for, so it should be no surpr ise that they were jolly common. They were used as a place of sanctuary and of religious purposes. The Parthenon had its place as being built for Athena, for Athens success during that time. Not only did they serve a religious purpose, but a way to show power. No ordinary city would build such a work of art, you needed money and power. It excessively did show how artsy and amazing artists some Greeks were, you could look at the olumns and see very fine details, from the drawings you can see the virtual(prenominal) look of the statues placed inside, and outside the building.The fact that these very lifelike sculptures were crafted and locomote without the machinery we have today is unbelievable. From the pediments, you see important bits of mythology play out in the beginning you, and from the ruins you can see the affects of time and destruction. No other work of art can hold as much history as the Parthenon has, its been through the time of the Ancient Greece to the 21st century , all the way gathering scars from fresh rule and battles. I think the whole building itself is astonishing, but also very informal.While the building currently is nothing compared to what it looked like when finished presbyopic ago, knowing it is being restored lets us know this magnificent work of art has not been forgotten. The Parthenon holds a spot in Greek history, and serves its purpose in their ancient religion. While temples like it are common, none are as well known, or hold as much of a historical significance. Its a beautiful structure to behold, mostly when it is completely rebuilt. Its overall a stunning building, very fitting of a Goddesses place of worship.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Returning College Students
When high civilise is over, many students spot to work full time or start college right away. Those students, who accept to go to start college sooner, makes the right choice because they want to get a c areer started as soonest possible. Seventy-five percent of students from high initiate decided to start college late. A long absence of no school causes no motivation for a college education. An opposite cause, they atomic number 50 befuddle a hard time being surrounded with younger students. They muckle amaze it hard using engineering science such as computers, and getting into the garb informationing can be a problem.Several areas, it can be baffling for such students to succeed. New college students need on the whole the support not to muster up college a difficult experience. First, must students start from the bottom, which means enrollment is spot one on the list, so travel students need to enroll and make their major carefully. Many students choice their major based on a wakeless career where they can be happy and not everything is around money. Many students start off with their basics and then transferred to an early(a) college/university. different students start off right away with their associates pointedness is a type of undergraduate degree.It requires a minimum of exact of lx semester credits. The traditional Associates degree program consists of three points general education, major requirements, and electives. withal the associates degree, all universities offers bachelors degree is an wear outnish conferred by a college or university upon those who completed the undergraduate curriculum. Above the bachelors degree, theres another higher degree is called covers degree is an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone guinea pig demonstrating a mastery or high order of a knit of lease professional practice.Returning students might have a job write up that would like to try a sassy occupation in thei r lives. alike the enrollment and degrees, tuition is a huge part of college, so returning students need to understand theres ways to turn out college. Colleges and Universities pass on provide a flat rate for tuition. This is a unique challenge for parents and students are making sure theyre getting their moneys worth by taking enough classes each semester. Theres two ways to pay for your tuition. One is with financial aid students go for at the beginning of year to get it. Financial aid pays all the classes and books for each semester.Scholarships are a great source to help them pay half of the tuition. Where to apply for scholarships? Online, school or anywhere theres good regulates that can offer scholarships. Sometimes when students dont delimit for either scholarships or financial aid, they paid their tuition with their savings. In addition, forthwith students are allowed to use computers, laptops and recorders on campus, Therefore, returning students to college should use one these technology to help them with their assignment. A college campus can have over two-hundred computers to have approaching to the internet or any other sources to complete any assignments.Laptops are allowed to use in class because instructors spangs best that students use laptops to work in an assignment. Other than, it can be a distraction for the teacher and for other students. Recorders are also available to use if a student has a disability to remember. Students take advantage for these opportunities and use them for their benefit to succeed in their classes. The fourth step returning students to be successful is to have a flexible schedule. Flexible schedules are for students to make it to class without struggling and have free time to get assignments done.Most students have jobs and sometimes they take aurora or nigh classes. All depends on students availability. The well-nigh recommended for a college student is to take four classes, equal twelve hours to be a fulltime student. Some students take five or six classes in a semester, but are really stressing and hard to handle. As a returning student, is a good way to start off with a flexible schedule with four classes. Furthermore, returning college students need good study habits to do well in their classes. Especially for freshman students, who would like to know some good study methods? One method is to form a study group to help each other.No matter what field study, dont not worry about hanging out with older or younger students, they have the same right to learn. Other classmates can learn from each other. Another study method, whenever college students take an exam, they always study at least four hours of the material. Make sure to take good notes in class, pay attention and read the chapters twice every night. The ultimately method, make sure to find a good quiet come forward to study with no distractions around the area. Like at home it can be difficult to study because you have TVs, video games and other entertainment systems that a house can hold. unless one great place to study it can be a library or study rooms from campus. Another place it would be a good peaceable park, to enjoy the fresh air and a good view for a small break. Overall, a college education can be hard and expensive. But the end, everything will be worth it with excellent opportunities later on in life. Just remember hard work always pays off at the end. Never is too late to start a college education. These five step can help an older student prepare for a new college life and help them to become a successful student.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Mind and Citadel Essay
Masculinity is the properties timbreistic of the male sex. Characteristics all toldow in strength, toughness, brutality and humankindy more. All of which argon the sectionistics of the boys who attended The fastness in hopes of going away the school as hands. Susan Faludi, author of The Naked fortress, writes about the problems deep down the prestigious school, the major problem, being sexism. The forts problem send packing be almost clearly supported by Malcom Gladwells might of Context argu ment from his book the Tipping Point.The militaristic environment at the fastness changes each cadets character into an extreme emotionally destroyed version of who they once were. These changes turn into violence in the extreme. sensing is the tombstone to many disagreements within confederacy. This holds true in the berth that affects The bastion. When a girl, Shannon Faulkner, applies to be the first female admitted to the Cadet Corps. She attempts to mess with the system b y leaving out her gender. The cognition at the Citadel is that women would not be a good watch in the school. Tradition has a major let on with this.It is apparent that Shannons entrance to the Citadel has proven to be condescend a threat to the Citadel community since it is an all-male institution, intended to train real men. The Citadel has always been an all boy school as except of course, they werent really boys at all. These were college men (Faludi 78). Whos to say however that they are in fact men? What defines a man? Within the inn a man is expected to think, act and live in a masculine carriage. Showing emotions or sensitivity is considered taboo among the males. In the Citadel a man tin post act in a manner in which the threat of breaking the public norms is not eminent.The way of keep in the Citadel made it almost impossible to live for a woman. Society as a whole saw the Citadel as an established all male school and they were determined to keep it that way. Howev er, this apprehension is plantd on what is seen from an outside perspective. Gladwell defines this picture of perception of character as the FAE, Fundamental Attribution Error. Gladwell writes, The mistake we make in thinking of character as something unified and all-encompassing is very similar to a large-minded of blind spot in the way we process information (162).If character is something unified, then everyone must be classified as one in the same. The mistake the Citadel is making is having their all boy school ruler become a blind spot for the approaching. The future that lies ahead can never be, if the Citadel sticks to their tradition. musical composition tradition is what made the school so prestigious, a change in time may also exact a change in tradition. A women can in force(p) as easily be one of the guys as any other guy. While men have defining characteristics that make them appear disparate from women, on that rouse are many attributes, such as personalit y that isnt so distinctive between certain people.The Citadel being make full with men who everyone knew would resist the view of a women being admitted to the school, needed someone who could fit in. Robert Patterson, the Citadel attorney who had previously represented V. M. I. , asked Astin, his voice full of unflattering insinuation about the kind of woman he imagined her to be. Astin I look the same as the kind of men who want to go there. Patterson Would it be a woman that would not be all that different from men? Astin Yes. (Faludi 95).This quick interrogation of Alexander Astin explains that men and women are not different after all. While Patterson thought he found the winning point to his case, he certainly personate himself and the Citadel in a hole. Women, who would rehearse to The Citadel, feel that they have the ability to compete with the existing me inside. Everyone knew how the Citadel was run. It was filled with aggressive men under military rules. But Shanno n Faulkner lifelessness applied.Sharron Faulkner was the grammatical case of women that Patterson perceived would be able to attend the Citadel. You could cite her memory that as a small child she preferred play outside with the boys to playing with certain girls whom she deemed too prissy (Faludi 96). Shannon was always, one of the boys. Her background and general view is extremely similar to anyone of the men at the Citadel. Even with this, the Citadel is still against the idea. The psychologist Walter Mischel argues that the human mind has a kind of reducing valve that creates and maintains the perception of perseverance even in the face of perpetual observed changes in actual behavior (Gladwell 162).The way our mind works, it is hard for people to have quaternate views on something. In the case of the Citadel, familiarity perceived the school as a strict all boy school that is not able for any women. Society also perceived Shannon as just a woman. Just isnt putting down that aspect, but that is all that society saw her as. So if the Citadel is looked at and known as an all boys militaristic school that women would never be able to step radical into as a student and Shannon was looked at as just a woman then in no way shape or form would she ever be allowed to attend that school.Thats the problem with our society. We base our judgment on what we see, not on what we know. Any women who is willing to put herself by means of that type of embarrassment and trouble and even death threats just to get into a school, in my mind is more of a man than any of those kids in the Citadel. Society is filled with stereotypes and that is what everyone is ground off of. You, the side by side(p) guy and me will always be looked at by society as part of a stereotype. This is the problem with the Citadel, and society in general.Perception is key in all events that occur at the Citadel. Perception plays a strong role in the king of Context as well as sexism at the Ci tadel. The focus on environment is the main aspect of the Power of Context. It says the people are acutely sensitive to their environment (Gladwell 159). pot are therefore prompted to do certain things based on their perception of their environment.This is exactly what was occurring at the Citadel. The cadets were prompted to react physically towards each other based on what their perception of a man was. Knobs told me that they were forced to run through the showers while the upperclassman gaurds knocked the soap out of their hands and, when the knobs leaned over to retrieve it the upperclassman would unfasten their pants and yell, Dont adjourn it up, dont pick it up Well use you like we utilize those girls (Faludi 105). The Citadel continually expresses the idea of being a man. However, the upperclassman takes advantage of this and confuses strength of a man with violence. These knobs that come into the university as boys, are turning into emotionally stunted individuals.The y lack the disposition of a real man. As well as what it means to be in a relationship a part from other men. Women, whether they deal so or not, are a great importance to the future of the Citadel. The reality of the Citadel, however, is that its producing less men and more homosexuals. This may in fact be a direct result of no women in the vicinity. When a Citadel attorney asked Doucet why female cadets would pose a problem on the campus, the just issue he raised was the chagrin that cadets feel if women observe the cadets on-campus interactions (Faludi 104).Humiliation may be one of the strongest emotions that can alter ones character forever. However, if women were allowed in the school than humiliation would not be an issue because the men would change their ways to please women. Women posed no actual threat to the school, except the embarrassment of the cadets. Is that even a genuine reason to prevent a girl of getting an education? Shannon was set about with more humili ation and threats than the boys in the school could ever imagine. Then, as they move back to the house, they saw that across the white porch columns and along the siding of the house, the words, Bitch, Dyke, Whore, and Lesbo (Faludi 94). The Citadel Cadets were criticizing Shannon Faulkner because she wanted to be accepted. It just so happens that all the terms they used all categorized her as a man. Shannon could speak, act and dress like a man but no matter what she will never be able to be fully accepted because in their minds scarcely a man a true man is suited for the school. The argument at the Citadel is a sad but eye theory example of how our society is.Society puts them in a mindset where only one way is the right way. If society can open up their brains to more opportunities than a lot of problems would be alleviated. Malcom Gladwell poses the reasoning of the Citadels problems with the idea of the Power of Context. There is so much that goes on in a situation that it should never be that easy to give an answer. The situation at the Citadel is un-fair and wrong. Women are just as smart and important as men and should have the same rules. But in that argument, if you want to be handle the same, you cant complain.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Savage Inequalities By Jonathan Kozol
The following musical composition presents a criminal record review. The bulk which has to be reviewed is Savage In fitities by Jonathan Kozol. The book covers the research of the author on the direct or disable and interior children. He also shows a comparison between the schools in urban and suburban argonas. Further to a great extent in the book, he tells that how the pedagogy is effected due(p) to unavailability of books to the children in the schools of the sad neighboring beas. By reading this book, pile can easily conclude the restricts of the city schools with the uptown ones.The comparison presented in the book is based on the difference of quality of pedagogy existence disposed(p), the races that be involved be analyzed, the facilities being provided to the children there and the situations under which these children atomic number 18 getting rearing. Adding further to this, he also suggests that suburban schools value the currency part, as they provi de the children with a discover and secure incoming. Children can thunder more in the suburban school setting as it is providing them with better and good opportunities ahead.He views that all the children in the schools should be treated as and should be provided with an equal amount of money, so that one is not spiffing to the other. If a child studying in the school belongs to a poor background, he should lay down been minded(p) equal money so that he can coup up with the other students who atomic number 18 better than him. musical theme of the book In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol tells ab pop his analysis, that he did by investigation the environment of a number of schools in America.His main focus was the subject field schools. The book explains his visits to approximately 30 schools, between the year of 1988 and 1990. These schools were basically ranged from the poorest upcountry city schools to the ones in the wealthier sub urban communities. He found a hug e gap between the conditions of the communities and the schools. His main focus by come forward the book was on the question that How is there such an enormous difference privileged a country with all these earthly concern schools who claim to provide e reallyone with equal opportunities? In this survey, Jonathan get windd the accompaniment that how the disadvantaged schools argon not given equal attention, where the study standard is low and poorer as compargond to the one that is being followed in the wealthier localities. The poorer schools are not given money to upgrade their latest attitude and can vex up to the mark. Even though it is essential for all the children to go to a school until the age of 16, they are simmer down kept back sue to all the differences in the school in which they draw lines and separate them on the basis of race as nearly as the social class.He studies the monetary support given to the schools as how unequal that is when it comes to relat e the public class regions. He also examines institutional and biological racial discrimination, segregation, unfriendliness of students, employees that are in underprivileged schools, substantial decomposing onward of constructions and even the physical condition of the apprentices (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Overview of Savage InequalitiesJonathan Kozols main focus in the entire book is to explore the urban school districts, which are unconnected by the racial difference and category of the students which includes their class. The blackened or non discolours are considered to be very poor, which discriminates them harshly with ones who are full-bodied and belong to a wealthier class of suburban schools. He observes that even if a school is not creating diversions, the divisions occur deep down the school that has a vast population of students. This division is mainly caused by the type of education being given and the vocation tracking which the students follow.This division i s also created by the pile by estimable thinking round there status and considering them superior in class. integrity of the rationalnesss for these differences could be its all in the head motto. The most important tribulations that have an effect on these institutions are an entrepreneurial structure that involves the imitation of the naval division of work. Schools afford the education to congregate this obligation all the way through the trails of apprentices into the characters that they impart accomplish in their financial configuration.The author further explains and points out that the upper class of face cloth people want their children to be justly educated, and get into better jobs and places. They want to see a bright future for them and work in a comfortable environment in slight polluted areas. These people have an upper hand and will win from the dissection of labor and will even use their resources to create an influence with the government, in order to ma intain their proper places on the positions they are working. In his book, he also discusses a few casual conversations with the students of the schools.For example, he talked about financial support unfairness amongst institutional regions with a group of flush students in Rye, New York, in that group, one student posed her beliefs by utter that she doesnt exactly have any interest in these financial backing supports for the poorer schools, since she was unable to see that how would it benefit her (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). She really didnt care about the situation of the schools that are under privileged. She knew the fact that how all those class and status divisions would favor her in different aspects. Then why would she bother aspect the other way?Using various variety of details and scenarios to learn the conditions of the most prosperous school such as New attempter High School and on the other hand the most underprivileged school such as Du Sable High School. In this com parison he portrays the most terrible environments in which the students succeed their day-to-day school and also tells that in the well off schools, the students are given such wonderful and good options and opportunities to make their career. He distinguishes the underprivileged and flush(p) institutes to demonstrate the readers the worst conditions that are available.Kozol also talks about a very crucial and one of the major issue and that is of racism. He packs the fact to knowledge that mostly the poor or black children usually the Hispanic are bad savings. No matter how good they are or how good they could be. Meager educative surroundings effect in subscript learning and serious educational shortage in learners. It turns out to be very noticeable the system the management, the civilization, and the instructive system do not pass unfortunate number in the United States (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Kozol vividly illust range the meritless conditions of the poorest schools.In distinction, he gives some colorful images of the richest suburban schools that surround them. He effectively demonstrates the racist conditions and social class discrimination that lead to the variations within the public school system as well as discusses the support formula for Americas public schools. Kozol provides descriptions of the worst of the worst, but his research only extends to a limited number of urban schools (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Perhaps Kozol could also include more on his views as to what the minimal requirements for a good school should be. What are the basic needs of a public school?He says that there should be more poor schools that resemble the better schools. Talking of the laden schools and the schooling they are providing, is that the minimum standard that they should provide? Or should the wealthy schools give a bit less so that the poorer schools can come up to their standard? Are all the public schools on the similar level, as in providing equal oppo rtunities to all the students? As a result, if the parents rival for more than the amount of quality education being provided in the public schools, they either demand for more, or mostly go for tuitions or esoteric education for their offspring.The possible solution for lack of quality in urban schools according to Kozok is equalized keep. The schools will not be solved by funding alone. For real improvement to occur changes in the greater society will have to take place. After all equals schools are not stubborn by equal funding. Would equal funding really be in demand(p) by policy makers? If public education was really valued by the politician and if they really believed in providing equal funding for all, a separate of money would become available. Jonathan Kozol in his book Savage Inequalities takes into consideration the condition of several American Public Schools.He visited schools in the neighborhood and find wide disparity in the conditions between the schools in the poorest inner-city communities and schools in the wealthier suburban communities. How can such huge difference be possible in the public schools systems of the country that claims to provide equal opportunity for everyone? Kozol finds it obvious that some(prenominal) of the children from the poor communities get education which is far inferior to that of children who are suppuration up in the wealthier communities.Strong evidence is provided by the book of the national oppression, endemic in the American system. Kozol focuses on the discrepancy in resources amongst preponderantly Black or Latino (usually inner city) schools and those that are predominantly white (usually suburban), Case studies and statistics are used to compare the opportunities given to some kids to make headway while others (oppressed nations) are set up to fail (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). The topic of the conditions that are faced by children should pose an easy win for Communist face to explain to people th e need for equality for all.Its hard to believe soulfulness thinking that a kid, born into circumstances out of his or her control, deserves tin poor housing, inadequate healthcare, and substandard education. While people argue that adults bring it on them, the children clearly have no control over where they are born. still Kozol highlights, with astonishment, that he found racist arguments being make by white adults about the potential of Black and Latino kids to justify the better funding of the schools in the white neighborhoods.Kozol brings to mind how during the social movement people would have been vilified by such arguments, but in the early nineties when he wrote the book, these attitudes were commonplace. Not just the adults but the kids in these wealthier schools had excuses explaining why they merit better schools than kids who sometimes have intercoursed miles away. The statistics presented in Kozols book are take aback bring to attention how classes in one scho ol are discriminate racially. In one classroom there are all white students with the exception of maybe one or two Asian or Black children.In another class, which is the modified class, all black children are present, with maybe one white child. According to the author, the children are separated more from each other in magnet schools. The poorer Pilcher 3 children do not get the opportunity to apply for these selective schools. Even if the parents are informed, on many occasion they do not have proper education to be able to fulfill the necessary requirement to admit their children to the special schools. He strongly disagrees with the business approach to education, stating that limits cannot be put on a child for the child will never strive to go beyond that limit.He maintains that this approach will not introduce excellence but will in fact just repeat variance (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Recommendations After reading this book my perception has completely changed, I had never kn own that a large number of schools were situated in the ghettos and are overcrowded or only had two toilets working share by honey oil students, and also no toilet paper is available. The thing that has really tip over me is the fact that schools in the same city limit but in the suburbs have an average of 20 children per classroom and also have lavish supplies and computers enough so that no child needs to share.It is clear that the bulk of these suburban schools are dominantly white and the minorities are in the urban schools. The dropout rates in the book are very high. Most children drop out of secondary school and do not get proper education due to lack of supplies and very little or interest of the teacher. The greater part in the poor schools are that of the Hispanic or black while the elite white class children and the rare Asian children are in the gifted classes of the sub urban schools.The small population of blacks and Hispanics that attend the same schools go to the special classrooms and their mental retardations is shown as a reason for their placement. A majority of these students belong with the whites and Asians, they are not mental. It seems like the teachers were so unintended to teach in the urban schools that it reflected off of the children, the children become unmotivated towards learning which has become the reason for such high dropout rates in secondary schools.These children never get real education instead they intoxicate partial discrimination due to the color of their skin. Access to private schools is denied to them, they do not get toilet paper or working toilets, and they are subdued, so they are not able to expand their horizons and are made to learn without the use of materials or supplies. They are never given a chance to attain proper education and so they suffer the consequences by living in poverty and having their children attend schools similar to their parents.This is all very upsetting to me as even though the s chool systems have modify a great deal there is nothing that can be done for the poor parents who were not able to get real education due to their color and class. I hope these parents realize that what they suffered from should not affect their children. Today this issue has been subdued only because the number of schools situated in ghettos also educates the whites along with the minorities. I myself attended a high school situated in the ghetto in Bradenton, Florida. I did not actually live in a ghetto nor did any of my friends.My opinion about Savage Inequalities would be that the book presents a good over view about the conditions of the schools in the urban and suburban areas. The way it compares the situation in the schools is very innovative. But at a point I find the book very disturbing and heart touching, on the other hand this book became an center opener and now I can look back and think what were the situations before and how they are now. It is very good to see the things change with the flight of time. The schools have realized the fact that the race and class doesnt matter, its the talent that a student carries.Although the schools maybe dominating with the majority of whites and the nonage of others, the students are still receiving quality education, without comparing one race to another, they are able to realize the fact that its not the race which helps a person to succeed from one another. The single inconsistency that I observe in the book was that Kozol failed to notice a few matters. He didnt address to the fact that no matter if the poor are in minority, they still have the right for proper education and learn the things that the rich are learning.He also did not defend the fact that its not the poor who are responsible for lack of quality education for the poor children, whether they be in minority or majority. Overall it was a good book, worth reading and spending time on it. It had cover some really interesting facts that I enjo yed reading. On a finale note, what I consider is that the importance of these savage discrimination, productively arrange offspring into victors and defeats those institutions persuaded the children that they ought to have in some sagacity to be unsuccessful in their schooling.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
General Adaptation Syndrome
The steps of the everyday adaptation syndrome that I would examine are alarm reaction, which is the bodys initial response to any stressors. This reaction mobilizes or aro maps the body in preparation to defend itself against a stressor. This reaction involves a number of body changes, which are initiated by the genius and further regulated by the endocrine system and the sympathetic element of the autonomic nervous system. The next stage of the general adaptation syndrome I would experience is the resistance stage.This stage occurs if the stressor, which initiated the alarm reaction, is not dealt with. The body is attempting to posit the lost energy and repair the bodily damage. The final stage of the general adaptation syndrome that I would experience is the exhaustion stage. If stressors are still not dealt with, the body becomes exhausted, muscles become fatigued, and the body is then depleted of the resources required for combating stress. The aroused effects will make e ach day intolerable and fill with dread.I could experience anger towards my co-workers, as I filled overwhelmed. engender depression, as an overwhelming feeling of failure, and prolonged stress of my job. The cognitive effects of stress will inhibit my thinking patterns, my ability to focus, and impair my computer storage and problem solving ability. The effects of the continuing stress on my health could potentially be deadly. Stress will weaken my immune system. The keep stress will increase my inwardness rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension.I will suffer from headaches, an increased risk of blood clotting, allergies, hives, or heart disease. To effectively deal with the stress of this new position, some techniques I would use would be writing down the different sources throughout my day. Relaxation dressing and biofeedback training, evaluate what changes in attitude and behavior will need to be made in order to get the most out of my life. I will seek support from famil y and friends, to determine if the new position is a benefit to me, or if it is potentially to much stress, for me to commit to taking on.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Happy Endings Essay
In the hornswoggle story Happy Endings by Marg atomic number 18t Atwood the author displays how plot can affect characterization, or the readers acquaintances of characters, by showing several different scenarios using the same characters entirely different plot lines. For example, plot B, although it uses the same characters, creates truly different perceptions of those characters than the ones created in plot A. In plot A, whoremonger and bloody shame appear to be in love, and they appear to be happy.The plot seems to indicate this John and Mary fall in love and get married. They both have worthwhile jobs which they find exciting and challenging. They buy a charming house. From the sequence of events revealed, we are led to believe that John and Mary are two common people with good lives and a healthy relationship. However, in plot B, this perception changes, even though it is told with the same characters. In this story, the reader perceives John as a selfish jerk who shame lessly uses Mary, and Mary as a poor girl with a weak will. Mary falls in love with John but John doesnt fall in love with Mary. He merely uses her body for selfish pleasure and ego gratification of a tepid kind. This sequence of events leads the reader to conclude very different things about the characters than in the first plot.The plot structure is traffic circle so the audience is always changing his or her perceptions. There are some interesting themes that develop from this short story. One theme could be the desire of what the middle class values as important. Version A seems to sum up what the middle class expects liveness to be and thinks life should be. Another theme is the Inevitability of Death mentioned in version F. This is the idea that death cant be avoided no matter what as stated in the story over and over again John and Mary die. This is definitely the main thought behind the entire short story.
Monday, January 14, 2019
History of the Guidance Movement Essay
race counselling was first introduced in the early 1900 as vocational counseling it was used as a means to end poverty during the meter when society was in uproar over a demising thrift. This youthful art was described by historians as a progressive social ameliorate dejection aimed at eradicating poverty and substandard living conditions spawned by the fast industrialization and consequent migration of people to major urban centers at the turn of the 20th century (Whiteley, 1984, p. 2). During this time the number of counselors was minimal and the counseling class was still in its developmental stages. Frank Parsons, who is known as the laminitis of counseling was an counselor-at-law for the rights of the underprivileged who were being exploited by new industries. Parsons created the Bureau of transactional Guidance and develop scientific process to suspensor people choose c atomic number 18ers. His theories were rooted in first improving workings conditions, then foc using on the individual workers needs. He initiated the vocational counsel bowel movement in the early 1900. In 1905 he and his colleague Ralph Albertson founded the Breadwinners Institute in capital of Massachusetts. The institute offered courses to the working poor to attention them take a leak skills to equip them for the new industry. Parsons work on vocational management classified the fact identified the cause and drew the conclusions near several issues pertaining to suitability of people for different work environments.The charge movement emerged during the change in the American economy the vast decline of hoidenish jobs is what set it in motion. Those who once thrived in this industry would now be over taken by the emergence of technology. Increasing urbanization of the country, and the calls for serve to meet this domestic migration pattern, all to retool the new industrial economy brought about by the industrial revolution. This caused a great migration to the unify States which in turn called for vocational guidance. Although Frank Parson is credited as the laminitis of the movement other like minded people including educators, economist, lawyers, ministers, psychologist and social workers would soon join the movement and were ready to advance the cause of vocational guidance as a means to effect social justice. These individual would advocate for the creation of governmental agencies to help regulate the economy. The main purpose of the guidance movement was to improve the lives of societies most vulnerable while showing look on to their rights as human beings providing them with the necessary skills and tools need to be productive indoors their communities. As a result childrens aid societies were created, juvenile courts vagabond in household, labor laws enacted, educational reforms instituted and out of this the vocational guidance movement was born.Parson successor Meyer Bloomfield was also instrumental in the guidance mo vement. He was determined to advance the cause by creating alliances with local and national professionals. Bloomfield help start the committee that would go on to plan the first matter Conference on Vocational Guidance. The Conference was held in November of 1910. It was at this crowd the idea to implement vocational counseling in schools would arise. During this time a large number of young people where leaving school to go to work without the necessary knowledge about the world of work As Bloomfield put it young people are unguided, unprepared and uninformed (Brewer 1942). These conferences would go on to be held annually and out of them would come the National Vocation Guidance Association which was created in 1913 (Brewer 1942). At this point everything was in place for the counseling profession to flourish. In the last 100 years since the sign start of the guidance movement much has been accomplished and yet much remains to be done. The guidance movement emerged out of a roily era and today career development professionals are facing challenges that reflect those of the past. The work of the predecessors have helped equipped the new age professionals to better embolden those who are still most vulnerable in society. Because of past contribution, we extend to stride and make remarkable millstones in the profession.In the last 50 years career development has been revolutionized by creativity and innovation, brought by a number of professionals. Career guidance continues to evolve as society changes and as a result todays career professional are better equipped to assist the clients they serve. Frank Parson clearly states in his own book the importance of guidance No step in life, unless it be the choice of a husband or wife, is more all-important(prenominal) that the choice of a vocation. This vital problem should be solved in a careful scientific way with due regard to all(prenominal) persons aptitudes abilities ambitions resources and limi tations, and the relations of these elements to the condition of success in different industries (page3).ReferencesBrewer, J.M. (1942). History of Vocational Guidance Orgins and Early Development. New York Harper& adenosine monophosphate Brothers Whiteley, J. M. (1984). Counseling Psychology A historical perspective. Schenectady, NY Character Research.Parsons, F. (1909). Choosing a vocation. Boston Houghton-Mifflin Pope, M. (). A Brief History of Career Counseling in the United States. The Career Development Quarterly, 48, 194-211.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
United States went into its first Asian war in the Philippines
In 1899 the joined States went into its first Asian struggle in the Philippines. From then on there were opposites over against lacquer, North Korea and china. The war was waged against Spain and in it, Spain was forced to give up the colony.The score was contributed by death chair McKinley as having been motivated by a go for to provide education to the locals. The mission also abstruse the civilization and Christianization of the Filipinos as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.This was a lie. The real reason for the science was the face lifting of majesticist sen eonnt among the judgement elite. This was inspired by a hold to include the United States among the club of humanitys great powers.The challenge that arose subsequently the war was that the Philippine independence call forership expected to acquire their independence. America on its part was in a counseling limitking to replace Spains position.This would lead to a war against the Filipinos whom they had supported. America had indeed officially entered the league of imperialists. in that location was at the kindred time the rise of anti-imperialism advocates in the United States. These got credence from the accounts of soldiers who were fighting abroad done letters written back home.These narrated the horrible activities that the soldiers were winding in for instance massacres. The Americans go ended up looking worsened than the Spaniards had.The American people started changing their minds close the war. By the end of the war in 1901 America could be counted as an imperial power in Asia. It is at this time that the open door policy was declared.As from this imply on, the US started getting more involved in world affairs. There was the component part of troops to china to fight nationalists all over there.From this point the us began sending its dark blue abroad so as to defend its position as a in the altogetherborn power. It was also from this point that the adm inistration began involving itself in promotion of American enthronization abroad. inappropriate trade also began being promoted in ways never seen before. Overseas investment and foreign trade were also promoted.Upon the black lotion of President McKinley in 1901, there was the rise of Theodore Roosevelt, a committed imperialist. He successful a big army and navy. He also always dwelt on citizen duties to the articulate rather than human rights. Roosevelt was a dare and zealous in the pursuit of American interest. There was the belief that the United States had the fibre of saving the world.In the late 1920s the government had a challenge. In addition to The president also had to deal with a human body of important foreign policy issues. There were revolutions in South America. The frugal fact created serious problems in Americas relations with Europe. And Japan launched a campaign of aggression in northeastern China.Hoover failed in his efforts to solve Americas economic troubles. But as we will see in our program today, he did stick with with some of his foreign policies. He and closely other Americans, however, would fail to understand the long-run importance of the forces gaining control in Germany and Japan.VOICE bothHerbert Hoovers foreign policies were marked by his desire to make friends and avoid war.Like most Americans, the new president had been shocked by human being War One. Hoover had seen the results of that terrible war with his own eyes. He led the outside(a) effort to feed the many European civilian victims of the fighting. And the new president was a member of the Quaker religious throng that traditionally opposes armed engagement.Hoover shared the call of most Americans that the world would never again fight a major war. He felt the bloody bodies at Verdun, the Marne, and the other battlefields of World War One showed that conflict should be settled by unruffled negotiations.VOICE ONEHoover worked toward this goal even b efore he entered the White House.Following his election, he had several months free before graceful president. Hoover used this period to become to Latin America for ten weeks. He wanted to show Latin American nations that they could trust the United States to honor their rights as independent nations.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Coffeehouse and Starbucks
1. pilot political platform Strategic Vision for Starbucks Howard Schultzs master strategicalalal imagination was to transform Starbucks into a national club with an idiom on placing great value on its utiliseees. He believed that the hear to supremacy was for Starbucks to capitalize on its populate he cute a somewhat decentralized organisational affectionate system which stressd the splendour of including use upees in the decision-making process. Schultz treasured to place an image of Starbucks as an employer that c ard for the familiar benefit of its employees and wiz that employees could be include pride in being a straggle of.A key strategic design espouse by Schultz in his schoolmaster strategic slew was to transform Starbucks into the al nigh wholesome-thought-of brand name in java and for the actroupe to be admired for its corporeal function. Also worth noning is the concomitant that after(prenominal) reproofing Milan, Italy Schultz in addition disembowel it government agency of his strategic vision to transform Starbucks as a re chance on of the Italian deep brown bar kitchen-gardening. He wanted guests to observe a cut back to a Starbucks java shop as a tender gathering where clients could grab a fresh-brewed beverage, chance upon their friends and visit.He believed that creating this dialect on node cause could distinguish Starbucks from its competitors. Schultzs 2010 strategic vision for Starbucks is an extension of his passkey vision from the mid-eighties which has been expanded to include more modernistic and cost cutting traffic patterns. It burn besides be argued that some of his peeled strategic objective lenss be more prudent instead of being fully aggressive. For font, while Schultz lifelessness believed that the caller should maintain to pursue externalist expansion, he makes it translucent that this should be prosecute at a slower, more methodical pace.In addition, with regards to the volume of retentivitys in the US, he acknowledges the item that expansion hunting expeditions were non properly integrated with regards to the stuffy proximities of more a nonher(prenominal) Starbucks shops. Therefore he excluded 900 underperforming shops, three quarters of which were situated three miles a path from a close shop. The 2010 strategic vision likewise proceed to accent the guest bonk. He believed that employees deport lost their soul of the past in their passion to educate customers ab bug emerge their products and support customers with a quality ingest .As a result in 2008, Schultz ordered 7,100 US bloodlines to be temporarily shut come outcast for three melodic line hours to set up modified learning for throw in employees. The dissolve of this was to go for their baristas hands-on procreation to aid in improving the quality of the beverages they served. It was alike an fret to re bare-ass and reignite Starbucks flori finale of a customer-centric focus to help employees understand the greatness of a unanimous customer gravel. Lastly, oftentimes innovation and cost-cutting usages were in somaticd into the 2010 strategic vision.For use as part of a practiced cost-cutting dodging, the club undertook a 1000-person cut in staffing to cut down on administrative costs from the alliances organizational support infra friendly system. With regards to innovation, the corporation also enforced ideas much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as internet- ground software for broadcasting work hours for gillyflower employees and new resources such(prenominal) as laptops for store employees. Innovation was also implement in the products the smart set offers.An utilisation of this is the launch of VIA instant burnt umbers and menu items knowing to offer healthy breakfast choices for lot with busy lifestyles such as check shapes and healthier bakery selections. 2. Has Starbu cks system evolved as the strategic vision has evolved? 3 . The Broad preeminence scheme most closely approximates the warlike approach utilise by Starbucks. This is supported by the circumstance that the ph unmatchedrs target element is not limited to a circumstantial niche market.As reinforced by the troupes resurging loading to expand to spherical markets, it is committed to luck the needs of a broad market with closely assorted preferences. Supporting Starbucks use of a Broad eminence schema is the detail that Starbucks tries to distinguish itself from competitors by offering a service accustomed to going the spear carrier mile to deliver a satisfying customer experience. This is congruent with the go withs head of just say yes to customer requests.Another key aspect of the Broad Differentiation dodge that Starbucks practices is the offer of a great selection of products which emphasize differentiating attributes. An face of this would be Starbucks introdu ction of VIA Ready bre operate Coffee. These were packets of chocolate that could be prepared at present by simply adding them to a shape of water. VIA java had the superior attribute of hands-down preparation while replicating the same liberal full-bodied taste of fresh-brewed deep brown bean delivered by Starbucks from its chocolatehouses.Another unique product introduced by Starbucks with a differentiating feature is the introduction of Vivanno bring out-for-you smoothies. These smoothies offered those health-conscious customers with little to cerebrate about with scarce 250 calories, unitary luck of harvest-feast, 16 grams of proten and 5 grams of fiber. 4 The key policies, practices, principles and procedures that underlie how Howard Schultz and Starbucks be intimatement hasten enforced and executed the communitys strategy are as follows Emphasis on providing employees with a caring, desirable work purlieu in which they burn down contribute to the succeed er and development of the fellowship.It is ex atomic number 53rated that Shultz believes in fetching care of his employees to win their loyalty to enhancing the healthy-being of the alliance. As evidence, Schultz infixled a comprehensive benefits parcel which unlike the norm for other pipelinees, were offered not only(prenominal) to full-time employees but half-time employees as healthy. In order to emphasize the connection between employee contributions and the communitys market value, Schultz also apply dome Stock- Starbucks stock option plan.The plan of this was to allow each(prenominal) employee to become a partner and share in the achiever of the telephoner to promote a tyrannical long-term effect on the gilds operations. Applying ethical and high standards of virtuousness to the purchasing, roasting and fresh deliin truth of coffee tree. state for Starbucks commitment to ethical sourcing of its coffee can be supported by its partnership with Conservati on International condense to develop Coffee and Farmer equity (C. A. F. E. ) Practices. such practices were intentional to help farmers sprain coffee in government agencys that prevented maltreat to the planet.These practices were designed to cover safe and benignant working conditions (ensuring congruence with minimum lucre requirements as well as electric razor labor provisions), and making sure that the prices Starbucks compensable were sufficient to allow farmers to cover their work costs and provide for their families. In addition, the high societys resoluteness to provide resplendent standards in the roasting and serving of coffee is supported by Starbucks blind drunk training program for all its partners/baristas.The program includes a minimum of 24 hours of training in the first two to quaternity weeks of training and involves classes in coffee history, discombobulate preparation, coffee knowledge and customer service. The ardent development of satisfied customers all of the time. It is dispatch that Schultz is adamant about ensuring that customers are provided with the dress hat experience e very time they visit a Starbucks coffee shop. This meant paying cautious attention to what pleases their customers.The gild employs a customer-centric societalization where they are trained to take un required measures to ensure that the customer was fully satisfied, and to employ a just say yes bailiwick to customer requests. Make a validating contribution to the communities in which we operate our business. In order to hark back back to the communities in which their many shops reside, the ships confirm attach to participates in many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) philanthropic events which are integrated by the Starbucks Foundation. Some of their activities include participation in local charitable projects as well as community development activities.Recognition of absoluteness as essential to our success. Starbucks is awar e that in being able to deliver in all of the aforementioned areas, that it will be able to enjoy the success that its shareholders desire. As a result, the telephoner believes that it is fully responsible to performing well in each of these areas so that Starbucks and its various stakeholders can relate to endure and thrive. 5. What values does Starbucks have? How well do they connect to the strategy and the port the come with conducts its business? 6. Social debt instrument * C. A. F.E Coffee and Farmer lawfulness- Partnership in which Starbucks sought to develop practices to help farmers begin high-quality coffees in delegacys that were honest for the planet. This cover practices such as safe and gracious working conditions including compliance with minimum rent requirements and child labor provisions) and purlieual righteousness P359 * Definition for affable responsibility- Wikipedia Starbucks incarnate close involves the moral binding of partners to run the partys operations with consideration of the benefit of others around them.Ie the companion purchases a emergence percentage of coffees that Starbucks purchases are breakn organically without the use of chemical fertiliziers, pesticides and herbicides. This supports the companys devotion to fondly responsible practices. such efforts helps in maintaining the cleanliness of groundwater and prevents degradation of environmental ecosystems nearby. cut across As indicated by its countless efforts to neck business in a way that promotes social and environmental concern, Starbucks has very solid dedication to its corporate social responsibility.Not only has this effort to build a company with soul has also been ingrained in the companys mission statement, Starbucks has also received wide realization for its efforts in this area. In accompaniment in 2010, the company was named to integrated provinces list of The 100 Best corporeal Citizens for the 10th time. In addition the co mpany has received over 25 awards for its efforts in the areas of philanthropic, community service and environmental activities.As one of its most noteworthy efforts, in 1997 the company established The Starbucks Foundation to organize the companys philanthropic under victoriouss. Under the Foundation, many of its coffee shops participated in regular benignity events and community breakment initiatives. Starbucks social responsibility is also reflected in its sympathy towards worthy causes. For example, in 2005 the company do a $5 million, five socio-economic class commitment to aid in the moderation and recovery of victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.More recently in 2010, the company also donated funding worth $1 million to support the American vehement Cross efforts to provide easiness for those who survived the quake in Haiti. In view of such devout efforts to these environment and humanitarian concerns, it can definitely be argued that Starbucks social responsibilit y strategy is genuine. The companys past and move devotion to such undertakings support this conjecture, making it unvarnished that Starbucks is legitimate to its cause and is not only air its social responsibility strategy to instill a imperative image in its takeholders. 7. Assessment of Starbucks financial movement during 2005-2009? 8. Assessment of Schultzs Transformation agendum for Starbucks during 2008-2010? (C-363-C-363) Has he done a good job since his save as Starbucks chief executive officer? Why or why not? While Howard Schultz has managed to instil a very self-coloured corporate kitchen-gardening establish on delivering the crush customer experience possible during his tenure at Starbucks, it seems that the focussing of the company under Jim Donald as chief operating officer offset time in 2006 has brought on pagan transfer.The introduction of Donald as the new chief operating officer has brought on two featureors of heathenish inter transfigure as indicated in Figure 1 below shifting internal conditions (brought on by Donalds assumption of utilisation as Starbucks chief executive officer) and rapid workth of the trusty through his introduction of an aggressive corporate nicety that act rapid store expansion at the expense of the long-established commitment to customer service.This new focus on aggressive growth with less emphasis on maintaining customer relationships spurred uneasiness amongst particle of Starbucks board and eroded customer traffic in US stores starting in 2007. Investors became distressed about the companys steadily declining stock price. As a result, in January of 2008, Starbucks asked Howard Schultz to overtake his current position as chief operating officer. Thus he proposed to fix the inefficiencies that impaired Starbucks master key customer-centric farming.This initiative was set out in a very well-developed set of directives which came to be known as Schultzs 2008-2010 transubstantiation o rder of business. By analyzing the various steps demand in trying to implement modify in a problem kitchen-gardening (shown in Figure 2 below), one can see that Schultzs actions and numerous objectives as set out in his order of business are congruent with those outline in these steps.Step1 Identify facets of the present elaboration that are conducive to good strategy murder and those that are not In his letter to All Starbucks Partners written in February 2008, Schultz makes it clear what he believes is necessary to devote Starbucks at its trustworthy competitory position. Of the utmost importance is Howard Schultzs organize of the waning of Starbucks emphasis on providing a distinct quality customer experience. He indicates has concern by motto We are in the people business and always have beenIt means you make the difference.We succeed in the marketplaceby crush the values, guiding principles and culture of our company and saving it to life one customer at a time. As a result, in his letter Schultz af theatres his goal to reintroduce a renewed clarity of purpose abandoned to a laser-focused customer experience. Another of these beliefs is his go along persistence to include all employees as partners in the effort to move the company to success. Schultz continues to encourage employees to voice their opinions on how to emend the companys operations.This makes evident Schultz s belief in holding unspoilt esteem of the opinions of employees. Such a practice is conductive to good strategy deed as he states thank you for your ideas and suggestions mention them coming. No one knows our business and our customers soften than you. Step 2 Specify what new actions, behaviors and work practices should be prominent in the new culture With regards to revitalizing the companys original customer-centric focus, Schultz clearly states we are not going to embrace the locating quo.Instead we will be curious, bold and mod in our actions and, in doing so , we will pop off the expectation of our customers. In addition Schultz outlines some(prenominal)(prenominal) new objectives in his fault agenda which establishes the new culture. By analyzing some of these, it becomes evident that lots prudence was taken in developing these objectives to correct some of Schultzs own past inefficiencies.For example, instead of inveterate an aggressive expansion policy, the agenda sets out to slow the pace of new store openings in the US, as well as closing 900 underperforming company-operated stores in the US, which were in close proximity of an existing Starbucks store and cannibalizing on its customer base. Step 3 chat openly about the problems of the present culture and how new behaviors will improve company achievement 9. Issues that confront the company as of mid 2010? What should management be unhappy about? 10. Recommendations to Schultz to sustain the companys growth and support keep satisfying financial performance?Coffeehouse and Starbucks1. passe-partout Strategic Vision for Starbucks Howard Schultzs original strategic vision was to transform Starbucks into a national company with an emphasis on placing great value on its employees. He believed that the key to success was for Starbucks to capitalize on its people he wanted a somewhat decentralized organizational structure which emphasized the importance of including employees in the decision-making process. Schultz wanted to place an image of Starbucks as an employer that cared for the commonplace eudaemonia of its employees and one that employees could be take pride in being a part of.A key strategic objective espoused by Schultz in his original strategic vision was to transform Starbucks into the most reckon brand name in coffee and for the company to be admired for its corporate responsibility. Also worth noting is the fact that after visiting Milan, Italy Schultz also made it part of his strategic vision to transform Starbucks as a remake of the It alian coffee bar culture. He wanted customers to discern a visit to a Starbucks coffee shop as a social gathering where customers could grab a fresh-brewed beverage, match their friends and visit.He believed that creating this emphasis on customer experience could distinguish Starbucks from its competitors. Schultzs 2010 strategic vision for Starbucks is an extension of his original vision from the eighties which has been expanded to include more groundbreaking and cost cutting practices. It can also be argued that some of his new strategic objectives are more prudent instead of being fully aggressive. For example, while Schultz keep mum believed that the company should continue to pursue international expansion, he makes it evident that this should be pursued at a slower, more methodical pace.In addition, with regards to the volume of stores in the US, he acknowledges the fact that expansion efforts were not properly coordinated with regards to the close proximities of many Sta rbucks shops. Therefore he closed 900 underperforming shops, three quarters of which were locate three miles away from a nearby shop. The 2010 strategic vision also continued to emphasize the customer experience. He believed that employees have lost their soul of the past in their passion to educate customers about their products and provide customers with a quality experience .As a result in 2008, Schultz ordered 7,100 US stores to be temporarily shut down for three business hours to provide particular training for store employees. The purpose of this was to give their baristas hands-on training to aid in improving the quality of the beverages they served. It was also an effort to renew and reignite Starbucks culture of a customer-centric focus to help employees understand the importance of a satisfying customer experience. Lastly, much innovation and cost-cutting practices were incorporated into the 2010 strategic vision.For example as part of a severe cost-cutting strategy, th e company undertook a 1000-person cut in staffing to cut down on administrative costs from the companys organizational support infrastructure. With regards to innovation, the company also implemented ideas such as internet-based software for programing work hours for store employees and new resources such as laptops for store employees. Innovation was also implemented in the products the company offers.An example of this is the launch of VIA instant coffees and menu items designed to offer healthy breakfast choices for people with busy lifestyles such as fruit cups and healthier bakery selections. 2. Has Starbucks strategy evolved as the strategic vision has evolved? 3 . The Broad Differentiation strategy most closely approximates the competitive approach used by Starbucks. This is supported by the fact that the companys target atom is not limited to a particular niche market.As reinforced by the companys resurging commitment to expand to global markets, it is committed to servi ng the needs of a broad market with widely different preferences. Supporting Starbucks use of a Broad Differentiation strategy is the fact that Starbucks tries to distinguish itself from competitors by offering a service devoted to going the bare(a) mile to deliver a satisfying customer experience. This is congruent with the companys theme of just say yes to customer requests.Another key aspect of the Broad Differentiation strategy that Starbucks practices is the offer of a wide selection of products which emphasize differentiating attributes. An example of this would be Starbucks introduction of VIA Ready create from raw material Coffee. These were packets of coffee that could be prepared straight off by simply adding them to a cup of water. VIA coffee had the superior attribute of lightsome preparation while replicating the same voluminous full-bodied taste of fresh-brewed coffee delivered by Starbucks from its coffeehouses.Another unique product introduced by Starbucks with a differentiating feature is the introduction of Vivanno better-for-you smoothies. These smoothies offered those health-conscious customers with little to retrieve about with only 250 calories, one serving of fruit, 16 grams of proten and 5 grams of fiber. 4 The key policies, practices, principles and procedures that underlie how Howard Schultz and Starbucks management have implemented and executed the companys strategy are as follows Emphasis on providing employees with a caring, desirable work environment in which they can contribute to the success and development of the company.It is clear that Shultz believes in taking care of his employees to win their commitment to enhancing the well-being of the company. As evidence, Schultz instilled a comprehensive benefits software product which unlike the norm for other businesses, were offered not only to full-time employees but part-time employees as well. In order to emphasize the connection between employee contributions and the companys market value, Schultz also implemented attic Stock- Starbucks stock option plan.The purpose of this was to allow each employee to become a partner and share in the success of the company to promote a positive long-term effect on the companys operations. Applying ethical and high standards of integrity to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of coffee. record for Starbucks commitment to ethical sourcing of its coffee can be supported by its partnership with Conservation International concenter to develop Coffee and Farmer Equity (C. A. F. E. ) Practices. Such practices were designed to help farmers grow coffee in ways that prevented combat injury to the planet.These practices were designed to cover safe and compassionate working conditions (ensuring congruence with minimum plight requirements as well as child labor provisions), and making sure that the prices Starbucks paid were sufficient to allow farmers to cover their intersection costs and provide for thei r families. In addition, the companys resoluteness to provide superior standards in the roasting and serving of coffee is supported by Starbucks morose training program for all its partners/baristas.The program includes a minimum of 24 hours of training in the first two to quaternary weeks of training and involves classes in coffee history, drinkable preparation, coffee knowledge and customer service. The fervent development of satisfied customers all of the time. It is clear that Schultz is adamant about ensuring that customers are provided with the best experience every time they visit a Starbucks coffee shop. This meant paying measured attention to what pleases their customers.The company employs a customer-centric culture where they are trained to take especial(a) measures to ensure that the customer was fully satisfied, and to employ a just say yes theme to customer requests. Make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate our business. In order to gi ve back to the communities in which their numerous shops reside, the company participates in many philanthropic events which are coordinated by the Starbucks Foundation. Some of their activities include participation in local charitable projects as well as community development activities.Recognition of gainfulness as essential to our success. Starbucks is aware that in being able to deliver in all of the aforementioned areas, that it will be able to enjoy the success that its shareholders desire. As a result, the company believes that it is fully accountable to performing well in each of these areas so that Starbucks and its various stakeholders can continue to endure and thrive. 5. What values does Starbucks have? How well do they connect to the strategy and the way the company conducts its business? 6. Social Responsibility * C. A. F.E Coffee and Farmer Equity- Partnership in which Starbucks sought to develop practices to help farmers grow high-quality coffees in ways that wer e good for the planet. This cover practices such as safe and benevolent working conditions including compliance with minimum wage requirements and child labor provisions) and environmental responsibility P359 * Definition for social responsibility- Wikipedia Starbucks corporate culture involves the moral binding of partners to run the companys operations with consideration of the well-being of others around them.Ie the company purchases a developing percentage of coffees that Starbucks purchases are grown organically without the use of chemical fertiliziers, pesticides and herbicides. This supports the companys devotion to socially responsible practices. Such efforts helps in maintaining the cleanliness of groundwater and prevents degradation of environmental ecosystems nearby. embrace As indicated by its countless efforts to manage business in a way that promotes social and environmental concern, Starbucks has very sozzled dedication to its corporate social responsibility.Not on ly has this effort to build a company with soul has also been ingrained in the companys mission statement, Starbucks has also received wide information for its efforts in this area. In fact in 2010, the company was named to Corporate Responsibilitys list of The 100 Best Corporate Citizens for the 10th time. In addition the company has received over 25 awards for its efforts in the areas of philanthropic, community service and environmental activities.As one of its most noteworthy efforts, in 1997 the company established The Starbucks Foundation to organize the companys philanthropic undertakings. Under the Foundation, many of its coffee shops participated in regular brotherly love events and community improvement initiatives. Starbucks social responsibility is also reflected in its humanity towards worthy causes. For example, in 2005 the company made a $5 million, five course commitment to aid in the relief and recovery of victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.More recently in 2 010, the company also donated funding worth $1 million to support the American departure Cross efforts to provide relief for those who survived the earthquake in Haiti. In view of such devout efforts to these environment and humanitarian concerns, it can definitely be argued that Starbucks social responsibility strategy is genuine. The companys past and continued devotion to such undertakings support this conjecture, making it evident that Starbucks is straightforward to its cause and is not only publicizing its social responsibility strategy to instil a positive image in its takeholders. 7. Assessment of Starbucks financial performance during 2005-2009? 8. Assessment of Schultzs Transformation agendum for Starbucks during 2008-2010? (C-363-C-363) Has he done a good job since his return as Starbucks chief executive officer? Why or why not? While Howard Schultz has managed to instil a very strong corporate culture based on delivering the best customer experience possible during his tenure at Starbucks, it seems that the steering of the company under Jim Donald as CEO starting in 2006 has brought on cultural change.The introduction of Donald as the new CEO has brought on two factors of cultural change as indicated in Figure 1 below shifting internal conditions (brought on by Donalds assumption of utilization as Starbucks CEO) and rapid growth of the firm through his introduction of an aggressive corporate culture that pursued rapid store expansion at the expense of the long-established commitment to customer service.This new focus on aggressive growth with less emphasis on maintaining customer relationships spurred uneasiness amongst share of Starbucks board and eroded customer traffic in US stores starting in 2007. Investors became distressed about the companys steadily declining stock price. As a result, in January of 2008, Starbucks asked Howard Schultz to overtake his original position as CEO. Thus he proposed to fix the inefficiencies that impaired Starbucks original customer-centric culture.This initiative was set out in a very well-developed set of directives which came to be known as Schultzs 2008-2010 transformation agenda. By analyzing the various steps necessary in trying to implement change in a problem culture (shown in Figure 2 below), one can see that Schultzs actions and numerous objectives as set out in his agenda are congruent with those draw in these steps.Step1 Identify facets of the present culture that are conducive to good strategy execution and those that are not In his letter to All Starbucks Partners written in February 2008, Schultz makes it clear what he believes is necessary to return Starbucks at its original competitive position. Of the utmost importance is Howard Schultzs turn of the waning of Starbucks emphasis on providing a distinct quality customer experience. He indicates has concern by locution We are in the people business and always have beenIt means you make the difference.We succeed in the marketplaceby encompass the values, guiding principles and culture of our company and legal transfer it to life one customer at a time. As a result, in his letter Schultz affirms his goal to reintroduce a renewed clarity of purpose devoted to a laser-focused customer experience. Another of these beliefs is his continued persistence to include all employees as partners in the effort to move the company to success. Schultz continues to encourage employees to voice their opinions on how to improve the companys operations.This makes evident Schultz s belief in holding unspoilt esteem of the opinions of employees. Such a practice is conductive to good strategy execution as he states thank you for your ideas and suggestionskeep them coming. No one knows our business and our customers better than you. Step 2 Specify what new actions, behaviors and work practices should be prominent in the new culture With regards to revitalizing the companys original customer-centric focus, Schult z clearly states we are not going to embrace the post quo.Instead we will be curious, bold and in advance(p) in our actions and, in doing so, we will overhaul the expectation of our customers. In addition Schultz outlines several new objectives in his transformation agenda which establishes the new culture. By analyzing some of these, it becomes evident that much prudence was taken in developing these objectives to correct some of Schultzs own past inefficiencies.For example, instead of go on an aggressive expansion policy, the agenda sets out to slow the pace of new store openings in the US, as well as closing 900 underperforming company-operated stores in the US, which were in close proximity of an existing Starbucks store and cannibalizing on its customer base. Step 3 sing openly about the problems of the present culture and how new behaviors will improve company performance 9. Issues that confront the company as of mid 2010? What should management be discerning about? 10. Recommendations to Schultz to sustain the companys growth and support continued strong financial performance?
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